King's Business - 1922-06

..... ........... BEST BOOKS ON EVANGELISM, illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiV Every possible phase o f Evangelistic or Soul-Saving Work is touched g Iupon in the books listed in these pages. You will find something here| ;that will not only interest you, but will make you more zealous— more| isuccessful personal workers. |

The Book of Personal Work

What Every Christian Needs to Know By H. W . Pope Studies in personal soul- winning and general evangel­ istic work. This book will help the Christian to ascertain what his spiritual gifts are, direct his activities into proper chan­ nels, and inspire him with that confidence a n d enthusiasm which is essential to success. Price, Cloth, $1.25; Paper, 65c Grace and Truth By W . P. M ackay, M . A . “ Grace and Truth tcam e by Jesus Christ.” Under twelve different aspects in 258 pages the writer presents the Gospel in a remarkably clear manner, taking up the subjects: Our Condemnation, Our Regenera­ tion, Our Com forter, Our State, Our Sanctification, Our W ork, Our Justification, Our Assurance, Our Study, Our W alk, Our Adversary, Our Reward. Every Christian should circulate this book. Cloth, $ 1.00 Chinese Diamonds for the King o f Kings By Mrs. Jonathan G oforth A book, which in the m ar­ velous triumphs o f grace it recounts, rivals those recorded in “ Twice Born Men,” by H ar­ old Begbie, yet dealing as it does with Gospel results in the m ission field, has a place o f its own in literature, should be in your personal library, your Pastor’s library, your Sunday School and M issionary libraries. W ell bound in cloth. $ 1.00 postpaid

¡The Plan |o f Salvation i By Benjamin B. W arfield, D. D. I ! A study o f the “ entire [ course o f the divine dealing •with man _ which ends in his ' salvation,” simply and care- i fully presented for popular ading. 144 pages. Cloth, 90c This book gives an outline of : a year’s program and lays ‘ down a sensible, working plan ’ which includes the form ation t and maintenance o f an Evan- \ gelistic Committee, a program ? of preaching, methods o f per- ! sonal work, etc.; w hich, if \ carried out, will undoubtedly l result in the deepening o f the * Spiritual life o f the church and j the Salvation o f Souls. \ Cloth, $1.00 A book which tells o f mar- i vellous triumphs o f grace i am ong the lowest strata o f ! “ down and outs” in London. ; These tales o f regeneration are I so truly wonderful that, if we ' did not know they were a true i recital o f some things that •the Salvation A rm y has ac- I com plished, w e would be in- * d in ed to say, Impossible! Cloth, $1.00 IParish Evangelism By F. L. Fagley iTwice-Born Men By H arold Begbie !

D octor Faris has gathered 5 in this inspiring volum e a = series o f concrete instances o f m soul winning. They will fire ■ imagination and generate the = “ W ill to Save.” Indispensable s to ministers, evangelists and s Christian workers in illustrat- ing addresses. Price $1.25

Redemption and the New Birth By T. T. Martin

In this exposition o f Salva- s tion according to the Scriptures, the purpose of the author is to call attention to som e much overlooked teachings and to some distinctions made in the Scriptures concerning Redemp­ tion and the New Birth, with the hope that they m ay be helpful to some who are seek­ ing to lead others to Christ. Cloth, $1.50 j

Answered or Unanswered ? Miracles o f Faith in China Louise Vaughan

The fa ct that God both hears ! and answers prayer is amply j dem onstrated in this wonderful | book which has for its central ! theme the proving o f John ! 14:13, 14. Get this book just -m as soon as you can for it will = surely deepen your prayer life j and strengthen your faith in j God. Paper, 6 3 c; cloth, $1.00 j

« If m oney does not accom pany order goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. = If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage. s BOOK ROOM BIBLE INSTITUTEiiuiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniii: L O S A N G E L E S 634

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