King's Business - 1922-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



Two places to meet God—Mercy Seat, in grace (Ex. 25:21, 22); Great White Throne, in judgment (Rev. 20:11). Cleansed (Rev. 1 :5 ); Clothed (Phil. 3:9) and Crowned (Rev. 4 :4). Life (Jn. 1:4; 3 :36 ); Light (Jn. 8:12) and Liberty (Jn. 8:36). Guilt (Jtom. 5 :14 ); Grace (Tit. 2:11) and Glory (Jn. 17:22, 24). Poor figuring: World gained, only to lose in the end (Maitt. 16:26). Soul lost, and no recovery (Mk. 9:43-48). See Mk. 8:36. The devil’s fool (Lk. 12:20). Christ's fool (1 Cor. 4:10). The prodigal— under law-=—expelled and condemned (Deut. 21:20). Under grace— received and forgiven (Lk. 15: 11-24). EVERYDAY EVANGELISTS Bishop Hughes once said, “ If a man is out in the Kingdom of God looking for a task that will lay upon his life an immense pressure, let him begin to be an everyday evangelist, a private talker with men regarding the things of God, and he will find the very larg­ est task, and in many cases the sever­ est task, he has ever undertaken.”

You talk about your business, Your bonds and stocks and gold; And in all worldly matters You are so brave and bold. But why are you so silent About salvation’s plan? Why don’t you speak for Jesus, . And speak out like a man? You talk about the weather. And the crops of corn and wheat; You speak of friends and neighbors That pass along the street; You call yourself a Christian, And like the Gospel plan—^" Then why not speak for Jesus, And speak out like a man? Are you ashamed of Jesus And the story of the cross, That you lower His pure banner And let it suffer loss? Have you forgot His suffering? Did He die for you in vain? If not, then live and speak for Jesus, And speak out like a man. — Selected.


FRIENDLY ENEMIES | HE Bible Institute of LosAngeles has over two hundred and | fifty employees. It has hundreds of students, both now in = the school and formerly in attendance. = We have many friends and also a host of good enemies | (for even an enemy made in a righeous cause may prove to | We cannot assume responsibility for everything said about us or . § attributed to us. = Sometimes undue credit is given us, and sometimes we are lied | about. Therefore,— f Don’t believe everything you hear about us. = Don’t believe that everybody who professes to represent us is | telling the truth. Sometimes even well-meaning people misrepresent us. | Our Scriptural position is set forth in our statement of doctrine. | This is unchangeable. We standor fall by it. = We will always gladly respond to any questions asked us con- | cerning our position upon any subject, § “ Don’t view us with a critic’s eye, § But pass our imperfections by.” •' —T. C. H. = be a good asset).

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