
New walking trail project MOOSE CREEK | Hikers will have a new route to follow in the Moose Creek area soon. The South Nation Conservation Author- ity (SNC) will partner with North Stormont Township and Laflèche Environmental Inc. to develop a community walking trail in the Moose Creek area. The 1.5-kilometre trail will wind through mature, re-growth forest. The company is providing partial fund- ing for the project. Local landowner Viola McRae is helping the project through an easement on her property to link the trail to an existing easement belonging to the township. Spring construction of the path will begin at Simeon Lane and finish at County Road 6 near the Moose Creek village area. SNC will coordinate the project and then inspect the trail route each year for hazardous tree problems. The township will provide garbage bins and include the walking trail in its regular trash collection program. A community vol- unteer group will do day-to-day monitoring of the trail for any other problems. L’Association francophone de parents d’enfants dyslexiques ou ayant tout autre trouble d’apprentissage (AFPED+) invite les enseignants à une formation conçue pour eux, en quatre séances, sur le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperac- tivité. La formation se déroule les 26 mars, 9 et 23 avril et 14 mai, de 19h à 21h. Un CD contenant 10 000 pages de documents spécialisés, incluant les droits de reproduc- tion, sera remis aux personnes présentes. La formation se donne en personne au siège social du Conseil des écoles catholiques du centre-est, au 4000, rue Labelle, à Ottawa, et par vidéoconférence dans les autres ré- gions. Formation pour les enseignants March 24 is the deadline to submit list- ings for the second edition of the Prescott- Russell, Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry (SDG&PR. ) Local Food Map. The Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network is currently accepting submissions from local food producers, breweries, wineries, and busi- nesses that sell or serve local foods. Contact network coordinator Dana Kittle, at info@ or (613) 875-3262) or visit www. Last year, over 20,000 copies of the map were distributed. This year, the network has added two new features to the existing print map: an online map and di- rectory and a smartphone application. The network anticipates a map launch date of June 2014, when maps will be available free of charge to residents at a variety of outlets in SDG&PR. Get on the food map

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