King's Business - 1936-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1936

MAY 29 Be in Earnest “ W oe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!" (1 Cor. 9:16). To read of the multifarious labors of Wesley and Calvin and Judson makes the average minister feel like an idler. One thinks of John Knox’s exclamation, “Give me Scotland or I die 1” and o f Living­ stone’s, “ I will go anywhere, provided it be forward,” and of the declaration of that modern pastor of a great church, “There will be a revival in the First Church, or there will be a funeral in the First Church parsonage.” . . . Well does Carlyle grimly remark, “No man is adequate to do any­ thing but is first of all in right earnest about it.” There will be no forward move­ ment unless the Lord’s people- have the threefold equipment of vision, power, and earnestness.— D a n ie l H e it m e y e r . MAY 30 When Desire Is Lacking “I w ill seek him whom my soul love th " (Cant. 3 :2). Some lives, perhaps (though they are the exception), have so much leisure that they can secure quiet without sacrifice. But that is surely sweeter both to the Lord and to His saints which is gained at some lit­ tle cost. When the pleasant book, or the lawful recreation is laid aside that His in­ vitation, “ Seek ye my face,” may be ac­ cepted, will He not more than make up for the little loss?,:: Have we not our Lord’s’ own example in this? More than once He spent the whole night in prayer, and again and again He rose early; “a great while be­ fore day,” that He might be alone with His Father. Must it not be said frankly, and honestly, and with no little sadness, that

as a rule not want o f time, but want of de­ sire keeps His people from the inestimable privilege of the quiet hour with Him? — J o h n S o u t h e y . We spend our years in busy thought, In clouds o f words and shoals o f deeds; But short the time in which is sought The Mercy-seat where may be brought The wants for which Faith intercedes. If we a business made of prayer, And to its exercise gave time, We should not find this world the snare To hold us with its joy or care From divine fellowship sublime. — W il l ia m O l n e y . “ The Lord hear thee in the day o f trou­ ble; . . . Send thee help from the sanctu­ ary, and strengthen thee out o f Zion" (Psa: 20:1, 2 ), A wealthy man once gave a minister one hundred pounds to help a poor woman through a season of need. He asked that his gift might be sent in small sums, to­ gether with the written message, “More to- follow.” Afterwards the woman said that the message gave her greater comfort than the gift itself. . . . Not only are we helped at the moment, but we have the assurance that as our days so shall our strength be. “More and more, more and more, Always more to follow ; • Oh, His matchless, boundless lov e! Still there’s more to follow.” — J. F. T a v in e r . L. L. Legters': Union with Christ. God's Fellow-Workers. God's Provision fo r V ic to riou s Living. The Simplicity of the Spirit-Filled Life .................. Each 25c Following List at . ’ .- $ I.00 Each The Man of Sorrows. Series of Lenten Sermons. . . . . . Dr. Henry Beets A Grand Canyon of Resurrection Realities. Unusual approach to the great subject. Robert G.Lee The Waiting Drummer and Other Verse. Messages of Faith and Hopev ..............Wm. M. Runyan G O O D NEWS from a FarCountry. Ten Important Gospel Sermons. Edited by Dr. H. W. Bieber MAY 31 M ore to Follow

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