King's Business - 1936-04

April, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Christian Endeavor Notes [Continued from page ISO]


which every citizen is “subject to princi­ palities and powers” ; where they “ obey magistrates” ; where they “speak evil of no man” ; where they are not “brawlers,” but “gentle”—and you have a country free from crime. O f course, an ideal condition can never be accomplished anywhere unless verses 4 to 7 are true in the lives of the individual citizens. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of re­ generation, and renewing o f the Holy Ghost.” II. " T h e H ig h e r P o w e r s ” ( Rom. 13 :1-4 ). This instruction from Paul to the Ro­ man Christians is very similar in import to that which he wrote to Titus. Remember that he is writing to those who are Chris­ tians, who have power from above to be law-abiding. However, the truth is the same whether to believers or unbelievers: “Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance o f God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation [i.e., “condemnation” ]. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.” How very true! Only the criminals fear those who administer jus­ tice. What a different place this world would be if every soul were “subject unto the higher powers” ! The business o f the home, school, and church is to teach, cul­ tivate, and insist upon respect for author­ ity. III. “ H e l p t h e W e a k ” (Rom. 15:1-4). Pitifully indeed has the church failed to obey this injunction: “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” As long as man exists in this world, there will be the strong and the weak, both within and outside the family o f believers in Christ. Christ was the “ Strong Son of God, immortal Love” and He Himself said : “ Love one another, as I have loved you.” He “pleased not himself.” There­ fore He can with authority say to His own, “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” He was full o f compas­ sion for the sinner who was repentant. “ Christian Endeavorers” have a wonderful opportunity in obeying Christ’s “Follow me” when they emphasize their jail work, thereby showing that Christ is willing to save all that come unto file Father through Him. In the New Cyclopaedia o f Anecdotes appears an item which can be taken as a parable o f the Christian’s cherishing of those who are weak: “A nurseryman about to plant a number of young saplings, some straight and some crooked, thus reasoned with himself: ‘These straight saplings no doubt will grow up to be fine trees without much attention on my part; but I will see, if, by proper training, I cannot make some­ thing o f the crooked ones also. There will be more trouble with them, no doubt, than with the others; but for that very reason I shall be the better satisfied if I succeed.’ ” Summer Theological School Announcement The administration of Winona Lake School of Theology, which conducts an­ nual summer sessions at Winona Lake, Ind., has announced its exceptional offer­ ings for the summer o f 1936. Beginning July 9 and closing August 12,

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