Putovanje vozom iz Londona sa stanice Padington traje oko sat i po / Travelling by train from London’s Paddington Station takes about an hour and a half
To tea with Mr Darcy Travelling from the UK capital by train you can quickly reach Bath, a town famous for its
what life in the town was like 2,000 years ago. Of course, modern steam baths have also been built in Bath, which is one of many reasons why this place has been so popular in Brit- ain for the last 200 years. And its very well-preserved Georgian architecture dates back to about that time, includ- ing semicircular buildings like the Roy- al Crescent or e Circus complexes. ey are protected as world cultural heritage sites, but the town is even better known for the fact that famous authoress Jane Austen lived there at the beginning of the 19 th century, so films based on her works are also of- ten situated in Bath. ousands of Jane Austen fans, dressed in sumptuous costumes from the late 18 th century, gather here every year (unfortunately, not this year, be- cause for now everything has been can- celled due to the pandemic). Crinolines, hats, swords, uniforms, streets filled with “nobles and court ladies” go back through time for at least a short while, to the era when Jane created her mas- terpieces. is novelist lived in Bath for five
years, before relocating with her moth- er and sister to Hampshire, where she wrote and published some of her most famous works, such as Sense and Sensi- bility, Mansfield Park, Emma and Pride and Prejudice. Yet that small town in Hampshire has never been as celebrat- ed for her as Bath, which has become a place where the name and works of Jane Austen are celebrated every year. You will be greeted in front of the museum dedicated to her by cos- tumed staff, with all employees dressed in the style of characters from her nov- els. ere are displayed her portraits, a life-size wax figure, artefacts from her study etc. And in the cafe above the museum that you can enter even if you don’t enter the museum itself (check to see if and when it’s open) you can live for a moment like Elizabeth Ben- net and drink tea in the company of the wonderful Mr Darcy. Of course in the famous Regency Tea Room cafe. ey naturally offer a large selection of teas, as they are British, but perhaps the most romantic will be just “Tea with Mr Darcy”, served with buns, and that pleasure will cost you about 20 pounds. Of course, as you’ve already em- barked on this excursion from Lon- don, which really shouldn’t be missed, be sure to stop by Stonehenge, which is located only 50 kilometres from Bath. is famous stone complex that dates back to the Bronze Age is one of the most mysterious structures ever built. So you can conclude this jour- ney through history with a question that millions of people have asked be- fore you - were these miraculous stones placed here by aliens and what purpose do they even serve?!
Roman baths, Georgian architecture and famous novelist Jane Austen. B uilt for enjoyment and re- laxation, the beautiful Bath has been visited since Ro- man times, but is still a favourite destination for tourists and Brits who enjoy spend their weekends in this town. One of the oldest British tourist destinations, it was founded in the 1 st century AD and named after the thermal mineral springs that break through limestone from a depth of 4,800 metres. e site of the Roman bath com- plex is today a museum that depicts
Hiljade ljubitelja Džejn Ostin, obučenih u raskošne kostime s kraja 18. veka, okupljaju se ovde svake godine / Thousands of Jane Austen fans, dressed in sumptuous costumes from the late 18 th century, gather here every year
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