REVOLUTION Shooting cartoons Made in Serbia The feature-length animated film Arctic Dogs, which is the third most watched film of its kind in America, is set to receive numerous sequels, all of which will be written, produced and designed in Serbia. Why? For starters because actor Miloš Biković and producer Andrea Iervolini met and became friends while working on a film with Antonio Banderas in Rome MILOŠ BIKOVIĆ How did you meet Andrea Iervolini, did you open the door to Serbia for him? - I do not look at that, like many other things, in a one- sided way. If I opened the door to Serbia for him, then he opened the door to the whole world for us. Andrea and his production company are among the leaders at the global level, with huge experience and success. Andrea has been producing animated content for a long time and today has products that top the viewing lists on platforms such as Netflix. I myself have also been engaged in production for years and follow everything that happens in the world. e market for animated content is growing, with audiences consuming it more and more. is is a great opportunity for us and I’m happy that Andrea and I found a common interest. I must also mention that our mutual friend, Ga- briela Carlucci, had a major influence on Andrea, because she promoted Serbia years ago and that was of great help to us in making such a big decision. Serbia is becoming an increasingly attractive place for world productions. What sets us apart from other places and what can we offer top companies? - First and foremost the knowhow and talent of young people. I’m not able to answer the question of how we achieved that, because our educational institutions, as in most parts of the world, are unable to adequately follow the changes that are taking place. Today we learn from one another, sometimes intuitively, sometimes by repeating processes, and this is very evident in the era of the digital economy. In Serbia people create the most popular games, applications and animations without being able to learn how to do so in schools or colleges. at’s simply the way it hap- pened, thanks to ingenious individuals, and that is our his- torical chance. I really tried to reach the core of everything and my conclusion is that we, as a nation, have learned to improvise a lot, to handle impossible conditions and over- come a problem without any experience. us, people are today our greatest resource and that’s why Serbia is an at- tractive country for innovative things. An agreement has been reached to create seven sequels to the animated film Arctic Dogs. Will a large number of our actors and film workers be engaged? What kind of role will you have?
Dobili ste veliki broj nagrada, za producenta godine, najboljeg biznismena iz Italije, veoma ste cenjeni širom planete. Imate li neki savet za naše producente? Gde nam je mesto na mapi sveta i kako da se popnemo na toj lestvici? – Svaki uspešan lmski producent mora da zna dve ve- like tajne ovog posla – nikada ne kopiraj tuđ rad i upoznaj svoju publiku. Možda zvuči previše jednostavno i očekiva- no, ali zaista je tako. Svi veliki producenti pronalaze inspi- raciju u tuđim radovima i u tome nema ničeg pogrešnog, ali znaju gde da postave granicu kako bi sačuvali autentič- nost. Takođe, iako je danas konkurencija mnogo veća ne- go što je bio slučaj pre nekoliko decenija, isto tako je lakše prepoznati i targetirati publiku kojoj se obraćate. Na ras- polaganju su nam različiti digitalni alati za analizu i dis- tribuciju sadržaja – samo treba mudro odabrati ciljnu gru- pu i dobro je upoznati. Sarađivali ste sa velikim imenima na velikim lmovima. Ko vam je od glumaca ostao u naj- lepšem sećanju, a koji vam je vaš lm najdra- ži i zašto? – Kada se radi o mom stvaralaštvu, ne mogu da izdvo- jim nijedan lm kao omiljeni – za svaki od njih me vezu- je neka posebna uspomena, atmosfera sa snimanja i pri- jateljstva koja su iz njih nastala. Ne znam da li sam samo ja imao sreće, ali su holivudske zvezde sa kojima sam sa- rađivao pre svega obični ljudi koji obožavaju svoj posao. Stvarno je divno videti Al Paćina koji sa istim žarom i stra- šću radi stoti lm po redu u životu i raduje se svakom do- lasku na set kao malo dete.
Nadam se da ću imati vremena da budem reditelj jednog animiranog filma I hope I will have
time to be the director of an animated film
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