BY THE END OF JUNE AIR Serbia had restored flights from Belgrade to a larger number of destinations, thus conne- cting the Serbian capital with over 20 cities in its internatio- nal network. Furthermore, the number of transoceanic flights to New York has been increased to three per week. The airli- ne plans to establish flights to additional cities during July, wi- th which the number of destinations will increase to a total of about 40. All these plans are preliminary and the launch of re- storing these flights will depend on several factors, primari- ly the lifting of travel restrictions in individual countries, as well as demand. We operate flights to Amsterdam, Banja Luka, Paris, Frank- furt, New York, London, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Vienna, Zurich, At- hens, Berlin, Brussels, Bucharest, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, Istanbul, Podgorica, Prague, Sofia, Split, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Tirana and Tivat. Flights planned for restoration during July inclu- de those to Barcelona, Dubrovnik, Kiev, Larnaca, Madrid, Milan, Nice, Pula, Rome, Skopje, Tel Aviv, Thessaloniki, Venice, Zadar and Zagreb. In August the Serbian national airline plans to re- connect the region with Russia, by resuming flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar. “We are very pleased to be restoring such a large number of destinations and thereby providing an important contribu- tion to the recovery of air traffic in the region. We are plea- sed to be able, after a very challenging period, to lead the re- covery of one of the branches of the economy hardest hit by the Coronavirus pandemic. We were among the first to start flying in this part of the world. We are gradually increasing the weekly number of flights and continue to adjust the flight sc- hedule according to the further development of the situati- on,” said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. AIR SERBIA RESTORES FLIGHTS TO A LARGER NUMBER OF DESTINATIONS
ER SRBIJA JE DO KRAJA JUNA obnovila letove iz Beograda do većeg broja destinacija, povezujući srpsku prestonicu sa više od 20 gradova u svojoj međunarodnoj mreži. Osim to- ga, povećan je i broj prekookeanskih letova do Njujorka na tri nedeljno. Tokom jula je planirano uspostavljanje letova ka dodatnim gradovima, čime će ukupan broj destinacija bi- ti povećan na oko 40. Svi navedeni planovi su preliminar- ni i početak obnove tih letova zavisiće od više faktora, a pre svega od ukidanja ograničenja u putovanjima do pojedinač- nih zemalja, kao i tražnje. Obavljamo letove do Amsterdama, Banjaluke, Pari- za, Frankfurta, Njujorka, Londona, Ljubljane, Sarajeva, Be- ča, Ciriha, Atine, Berlina, Brisela, Bukurešta, Kopenhage- na, Diseldorfa, Istanbula, Podgorice, Praga, Sofije, Splita, Stokholma, Štutgarta, Tirane i Tivta. Tokom jula u planu je obnavljanje letova do Barselone, Dubrovnika, Kijeva, Larna- ke, Madrida, Milana, Nice, Pule, Rima, Skoplja, Tel Aviva, So- luna, Venecije, Zadra i Zagreba. U avgustu srpska nacional- na avio-kompanija planira ponovno povezivanje regiona sa Rusijom obnavljanjem letova do Moskve, Sankt Petersbur- ga i Krasnodara. – Veoma smo zadovoljni što obnavljamo tako velik broj destinacija i na taj način dajemo važan doprinos oporavku avio-saobraćaja u regionu. Raduje nas što smo u mogućno- sti da nakon veoma izazovnog perioda predvodimo obno- vu jedne od grana privrede koje su najteže pogođene pan- demijom koronavirusa. Počeli smo da letimo među prvima u ovom delu sveta, postepeno povećavamo nedeljni broj le- tova i nastavljamo da prilagođavamo red letenja daljem ra- zvoju situacije – izjavio je Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije .
tokom jula će ovo biti ukupan broj destinacija / In July this will be the total number of destinations 40
Ponovo letimo iz Niša i Kraljeva
Er Srbija je ponovo poletela iz Niša i Kralje- va. Iz Niša je saobraćaj obnovljen 16, a iz Kraljeva 30. juna. Sa juga Srbije su ponovo pokrenute linije do Frankfurta (Han) i Nirn- berga, a od 1. jula i do Hanovera, Salcbur- ga i Tivta. Kada je reč o Kraljevu, obnovljen je let do Beča. Tačan red letenja i nedeljne frekvencije pratite na WE’RE FLYING FROM NIŠ AND KRALJEVO AGAIN Air Serbia has again taken to the skies from Niš and Kraljevo. Air traffic from Niš was resumed on 16 th June and from Kraljevo on 30 th June. Routes from the south of Serbia have been restored to Frankfurt (Hahn) and Nuremberg, and also – as of 1 st July – to Hanover, Salzburg and Tivat. When it comes to Kraljevo, the regular flight to Vienna has been restored. Follow the precise flight schedule and weekly frequencies online at
Iz Niša je saobraćaj obnovljen 16, a iz Kraljeva 30. juna / Air traffic from Niš was resumed on 16 th June and from Kraljevo on 30 th June
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