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Get the May Issue of the "K ing’s Business”
“ God wants us to emphasize the evangelization of children. The greatest field of all is the childhood of America and the childhood of the world. “ TH E N E X T GREAT REV IVAL , IF THERE IS T O BE ONE , W ILL BE A REV IVAL A M O N G TH E CH ILDREN .”— Paul W . Rood.
EVERY S U N D A Y - S C H O O L W O R K E R S H O U L D HAVE THE MAY " K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S ” The next issue of the K ing ’ s B usiness will be given largely to a discussion of the need for child evangelism, the methods by which the work may be accomplished, and the persons whom God is wanting to use in this mighty ministry. You need these timely articles and your fellow teachers need them—particularly if these questions are being confronted:
Is Child Evangelism Scriptural? How Old Must a Child Be to Be Saved? How May I W in and Hold Boys and Girls? What Place Do Children Have in Spreading the Gospel? How Can the Family Altar Advance the Cause of Evangelism?
These vital issues—and many others—will be ably treated in the May issue. CLUB-OF-TEN OFFER OPEN UNTIL MAY 31^1936
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS (in Clubs of 10 or more) EACH................... 50c (Add 25e for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage.)
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS (in Clubs of 3 to 6 )
EACH ................... 75c (Add 25c tor Canadian and Foreign subscriptions to cover cost ot extra postage.) ...$10.00 CASH... will be paid club organizers for sending ten annual sub scriptions (new or renewal) at $1.50 each. This allows the organizer $1.00 on each $1.50 collected. K IN G ’S B U S IN E SS , 558 So. Hope St., LO S A N G E LE S , CA L IF
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