Issue 125

Hello everyone, my name is Ong Kian Lee (Dominic Ong). I have been teaching Japanese interest group at TGC for many years. Thanks to everyone’s love for Japanese language, please come to our Japanese interest group to learn and communicate together. Learning Japanese can make our minds less likely to age fast. This is what I have seen from students over the years from others centre where I teach. So if you don’t want to get old, please come and learn together, thank you. JAPANESE LANGUAGE INTEREST GROUP

みなさん、こんにちは。私(わたし)の名前(なまえ)はオン・キア ン・リー(ノミに)です。 私(わたし)はTGCで日本語(にほんご)を 教(おし)えているのクラップのメンバのノミにです。皆(みな)さ んの日本語(にほんご)への愛(あい)に感謝(かんしゃ)します。ぜ ひ私(わたし)たちの日本(にほん)の趣味(しゅみ)グル(ぐる)ープ (ぷ)に来(き)て、一緒(いっしょ)に学(まな)び、コミュニケ(こみゅ にけ)ーション(しょん)をとってください。日本語(にほんご)を学( まな)ぶと、私(わたし)たちの心(こころ)が老化(ろうか)するのを 防(ふせ)ぐことができます。これは、私(わたし)が教(おし)えてい る他(ほか)のセンタ(せんた)ーの生徒(せいと)たちから長年時 間(ちょうねんじかん)にわたって見(み)てきたことです。だから、 年(とし)を取(と)りたくないなら、ぜひ一緒(いっしょ)に学(まな) びに 来 (き)てください、見(み)てきてね!ありがとう。 大家好,我是王建理(Dominic), 我在 TGC 教日语多年。 感谢大家对日语 的热爱,欢迎大家来我们的日语兴趣小组 一起学习交流。 学习日语可以使我们的思 想不易快速衰老。 这是我多年来从我所任 教的其他中心的学生身上看到的。 所以如 果你不想变老,请过来一起学习,谢谢。

I joined the Basic course to learn, speak and write Japanese. I think it’s in the 5th year running. The course was conducted by Dominic Sensei who is a very experienced tutor with many years of experience. He is very knowledgeable indeed and was always very humble and kind to teach us, students, at a very comfortable phase. He told us it was his love for the Japanese language and culture.

We, students, gained a lot of knowledge and we also were taught some simple Japanese etiquette. We progressed to simple sentences then to conversations etc. At the end of it, I am proficient in communicating in Japanese.

On behalf of the students, we thank Dominic Sensei and The Grassroots’ Club for this humble initiative.

Dr. C.Joshi


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