King's Business - 1922-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S greater latitude of opinion, the Con­ ference shall relax on this point, Methodism will, legally, be dissolved, and quickly become the greatest mass of virulent putresence that ever loaded the moral atmosphere with death.” Accord­ ing to this, Methodism in a great many places is already dissolved and all that is left is the name. Question: When a Methodist church adopts positions essen­ tially Unitarian, is it still a Methodist church? A Crushing Reply It is rather amusing ito notice how the up-to-date religious expressions are re­ echoed, showing how scores of preach­ ers look to a few leading lights for their “ thunder” . Much is being said about “ Christ in human experience” as the only authority in our religious faith. In regard to this claim for the authority of “ human experience” in the place of the authority of the Bible, the editor of The Christian gives an overwhelming answer. He says: “ Of course, we do not admit this. To us it is foolishness, because, if the Bible be unreliable, what becomes of the Christ of the Bible? Where else can we go in-search of Him? Where can we find HiS authoritative werd of instruction or of judgment? What is called ‘Christ in human experi­ ence’ can never supersede Christ in the written revelation, for this reason: Meu’s experiences differ widely. Which is the authoritative'experienc'e? Each is vitiated by the ‘personal equation’. You must allow for temperament, emotion, imagination, environment. ‘Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one.’ Neither personal experience, nor a church, nor ‘any other creature’ can climb to the height of His throne in Holy Scripture.” - “ I have, since March, 1912, read my Bible -through sixty-two times. I am getting old and weak, but the Bible is new and infinite in strength.” And a Oongregationalist! “ I am a Congregationalist and stick to the message of the Book. My church is packed each service. God does honor the truth. If a man has a message God will keep him busy.” WHAT SUBSCRIBERS SAY Who Can Beat This?


Here’s a New Scheme “ We purchase twenty-five copies of your magazine each month, having them mailed to our churclr clerk. Our clerk then mails them out to new members and others who might appreciate them. In this way we can send the compli­ ments of the church and enclose tracts or other literature. Your magazine is bringing great blessing to many homes here in Grand Rapids. You Preachers— Read This ! Rev: F. A. Connors of Calumet, Mis­ souri, says: “ I am constantly in receipt of appeals from various sources to preach on popu­ lar themes, and from the different pub­ lishing houses submitting samples of programs for the many special occa­ sions, such as ‘Memorial Day,- ‘Mother’s Day,’ ‘Children’s Day,’ ‘Washington’s Birthday,’ and other occasions too numerous to mention, many of them worthy and proper for week-day serv­ ices in the places provided for such public functions, but which have no place in God’s program, and have no right in God’s house, nor to be observed on the Lord’s day. “ I have from the beginning of my ministry strictly adhered to this posi­ tion, that God’s Word furnished the complete program for all services in His house and on His day, and my ap­ peal is for consistency in this matter. “ If we regard the church which has been so dedicated as the Lord’s house and the Lord’s day that has been so con­ secrated by -the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and held sacred and holy by all true believers from the days of the Apostles down to the present time, and if we claim to be ' ambassa­ dors for Jesus Christ, representing the highest and the holiest, then let us preach and practice consistently with our claims; as in this way only can we expect the respect of right-thinking people, and hope for the blessing of God.

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