King's Business - 1922-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S compare with the terrible conditions ex­ isting in Russia. This- man brought back some photographs taken by him­ self. One shows a number of dead cnil- dren, naked, thrown together in a heap for burial in one large grave. It is dif­ ficult to recognize them as children. Before they died they were reduced to nothing but skin and bone. In some districts the surviving peasants are too weak to bury the dead— too exhausted to dig a hole in the ground. Instead they are placed in outhouses and left there. He estimates the starving popu­ lation at 15,000,000. A striking feature of the position is that there is no dis­ order. Starvation is accepted with a kind of hopeless fatalism. People die as a matter of course. Food is being sent from other parts of Russia, and the peasants in the fertile districts fre­ quently contribute more grain than the amount demanded by the government for relief of the famine, but so far no efforts have succeeded in meeting the needs of the situation. People are still dying from starvation, and children, abandoned by their desperate mothers, are still crying along the roads. What Would Wesley Say? Back in 1835 .there was a Methodist magazine called “ The Wesleyan Metho­ dist” . In an issue of that year, the editor wrote the following: “ Our doc­ trines we cannot change. Mr. Wesley has made provision against this; and the Methodists of every ¡generation, and throughout the world, have the utmost possible security for their doctrines be­ ing incorrupt. Whenever any of our ministers preach doctrines contrary tQ those recognized by the Deed of Declara­ tion, they cease to be Methodist preach­ ers, and must find some other pulpit for the exercise of their ministry. Metho­ dism, as such, is annihilated when the Conference declares such a change of opinion on matters of doctrine. Those who object to tests should remember that all our trust property can only be secured to Methodism according to the purpose of those trusts, by the most rigorous and faithful ap­ plication of discipline on those points; and Methodists who know their calling will rejoice that such security is pro­ vided, that their children and their chil­ dren’s children may hear the same truths which have been blessed of God to their own comfort and salvation. Should the day ever come when, from outcry against tests, and in behalf of

620 so easily realized.’ - Sir Oliver claims he has received communications from suicides in hell." The peculiar tning about this is -that the Spiritualists are strong deniers of there being a helL What will they think of this latest from Sir Oliver, in which he says the hell of the Bible is worse than anything known in this life? A Rubber Conscience A New York Presbyterian minister recently took a fling at the “ fundamen­ talists” in the columns of the newspa­ pers. -After flatly stating his disbelief in the resurrection of Jesus, His Deity, and a few other things, he says, “ You are entitled to your opinions. Why are not we who differ from you entitled to our opinion also? We do not ask you to think as we do, but we do ask you, and we insist upon it, to grant us the same privilege of interpretation which you claim for yourself.” The editor of Chosen People in reply makes ¡these pointed remarks: “ Because, dear mis- gumed man, you were ordained solemnly as a Presbyterian minister, and at that time you solemnly undertook in God’s Sight, to maintain and defend the in­ tegrity of God’s Holy Word; and if you nave changed your mind since then, you ought to be honest enough to quit sham­ ing and defaming His blessed Name, and get1out of the Presbyterian minis­ try, and join the Unitarians or the Jews.” The Real Mossbacks “Nothing new under the sun.” Mod­ ernism denies the inspiration of the Scriptures and calls the Bible merely literature; says Christianity is just one of the great ethnic religions and has no exclusive claims. Buit what is there “ modern” , about these positions? All this is found in the remote past. Scarcely a statement can be quoted from a “ modernist” that cannot be found in the works of the ancient philosophers, or some of the infidels. The fact is ¡that New Theology is just revamped Uni- tarianism. Don’t let these fellows call you “ mossgrown” because .you stick to the old faith and the old Book. Ask them to try on the ancient shoe them­ selves. There is absolutely nothing new about1what they are offering. Starvation Horrors A relief worker recently returned from Russia, describes the horrors of the famine-stricken area. So far as wa know there is nothing in history to

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