King's Business - 1922-06

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AFTERTHOUGHTS t millennialists believe about the second coming of Christ. William J. Bryan is also a target for preachers and news­ papers. These preachers and writers are pledged to stand by science, even though science might change its pronouncements next month. Mr. Bryan is fairly safe in contending for the Scriptures. This is by no means the first time the high-brows have tried to shoot the Bible full of holes. Not a Rum-Blossom—but—


Four Horsemen Win Church notice from a country news­ paper, just sent to us: “ Sunday School at 10:30 a. m., afternoon service at 2 o’clock. There will he no evening service on account of many wanting to attend ‘The Four Horsemen’.” Jazz is an Attitude Dr. Beaver of Rochester says: “ Jazz is a combination of nervousness, lawless­ ness, savage animalism and lascivious­ ness. It has got beyond the dance and the music and is now an attitude toward life in general. We are afflicted with a moral and spiritual anaemia, for which the church has the only trans­ Now that so many are taking up evo­ lution as a religious belief, wouldn’t it be well for the evolutionists to have some simple definition that can be taught to the children, and thus save them from getting any of the ideas of creation set forth in the Bible? Herbert Spencer’s definition is very simple and comprehensive: "Evolution is an inte­ gration of matter and concomitant dis­ sipation of motion, during which the matter passes from a relatively indefi­ nite, incoherent homogeneity to a rela­ tively definite heterogeneity, during •which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation.” Trying to Ome’s Faith Daily paper tells of an estimable woman who has had much faith in Spiritualism and who has been receiv­ ing from mediums most remarkable messages from her nephew who was killed during the war. A few days ago the nephew arrived home, having es­ caped from a German prison. The good lady is much disturbed and embarrassed. They’re Cheerful Liars The big campaign of misrepresenta­ tion is on, The liberalists seem to have gotten together for a simultaneous ex­ plosion against all who contend for the authority of the Scriptures. Their par­ ticular delight is in painting the blood­ iest and most horrible scene possible, and then stating that this is what pre- fusion that will cure.” Set the Children Right

It is not often a daily paper takes a rap at Christian Science, but the Denver Post recently slipped this one over. It says: “ One of our matrons is walking about with a very odd-looking nose. She is a Christian Scientist and it was only at the edict of the school board which demanded the vaccination of school children that she ventured into the offices of a local physician to have her daughter vaccinated. However, she did not forget the precepts of her re­ ligion, even in his sanctuary, for after the doctor had turned away to find a shield for the patient’s arm, mother slyly drew out her handkerchief and patted all of the vaccine out of the wound. Mother had a bad cold at the time, and the constant use of her hand­ kerchief left a marked abrasion on the end of her nose. A few minutes later when the doctor returned to finish his job the matron used her handkerchief very vigorously and in a few days she had a healthy ‘take’ on the end of her nose, one that prevented her from ap­ pearing in public for a time and proved a source of annoyance and discomfort, as well as derision from her friends.” Sir Oliver Ignores the Creed A few months ago Sir Oliver Lodge, while trying to communicate with the spirit-world, got the “ wrong number" and received a direct message from hell. In an article in the Fortnightly Review the following statements are made: “ ‘Some desperate souls may say, “We don’t care. We are in hell now. If we are in hell hereafter it will not be any worse,” ’ says Sir Oliver. ‘But it will be worse. It will be torment. Hell is not

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