Elevate July 2020 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia Er Srbija

Više letova do Berlina i Frankfurta Od 1. avgusta Er Srbija uvodi dodatne frekvence do Frankfurta i Berlina i leteće 10 puta nedeljno do Frankfurta umesto planiranih sedam i 10 puta do Berlina umesto planiranih šest. Imajući u vidu da je kompanija sa obnavljanjem ograničenog broja letova iz Beograda počela još 21. maja, kao i da su konkurenti na rutama ka pomenutim nemačkim gradovima odložili početak letova za kasno leto, čak i ranu jesen, Er Srbija sa planiranih ukupno 20 letova nedeljno ostaje glavni prevoznik koji će povezivati region sa Frankfurtom i Berlinom narednih meseci.


As of 1 st August, Air Serbia is set to introduce additional frequencies of flights to Frankfurt and Berlin, flying 10 times a week to Frankfurt, instead of the planned seven, and 10 times to Berlin instead of the planned six. Given that the airline began re-establishing a limited number of flights from Belgrade on 21 st May and that competitors on the routes to the aforementioned German cities have postponed the start of flights for late summer and even early autumn, Air Serbia remains - with its planned total of 20 flights a week - the main carrier connecting the region with Frankfurt and Berlin in the coming months.

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