King's Business - 1922-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S JEWISH WORK James A. Vans, Superintendent, w e have 'a Jewish home where Bible classes are held fo r adults and ch il­ dren and interviews are had with Jewish inquirers. Street meetings are also con - ducted, and a public meeting is held tw ice each month in the Institute auditorium. H E request the prayers of “ Friends of Israel” for an ad­ ditional thousand evangelistic letters which have just been sent out to wealthy Jews of Los Angeles. Previous to this, 500 such letters had been sent out, making a total of 1,500. Each of these letters encloses a tract especially adapted to •meet many of the doubts and difficulties of the Jewish mind. We have received a number of replies to the first five hundred letters, which replies for the most part are written in a rather bellig­ erent tone and almost without exception urge us to confine our efforts to the Gen­ tiles. However, we believe “ God’s Word will not return unto Him void.” Visitation Work Pays. That house to house visitation work among the Jews is being owned of God is evidenced by the following: One o f our workers, in palling on a Jewish home, got into conversation with a Jewess there, who seemed quite in­ different to the “ Message.” Her hus­ band, in an adjoining room, overheard the conversation, and unable (as he afterwards said) to remain quiet longer, came out and entered ibhe conversation. When the worker began to talk per­ sonally with hiifi, he replied, "Oh, you needn’t seek to convince me of those things, as I know them already, but for years I have been a secret believer, not having the courage to make my faith known, but from now on, it is my inten­ sion ito openly confess my faith in Jesus Christ as my Messiah.” He has been true to his word and from, that time has been a regular at­ tendant at all of our Jewish meetings, and Bible classes. He has recently been baptized and has joined the church. While previous to his open confession, he had been discouraged through being out of work, he has since secured, by God’s blessing, a splendid position at a * good salary. He is now fearless in giv­ ing testimony and is earnestly looking forward to that time when his wife, too, may become a believer. Pray for This Lad. Recently, at the close of one of our Jewish meetings, an invitation was


As we review the results, coupling the names of many who have found Christ through these quiet retiring soul winners, working in our Biola Hall, we praise God for them all. Beal Variety. Here is the son of a wealthy man. His father had for some cause disowned him, but he found, through believing in Christ, One Who would never leave nor desert him. Coming close upon this one was a fellow who had fallen among thieves, stripped of ail, but now, praise God, has gained the true riches and a robe o f righteousness. Then there was a business' man with bitterness, resent­ ment and hatred in his heart, and curs­ ing upon his lips, whom God touched, changing his darkness into day, who went on his way rejoicing with praises and thanksgiving. The next was a young crook, steeped in sin, scheming to steal an auto and drive to Frisco. He passed Biola Hall, was arrested by the Spirit of God, stricken down, as Saul on '■t!he road to Damascus, and surren­ dered to the Judge of all the earth. Following comes a crowd of bright school lads, some Sunday school pupils who had never been personally dealt with regarding the appropriation of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Among this long procession still pass­ ing to and fro, are many professors of religions, church members with a for-m of Godliness but denying the power thereof, and even backslidden minis­ ters, lawyers, bankers, merchants, min­ gling with I. W. W.’s, vagrants, cocaine, morphine and nicotine fiends, who, leav­ ing their outfits, pipes, needles, etc., look to Him to save from the uttermost to the uttermost. Here, too, are sailor lads, sportily smoking cigarettes. Many of these lads with the wander­ lust spirit, sit down to write mother that her prayers of many years are at last answered, and as the shadows deepen and the night’s work draws to a close, we look up and whisper, ■ "Only a few more shadows and He will come.” “Who then is a faithful and wise servant whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household to give them meat in due season? f Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing."

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