King's Business - 1922-06

¿Illltlllllll iiliiliiliiliiliiiiitiiaiiiiiliiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiaiil i,iiii;ii,,,„ii,il:i,i«iiatlilllllalll„lllll4^. BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

Graduation exercises were held at the Bible Institute on March 29th fo r a class of six, the names being: Allen Lee Ben­ nett, Em ory Brown, Mabel Lavina Ever- hard, V ictor C. Hayman, Elizabeth Ruth Qoyawayma, Amanda Emma Voho. All of these graduates are look in g forw ard to* w ork on thé m ission field. The Alumni day of prayer was observed oh March 30th in the social hall o f the Institute. The members met in groups during the day, leaders having been as­ signed, each group praying for some spe­ cial field or some need of the Institute. The fellow ship m eeting in the evening was well attended and some interesting testimonies were heard. Two new members have been added to the Institute faculty, namely, Dr. Cortland Myers, who w ill lecture during four months of the year, ànd Dr. John Mclnnis, o f Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Betty Larson, ’21, an,d Mr. Joel Soderberg were married by Dr. Torrey in the Lyceum Club room on the evening of March 30th, 1922. Miss Minnie Wood, ’19, and J. E. Bord- ner, ’19, were married on Sunday evening, February 26th, at the Broadway Baptist Church in F ort Worth, Texas. Mr. Bord- ner has been attending the Southwestern Baptist Theological Sem inary fo r some time, and Mrs. Bordner w ill take part of the course. Allen Bennett sailed from ,New Y ork on April 25th under the Brethren Board, with A frica as his ultimate goal. He w ill take a short medical course in London, - and w ill spend some time in France study­ ing the French language. Miss Mina Septer, '20, and Miss Grace M^nweiler, *21, sailed from San Francisco April 4th, for Bolivia, under the Bolivian Indian Mission. Miss Annie Thomas, ’18, is in Los An­ geles, on furlough from Nicaragua, Cen­ tral America. C. Irwin Smith, '15, and Mrs. Smith are home on furlough from Salvador, Central America, where they have had a m inistry o f four years, which God has richly blessed. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grings, a boy, R oy Gerald, January 20th, at Linga, Kilo, Congo Beige. J. W. Lucas, '20, has recently taken up work among the Navajos in Arizona, as assistant to the superintendent of the Ganado Mission. ( Robert G. Rogers, '18, informs us that he was married a short time ago, but fails to give any further particulars.

P. A. Schmidt, '21, w rites: “I have been traveling with the Fishermen’s Male Quar­ tet and with Evangelist Harry O. Ander­ son for awhile, holding evangelistic m eet­ ings in different parts o f California. The Lord has blessed our w ork greatly and scores o f men and women were born again, and many came back into fellow ship with the Lord and w ith the church.” Miss Eva Doerksen, '21, has been w ork ­ ing in the Peniel Mission, Stockton, Calif., since January 19th. She says that the Lord is blessing the w orkers and giving them precious souls from time to time. Miss Alma Olson, Dec. '21, is teaching three Bible classes at K ingsburg, Calif., one o f them in the H igh School, and is also w orkin g among the young people and juniors in her church. Miss Nell M. Hedrick, '19, writes from Guerrant, K y.: “Pray God to place me where He would have me and give me sufficient strength. I had to give up my w ork three months ago on account of my health. Am ready fo r work now, where He w ills it. Pray that I may have a greater passion fo r souls, and be used in show ing Christ by my life to these people.” Harry F. Sheerer, '20, was ordained to the Baptist ministry April 7th, by his church in Glassell Park, Los Angeles. Franklin R. Shepard, '19, writes as fo l­ low s: “Last year I received the A. B. de­ gree from University of California and am putting in this and next years to get tw o higher degrees and teacher's certifl-. cates fo r teaching in colleges or second­ ary schools. A fter that^ I hope the Lord w ill open the way to China, as a Christian Bible teacher. Just to keep in touch with God’s program o f salvation, I am director of Albany Mission (Baptist), where our average attendance has doubled since the first of the year, largely amlong the 'teen age, and souls are being Saved. Pray with us fo r this work and other Sunday School work. Mrs. Shepard, our three boys and m yself are praying daily for a world- m oving revival through the Sunday Schools. W e w anf thousands who can “ keep rank” to bear this up in interces­ sion to the throne o f Grace. I believe that if the fires o f evangelism can be started among the children o f the Sunday schools, literally m illions can be brought to Christ. I can find no other one agency that has such a strong hold upon the a f­ fections o f the unchurched as the Sunday School. Let us induce God to use it for the salvation o f countless souls.” Wm. F. A. Gierke, '21, w rites: “I am •now serving the First Baptist Church of Sedrb W oolley, Wash., as pastor. I was ordained March 24th, b y the B elling­ ham Bay Baptist Association, to the Baptist ministry. I have a church of

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