King's Business - 1936-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April, 1936

there will be two semesters o f theological courses of fifteen days each. The courses will be intensive and inspirational and are applicable toward the regular theological degrees. The Faculty announced for the season includes the follow ing: Samuel M. Zwemer, Howard Kuist, Leslie Ray Mars- ton, George H. Bost, Mabel McQueen Weir, and the Dean, J. A. Huffman. The courses offered include: History of Religion, the Pentateuch, Psychology and Religion, the Gospels, the Study of the Holy Spirit, Pauline Epistles, Greek New Testament,-and Beginners’ Greek. There will also be daily popular lectures. A twelve-page prospectus has been pre­ pared, and a copy may be had by writing to the Dean, J. A. Huffman, Marion, Ind. A New Song Among the most effective new songs ob­ tainable for use in Bible conferences, de­ votional meetings, and gospel services in jails, is a selection entitled “A Call to Pray.” The words were written by Nancy Hearn Griffin, and the music by the Aus­ tralian musician, Robert Harkness. The song is printed on a large blue card. Copies may be obtained from Mrs. N. H. Griffin, P. O. Box SS, Station C, Pasa­ dena, California, at 10 cents each. guest. Following dinner, Dr. Rood spoke on “What God is Doing at Biola.” Before the message, he had asked the graduates present to give testimonies and to tell about their present Christian activity. Those present and activities inwhich they engage, follow : Clifford Chaffee, ’35, student at the University o f Washington, teaching a Sunday-school class, and serving as chair­ man of a Christian Endeavor Society; Paul Flint, ’34, attending business college, teaching a Sunday-school class, and lead­ ing a gospel team; Margaret Humphrey, ’32, a member o f the University Christian Union, and teaching a women’s Bible class; Virginia Humphrey, ’33, student at the University of Washington, taking the nurses’ training course, and serving as music chairman o f the University Chris­ tian Union; Sterling Keyes, ’33, student at the University of Washington, and President of the University Christian Un­ ion ; Emma Lichty, ’33, teaching in an ele­ mentary school, teaching an adult Bible class, and supporting a missionary in A f­ rica; Hazel Norwick, ’33, Evangelistic Superintendent of the Christian Endeavor Union o f Seattle; Beatrice Peterson, President of Y. P. S. and teaching two Sunday-school classes; Mayreld Ram- quist, ’33, Nurses’ Christian Union, Swed­ ish Hospital; Helen Snyder, ’33, officer of the Seattle Christian Endeavor, a deacon­ ess, Superintendent of S. S. Branch of the First Presbyterian Church o f Seattle, Wash., and teaching two midweek Bible Casses; Edith Soltman, student at the Seattle Pacific College, and teaching a Sunday-school class; Alice Stewart, ’34, student at the University of Washington, taking the nurses’ training course, and a member of the University Christian Union. Grace Hillman, ’30, 46 Park Grove, Burnley E. 1, Melbourne, Australia, is holding Bible classes among nurses and also assists with playing the organ at open- air meetings. ■ Miss Alberta Patterson is teaching Bible at the John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Ark. FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 132]

Evelyn Peterson, '35, has been attending the University o f Washington, Seattle, Wash. Horatio J. ( ’21) and Mrs. Chase, 814 Andrews Ave., Collingdale, Pa., have been for nine years in the work of the First Baptist Church o f Collingdale, where Mr. Chase is pastor. Twenty of the young people of the church are attending Bible schools. Mr. and Mrs. Chase have six children. Robert G. Rogers, T8, Sailors’ Rest Mis­ sion, Box 1, San Pedro, Calif., has been with the mission since 1920. His present position is that of welfare superintendent. Bom T o John G. ( ’30) and Mrs. Fee, a daughter, Agnes Jean, February 8, Kai- feng, Honan, China. To Newton A. and Mrs. Kapp (Doris Blackwell, ’31), a daughter, Doris Jean­ ette, February 1, Vom, Nigeria, Africa. To Adolph M. ( ’24) and Mrs. Kurkow- ske (Anna Cederlund, ’24), a daughter, Ruth Maryln, January 17, Chico, Calif. Married Arthur Fritsen and Geraldine G. Buy, ’28, February 14, Los Angeles, Calif. With the Lord Kendrick M. Spidell, ’34, went to be with the Lord on March 13. He had been ill with pneumonia at his home in Ventura, Calif. He had participated in young peo­ ple’s work in the community and had been actively interested in a series of evangelis­ tic services that were held in Ventura re­ cently. John A. Hubbard of the Institute faculty conducted the funeral service. Sunday-School Specialist I t is with much pleasure that the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles announces the appointment of Ethel S. Low as a member o f the Institute extension staff. Four Things about Successful Praying I. In Faith (Heb. 11:6). 1. Secret of true faith. a. The character o f the Object of faith (Lam. 3:23). b. The believer’s union w i t h Christ (Gal. 2:20). 2. Marks of true faith. a. Independence of sight (Heb. 11:1). b. Freedom from doubt (Jas. 1 : 6 ). II. In the Name of Jesus (John 14:13). 1. The command (Col. 3:17). 2. The promise (John 16:24). III. In Obedience (1 John 3:22; cf. “sons o f God,” v. 2, and Gal. 3 :26). 1. Separated from known sin (Psa. 66:18). 2. Devoted to Christ (John 14:15, 16). IV. In Earnestness and Sincerity (Jas. 5:17). 1. “With all thy heart” (Mk. 12:30). 2. “Give time to God” (Jas. 5:16). — K a t h r y n S c h in d l e r . Present Activities of the Devil 2 C o r in t h ia n s In this present age, the devil is engaged in : 1. Blinding the minds o f men against the light of the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 4:3-6). 2. Beguiling the believer from whole-

Her work will consist, in the main, of con­ ducting Sunday-school institutes for the

instruction and en­ couragement o f Bi­ ble school workers in churches that in­ vite her. Mrs. Low is the wife o f Dr. Will A. Low, a dentist, and their home is in Mo­ desto, C a lifo r n ia . The term “ Sunday- s c h o o l specialist” may be applied truly to her, for she has been a teacher of Bible school classes for forty y e a r s , dealing w i t h a l l

Ethel S. Low

ages. Especially successful is she in teach­ ing children and teen-age young people. For a number of years, she contributed to the Sunday School Times a weekly lesson on teaching with objects, and is now writ­ ing the lesson for Primary teachers for that paper. Her method is characteristic­ ally her own. Out of a wide experience, she gives practical advice in an original manner, spiced with humor and story. Having a knowledge of the Word, and a constant sweet fellowship with the Lord, Mrs. Low is able to give counsel that is spiritual, and Scriptural, and practical. Mrs, Low will welcome the opportunity to be of service to Sunday-school workers anywhere—either by correspondence or through conferences or institutes which may be arranged. Inquiries should be ad­ dressed to the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. Calif. Friends who attend the annual confer­ ence of the World’s Christian Fundamen­ tals Association, in Toronto, May 3 to 10, may have occasion to meet Mrs. Low per­ sonally, for she will be one o f the speak­ ers at that gathering. hearted devotion to Christ, to whom the Christian is espoused (2 Cor. 11:2, 3). 3. Buffeting those whom he cannot be­ guile from Christ, seeking to turn the be­ liever from resting in Christ’s sufficient grace in times o f trial (2 Cor. 12:7-10). 4. Besmirching the name o f the Lord through causing the whole company of the saints to present a blurred image o f the character of Christ (2 Cor. 2:7, 11). —Adapted from a sermon by J. T. M a w s o n , in Standing by the Cross. Privileges of the Believer H e b r e w s 10:19-24 I. What Is Given to Us. 1. Boldness (v. 19). 2. A new and living way (v. 20). 3. A High Priest (v. 21). II. What Is Done fo r Us. 1. Our hearts have been sprinkled (v. 22). 2. Our bodies have been washed (v. 22). III. What W e A re to Do. 1. Draw near w ith: a. A true heart (v. 22). b. Full assurance of faith (v. 22). 2. Hold fast without w a v e r i n g (v. 23). 3. Consider one another (v. 24). Provoke unto: a. Love. b. Good works. —J ack H awthorne .


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