Rebound Fitness & Rehab. Overcoming Hip & Knee Pain

Mark Twain once said that growing old is an issue of “mind over matter,” but if you struggle with knee or hip pain, then you know that this isn’t true at all. Knee and hip pain can really take the spring out of your step, causing you to move slower and leaving you with pain that becomes more difficult to cope with, step after step.

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

Learn more about how Greg and the staff at Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation can help you! SEE INSIDE: How Physical Therapy Can Help You OVERCOME Hip & Knee Pain!

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring ForYour Body NEWSLETTER REBOUND FITNESS & REHABILITATION

How Physical Therapy Can Help You OVERCOME Hip & Knee Pain!

MarkTwain once said that growing old is an issue of “mind over matter,” but if you struggle with knee or hip pain, then you know that this isn’t true at all. Knee and hip pain can really take the spring out of your step, causing you to move slower and leavingyouwithpain thatbecomesmoredifficult tocopewith,stepafterstep. There is an endless list of reasons as to why knee or hip pain may develop, from a slip or fall-related accident to a sports injury or even a car accident. DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE! When an injury develops, seeking the support of a physical therapist is the best course of action. Working with a physical therapist soon after an injury develops can help reduce your recovery time and improve your ability to cope with the pain anddiscomfortby introducingyou to targetedexercisesandstretching techniques that can enhance your ability to recover from the injury.

Whenyouaredealingwithakneeorhip injury,everystep requiresmoreeffort than typical. This can really drain your energy level as you attempt to go about doing even basic tasks, such as taking care of your home or walking around the office.: WHAT CAN PHYSICAL THERAPY DO TO HELP? Physical therapy is not a one-stop cure-all for pain management. This is a long- term solution to pain and suffering through the use of targeted exercises and stretching techniques thataredesigned tostrengthen the targetedareasandhelp the body recover and heal. By identifying the exact points on the body that are not moving as they ought to be, it is possible to make a plan to increase flexibility, motion, strength and even improve coordination.


constantlymustbe lower than theother, then thismaybe indicativeofknee concerns that could be addressed with physical therapy. • From a standing position, with your feet planted flat on the floor, can you push your body into a squatting position? You should be able to squat all the way down so that your buttocks are almost touching your heels. If you aren’table todo this, thenphysical therapymaybehelpful in improvingyour range of motion. • Standingnearawallorcountertop,arrangeyourfeetso thatyouarestanding with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other, as if on a balance beam,andseehow longyoucanstandstill.Canyoubalancefor10seconds? Ifnot,thenphysical therapymaybeableto improvebalanceandcoordination. The goal of any physical therapy program is to restore range of motion and improve flexibility and strength while reducing the general experience of pain. Unfortunately, hip and knee injuries often tend to linger. Every movement relies so heavily on the hips and knees that it makes it difficult to allow these joints to actually rest following an injury. Physical therapy provides targeted exercises that support the joints with precise movements that help reinforce strength and range of motion. For more information, contact your physical therapist to learn more about options that will suit your health needs. If are suffering from hip or knee pain, don't wait to get pain relief! Get started with your recovery by calling (847) 714-7400 and scheduling a consultation with Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today!

Areyoumoving likeyoushouldbe?Yourhipsandkneesareessential toeveryday movement; whether you are sitting, standing, walking or running, you need your hips and knees in great shape. Sometimes, when your hips and knees are in pain, it can cause you to change the way that you are moving, causing you to change the flow and pace of your gait, which is the way that you walk. Other times, prolonged pain can cause you to stop doing movements that are indicative of healthy joints. If you’ve experienced any hip or knee pain and are considering whether physical therapy is a good choice for your health needs, consider the following: • From a standing position, are you able to lean over and touch your toes? If so, then this indicates that you have proper hip and low back flexibility. If not, then you may need to improve your flexibility and joint range of motion, and physical therapy could be helpful. • Inasittingposition,canyoucomfortablycrossyour legs, leavingyourankle to rest comfortably on the opposite knee? If this is painful, or one knee

Exercise of the Month Try this movement to relieve leg pain.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie







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Directions Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Ingredients • 12 oz water, milk, or yogurt • 2 scoops chocolate flavored protein powder • 1 banana

9 1 Runner's Step Stand in front of a box or step that is below the level of the knee. Step up onto the box and bring the opposite leg up towards your chest. Lower your leg down in a controlled manner. Repeat 6-10 times, alternating legs. 8

• 1 cup of spinach • 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter • 1 tbsp cacao nibs or dark cocoa powder



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"At 72 years old, I’m much more flexible than most people my age... I’m relying on staff at Rebound Fitness to help keep me moving for many more years!"

RONNIS OHER "I have been coming to Rebound Fitness for more than 15 years. I started with Greg as my athletic trainer. Right from the start, he was concerned that my heart rate got elevated very quickly and made me seek medical help for it. With that under control, I began to work out in earnest. Greg has seen me through back issues, shoulder issues, and knee issues, referring me to medical professionals when necessary. At 72 years old, I’m much more flexible than most people my age. I’m a competitive ballroom dancer, and I attribute my ability to move my body so well in part to the exercise and training I have received from Rebound Fitness. I always say, “You have to keep moving if you want to keep moving.” I’m relying on staff at Rebound Fitness to help keep me moving for many more years!"

Call Rebound Fitness & Rehabilitation today at 847.714.7400 to see how physical therapy can get you moving again!

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