Živimo u vremenu tehnološke revolucije. Za nekoliko godina život će se gotovo sigurno još više promeniti, a najviše zahvaljujući napretku tehnologije i pojavi sve naprednijih gedžeta
We are living in a time of technological revolution. In a few years, life will almost certainly change even more, thanks largely to the advancement of technology and the emergence of increasingly advanced gadgets
Za uspomene koje žive na Instagramu For memories that live on Instagram
Uspomene nam svakako ži- ve na Instagramu, ali svi smo makar jednom imali trenu- tak kada je slika toliko sjajna da poželimo da je uramimo. Za te situacije stvoren je HP Sprocket Photo Printer , por- tabl štampač veličine smar- tfona koji vam omogućava da odštampate fotografije i sti- kere direktno s telefona ili ta- bleta pomoću Bluetootha .
Our memories certainly live on Instagram, but we’ve all had at least one moment when a picture was so great that we wanted to frame it. The HP Sprocket Photo Printer was created for just such situations, as a portable smartphone-sized printer that enables you to print photos and download directly from your phone or tablet with the help of Bluetooth.
HUAWEI FREEBUDS 3 Kao najkorisniji modni detalj ovog proleća influense- ri izdvajaju ovaj važan dodatak za slušanje omiljene mu- zike, a osim odličnih tehničkih performansi, ove slušalice izdvaja i to što su prelepe na pogled. Njihov svedeni zen dizajn inspiraciju vuče iz prirode, a naročito simetrično ku- ćište za punjenje dovoljno je kompaktno za držanje u dže- pu, torbi ili na bilo kom mestu.
HUAWEI FREEBUDS 3 Influencers are singling out this important accessory for listening to your favourite music as the most useful fashion detail this spring, and what sets it apart is the fact that, in addition to having an excellent technical performance, they are also beautiful on the eye. Their minimalistic zen design draws inspiration from nature, particularly the symmetrical charger housing that’s compact enough to keep in your pocket, handbag or anywhere else.
SONOS MOVE Connoisseurs of technical innovation say that Sonos speakers represent a happy marriage of quality and affordability, which is most clearly noticeable with the example of this portable speaker that doesn’t leave even the greatest puritans of sound feeling indifferent. This durable, smart, battery-powered speaker is both water and shock resistant, which makes it ideal for travel. And given that it also has the option of Bluetooth streaming, the lack of Wi-Fi won’t prove a problem!
SONOS MOVE Poznavaoci tehničkih noviteta ka-
žu kako su Sonos zvučnici srećan brak kvaliteta i pristupačnosti, što se najjasni- je primećuje na primeru ovog prenosivog zvučnika koji čak i najveće čistunce zvu- ka ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Izdržljiv, pa- metni zvučnik koji radi na baterije otpo- ran je na vodu i udarce, pa je idealan za putovanja. A kako ima i opciju Bluetooth striminga, nedostatak Wi-Fija neće bi- ti problem.
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