Venecija je lepa u svako doba godine Venice is beautiful at any time of the year
FLIGHTS TO ROME WILL BE REIN TRODUCED ON 2 ND JULY, and Veni- ce will again make its way onto our fli- ght schedule a day later. Air Serbia will be the first airline to re-establish flights between Serbia and Italy once all restri- ctions are lifted, which will again con- firm the great importance of the Italian market, both for our country and for the national airline, which has been opera- ting flights to the Italian Peninsula sin- ce the 1950s. “We are pleased to recommen- ce flights to Italy, which is traditionally one of our key markets for Serbia, due to numerous factors that connect the two countries, including strong eco- nomic cooperation, tourism, diaspo- ra and trade,” said Air Serbia CEO Dun- can Naysmith. We will operate daily flights to Mi- lan and Rome, and three flights per week to Venice, with a gradual incre- ase in frequency. With the initial 17 fli- ghts a week and a broad network of de- stinations from the Serbian capital, Air Serbia will provide strong connectivi- ty between Belgrade, Italy and other ci- ties in the Air Serbia network. Once the flight schedule reaches its full capaci- ty, the national airline will offer network connectivity from Italy via Belgrade to Bucharest, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, Kiev, Larnaca, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Sko- pje, Sofia, Split, Tel Aviv, Tivat and ot- her cities. On 1 st July, with its Belgrade- Milan flight, Air Serbia relaunched air transport to its destinations in Italy. AIR SERBIA FIRST TO RECOMMENCE FLIGHTS TO ITALY
Er Srbija će ka Veneciji leteti tri puta nedeljno / Air Serbia will fly to Venice three times a week
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 71
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