King's Business - 1936-04


April, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

All our affairs and circumstances may be as truly in the divine keeping as though we already dwelt in the Father’s house; and by no determination or device o f his own can Satan break through into them and perpetrate his mischief. “Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?” (Job 1:10). If the Lord o f the hedge allows the enemy to break it down, He who is greater than all hedges, will still, Himself, encompass His own. . . . Filled with the Spirit, and abiding in God, we are abundantly protected from the “touch” o f the wicked one, even in the hour of sore temptation." — S elected . MAY 28 Attention to D octrine “ Give attendance . . . to doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:13). A careful study of the early church as outlined in the Book o f Acts will quickly convince us that the church’s evangelistic program and missionary enthusiasm were linked to deep convictions in sound doc­ trine and faith. Its membership “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine,” and this doctrine involved an acceptance of a supernatural Christ, a supernatural Book, a supernatural church, and a divinely given task . . . Whenever the pulpit or the pew gives up the fundamental truths o f God’s Word, or puts a question mark behind the doctrines o f Christ and His apostles, use­ fulness is paralyzed . . . We must get back to the “ faith which was once for all deliv­ ered,” . . . which will stir the souls of men and shake loose the money God desires to use in His divine enterprise. —W . H. R ogers


Recommended by all denominatlonsf o rits f reshness and accuracy, for its simplicity of language, for its freedom from doctrinal discussion. THE BEST GIFT FOR YOUNG AND OLD FO R TEACHERS— STUDENTS— FO R TH E H OM E AN D SCHOOL One hundred and sixty-eight stories, each com plete in itself, yet form ­ ing a continuous narrative o f the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Each o f the world-old stories is told b y the noted author in a manner

that is vitally interesting and instructive to young and old alike. Biggest and Best Illustrated Book Ever Sold for the Price Beautifully illustrated with 281 pictures in colors and in black and w hite; over 100 fam ous Leinweber paintings. 759 pages. Price. .$2.00 At all bookstores or from the publishers ■THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Winston Bldg., Philadelphia

T h e M a y K IN G ’S BUSINESS will be of special interest to teachers of children and youth. See that it reaches leaders in your church.

66GOD W I L L BE NO M A N ’ S D E B T O R ” Are you one who has tested Him by true proportionate giving? Write us for helpful literature on this vital subject*

FIELD DEPARTMENT THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Both for $1 — A Whole Year’s Subscription to Two Helpful Magazines at a Money-Saving Price! Act Now—Be Glad a Whole Year! The two magazines may be ordered sent to different addresses. A gain w e have arranged w ith T h e Illu strator to m ake a com bin ation o ffe r so that p astors, S u n d ay-sch ool teachers, and their friends m ay have the benefit o f the savin g offered b y the com bin ation . THE KING’S BUSINESS . . . $ 1 .5 0 Save $1.00 THE ILLUSTRATOR . $ 1 .0 0 $1 50 (Tw elve numbers o f each) ------------- • $ 2 .5 0 for the two

S u n day-sch ool teachers, superintendents, p reach ers, B ible class sch olars, and oth ers w ho stu dy the International Sunday S ch ool L esson s aw ard a high p la ce to T h e Illu strator. T h e reason is ob viou s— it solves the teaching problem fo r all grades in a m ost p ra ctica l w ay. Its high spiritual ton e endears it to all.

F or n early half a cen tu ry T h e Illu strator has been a cce p te d b y all denom inations as the S u n d ay-sch ool w ork er’s m agazine w ith ou t a peer. Its w ide an d sw eep in g range answ ers every requirem ent o f the su ccessfu l teacher. M inisters use it fo r its helpful n otes and illustrations.

“ E veryon e takes The Illu strator these d a ys,” w rites an en th u siastic w orker. TRIAL OFFER: The Illustrator and The King’s Business 3 months for 50c

N O TE— E ach m agazine w ill b e m ailed to su b scrib ­ ers d irect from its ow n office o f pu b lication . P o s t­ age extra to Canada— The K in g’s B usiness, 25 cen ts; T h e Illustrator, 12 cents. F oreign — T h e K in g’s B usiness, 25 ce n ts; T h e Illustrator, 24 cents. M ake rem ittances in m oney orders o r cu rren cy (re g iste re d ). L o ca l ch eck s n ot usable. A d dress orders to either office. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South H ope Street L o s A n geles, C alifornia THE ILLUSTRATOR 158 F ifth A venue N ew Y o rk C ity

Trial Offer E n closed please find 50 cen ts

A Whole Year

E n closed please find $1.50

(T H E K IN G ’S BUSINESS {T H E IL L U ST R A T O R (th ree m on th s)

(T H E K IN G ’S BU SINESS (T H E IL L U ST R A T O R (on e yea r)




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