E S / A S
Zahvaljujući proširenju postojećeg kod-šer sporazuma iz- među Er Srbije i Aeroflota , našim putnicima dostupne su još dve destinacije u Rusiji. Od početka avgusta postavljen je JU kod na letove ruske avio-kompanije na linijama izme- đu Moskve i Omska i Volgograda. Podsetimo, Er Srbija ima redovne letove za Moskvu, Sankt Peterburg i Krasnodar, a na osnovu kod-šer ugovora sa Aeroflotom u ponudi su i karte za letove ka Sočiju, Kazanju, Samari, Jekate- rinburgu, Rostovu i Novosibirsku.
Šta vas najviše uzbuđuje prilikom upravljanja avionom? – Zbog kompleksnosti transportnim avionima uglavnom uprav- lja autopilot kako bi se smanjilo radno opterećenje pilotske posade. Trenuci poletanja i sletanja su situacije kada avionom ručno upravlja samo pilot i svakako su to najuzbudljiviji momenti tokom leta. Kojoj pisti je najteže prići, a kojoj najlakše? – Svaki aerodrom ima svoje specifičnosti. Mnogo aerodroma, na- ročito primorskih, ima instrumentalni prilaz samo iz jednog pravca, dok se do drugog dolazi vizuelnim manevrisanjem aviona, što zah- teva određenu veštinu i uvežbanost pilotske posade. Obično je ta- kvo manevrisanje nužno u situacijama složenih meteoroloških uslo- va, što dodatno otežava rad
pilotima. Aerodromi sa kompleksnim prilazima su svakako Tivat, Saraje- vo i Podgorica, upravo zbog orografskih prepreka i slo- žene mikroklime koja je za- stupljena u njihovoj okolini. Koje je vaše putovanje iz snova? – Odlazak na bilo ko- ju destinaciju sa svojom po- rodicom za mene svaka- ko predstavlja putovanje iz snova.
REKORDAN PRIHOD KONTAKT CENTRA OD PRODAJE KARATA Nakon što je u junu postigao najbolji rezultat od 2008. go- dine, od kada se prodaju elektronske karte, kontakt-centar „Er Srbije“ je u julu postavio nov rekord. Prihod u julu iznosio je 1,16 miliona evra, što je za više od 100.000 evra više nego u prošlom mesecu, a za čak 300.000 evra više nego u istom periodu prošle godine. Kako kažu u kontakt-centru, na re- kordne rezultate prodaje elektronskih karata utiču: nove de- stinacije, velika potražnja za sezonskim linijama, promotiv- ne akcije, kao i dodatno zalaganje i trud agenata prodaje. Thanks to the extension of the existing codeshare agree- ment between Air Serbia and Russia’s Aeroot, we are now oering passengers two more destinations in the Russian Federation. As of early August, Air Serbia has placed its JU code on the ights of this Russian airline between Moscow and Omsk and Volgograd. Air Serbia has scheduled ights to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar, while the codeshare agreement with Aeroot sees tickets also on oer for So- chi, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov and Novosibirsk.
What excites you the most when operating a plane? - Due to its complexity, trans- port by plane is mostly operated by autopilot, in order to reduce
the workload for the pilot crew. The moments of take-o and landing are situa- tions when the aircraft is operated manually by the pilot alone, and those are cer- tainly the most exciting moments during a ight. Which runway has the most dicult approach, and which is the easiest? - Every airport has its own specicities. A large number of airports, especially coastal ones, have an instrumental approach from one direction only, while oth- ers are approached using visual manoeuvring of the aircraft, which requires cer- tain skills and practises of the pilot crew. Such manoeuvring is usually necessary in situations of complex meteorological conditions, which further complicate the work of pilots. Airports with complex approaches certainly include Tivat, Saraje- vo and Podgorica, precisely due to orographic obstacles and the complex micro- climates present in their surroundings. What would represent your dream journey? - Heading to any destination with my family certainly represents a dream journey for me.
After this June saw the best results in recorded sales achieved since 2008 – when sales of electronic tickets started – the Air Serbia Contact Centre also achieved a record result in sales in July. Revenue generated in July amounted to 1.16 million euros, which represents over a hundred-thousand euros more than in the previous month, and as much as 300,000 euros more than in the same period last year. According to sta of the Contact Cen- tre, the record in ticket sales was a result of the launch of new destinations, high demand for seasonal routes and promotion- al campaigns, but also the extra work and eort of sales agents.
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