Jordan wouldn’t have been what he is without his teammates. According to him, Scottie Pippen was the best ever Džordan ne bi bio to što jeste bez saigrača, a Skoti Pipen je po njemu najbolji saigrač ikada
– Razgovarali smo i rekao sam mu da sam srećan što se Poslednji ples završava. Znate zašto? Zato što sam u poslednje tri nedelje dobio više telefonskih poziva nego u prethodnih 20 godina – rekao je povučeni Kukoč. Džor- danova reakcija je bilo kratko „lol“ (smejanje naglas), po- malo sarkastično, u stilu „sad znaš kako je meni“... Dva izuzetno bitna čoveka nisu učestvovala u doku- mentarcu. Džeri Kraus je, nažalost, preminuo 2016. go- dine, pa nije mogao da se brani od napada bivših igrača Čikaga koji su u deset epizoda upravo njega optužili da je „ubio“ Bulse i nije im pružio priliku da jure sedmu ti- tulu. Ispod radara je prošla činjenica da je Karl Meloun, legendarni centar Jute Džez, koju je Čikago dva puta sa- vladao u nalu, odbio da se pojavi u lmu! Bilo kako bilo, ukoliko ste ljubitelj sporta, uživaćete u dokumentarcu, ukoliko volite da pogledate dobru dra- mu – uživaćete, ukoliko vas zanima psihologija – uživa- ćete. Svet devedesetih? Uživaćete. Još je mnogo stvari zbog kojih vredi pogledati ovaj lm. Ima veliku privlač- nu moć, a ogroman broj ljudi želi nove informacije o fe- nomenu zvanom Majkl Džordan. Autor ovih redova je dva puta gledao dokumentarac, a ako odlučite da premi- jerno bacite pogled ili da obnovite gradivo, sigurno ćete se bar jednom zapitati – da li želite da budete kao Majkl (Be Like Michael)?
Phil Jackson remained pretty much in the shadows, and it is unbelievable to those of us from the Balkans how little space was given to Toni Kukoč, who was unquesti- onably the most underestimated player in the last three titles won. Following the completion of the documentary, Kukoč revealed that he’d spoken to Jordan shortly after Michael described him as “the best European player ever”: “We spoke and I told him that I was happy that e Last Dance was being nished. Do you know why? Becau- se I received more phone calls in the last three weeks than in the previous 20 years,” said the withdrawn Kukoč. Jor- dan’s reaction was short “lol” (laugh out loud), slightly sar- castically, in the style “now you know how it is for me”... Two extremely important people didn’t participate in the documentary. Unfortunately, Jerry Krause passed away in 2016, so he was unable to defend himself against the attacks of former Chicago players who, in the 10 th episo- de, accused him specically of “killing” the Bulls and not giving them the chance to chase a seventh title. A fact that remained under wraps was that Karl Malone, the le- gendary former power forward of the Utah Jazz, which Chicago defeated twice in the nals, refused to appear! Regardless of how things went, if you’re a lover of sports you’ll enjoy this documentary, if you like to watch a good drama - you’ll enjoy it, if you’re interested in psychology - you’ll enjoy it. e world of the ‘90s? You’ll enjoy it. e- re are many more things that make it worth watching. It has great power of attraction, and a huge number of peo- ple want new information about the Michael Jordan phe- nomenon. e author of this article has watched the do- cumentary twice, and if you decide to take a look for the rst time or update yourself with this material, you’ll surely ask yourself at least once: do you want to be like Mike!
Džordanke koje je najbolji košarkaš sveta nosio u sezoni 1984/85. prodate su za nestvarnih 560 hiljada dolara Air Jordans, worn by the best basketball player in the world in the 1984/85 season. were sold for an unreal 560 thousand dollars
Jordan » Džordan | 99
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