Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
Većina nas se za septembar sprema i po nekoliko meseci. Ako ste roditelj, onda je to mesec koji je važan zbog polaska vaše dece u ško- lu. Ako radite, onda je to period tokom kojeg posle godišnjih odmora po pravilu počinje realizacija novih projekata. Želeli smo da septembar pamtite i po velikoj promotivnoj ponudi karata. Ono što je potrebno je da pažljivo pratite ponudu na našem sajtu. Pred nama je velika promo- tivna akcija, koja će trajati dve nedelje, zahvaljući kojoj ćete moći da ku- pite karte pod veoma povoljnim uslovima. Promotivnom ponudom produžavamo ovo za nas vrlo intenzivno i uzbudljivo leto. Tokom ovog leta smo u redovnom saobraćaju leteli do 49 destinacija u regionu, Evropi i svetu, ali i do još 12 evropskih destina- cija iz naše druge baze u Nišu. Baš zato i ističemo slogan S juga baš svu- da. Našim putnicima predstavili smo bogatu ponudu destinacija u Evro-
Most of us need up to several months to prepare for September. If you are a parent, then it’s an important month because your children are starting or returning to school. If you work, then it represents the post-holiday period during which the implementation of new projects usually begins. For you, our passengers, we wanted to let you remember September for our extensive promotional oer of airfares. All you have to do is carefully monitor the oers available on our website. Ahead of us is a major two-week promotional campaign, during which you’ll be able to purchase airfares at very aordable prices. With this promotional oer, we are extending this summer, which has been very intense and exciting for us, during which we’ve continued to operate ights to our 49 destinations in the region, Europe and around the world, whilst also adding 12 more European destinations from our second airport
pi po veoma povoljnim cenama, dok smo stranim turistima i poslovnim lju- dima želeli da omogućimo da se upo- znaju sa brojnim prirodnim lepotama i srdačnošću i toplinom ljudi iz na- še zemlje. Naše kolege nisu se samo trudi- le da vam budu dobri domaćini iznad oblaka. Otvaranje novih linija sa Aero- droma Konstantin Veliki obeležili smo mini-koncertom i druženjem na Trgu kralja Milana u Nišu. Bio je to baš lep dan, prepun osmeha i radosti, tokom
in Niš. That’s why we emphasise the slogan “From our South all around“. We’ve presented our domestic guests with a rich oer of destinations in Europe at very low prices, while we’ve strove to enable foreign tourists and businesspeople to experience the numerous natural beauties and warm hospitality of our country. Our colleagues haven’t not only tries to be good hosts above the clouds, as we marked the luanch of our new ights from Niš Constantine the Great Airport with a mini concert and party on the city’s King
Zajedno sa vama, radujemo se novim izazovima, novim horizontima, novim povezanim tačkicama na globusu...
Together with you, we look
forward to new challenges, new horizons, new destinations around the globe...
kojeg smo, za tu priliku, izmenili jedan važan običaj koji postoji u našim krajevima. Naime, umesto da gosti časte muziku, što je ritual na svakom slavlju organizovanom u Srbiji, ovog puta su muzičari nasumično birali prolaznike i podelili povratne avio-karte za naših 12 novih destinacija. Zajedno sa vama, radujemo se novim izazovima, novim horizon- tima, novim povezanim tačkicama na globusu, kroćenju novih oblaka i obaranju novih rekorda. Da bi letenje bilo još zanimljivije, pred vama je i Elevejt , koji ima za cilj da vas zabavi i opusti lepim i zanimljivim priča- ma, najavama novih modnih trendova i uzbudljivih kulturnih i sportskih događaja. Mi smo uvek tu za vas i trudimo se da vam uvek budemo na raspolaganju kako biste uživali u letu. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.
Milan Square. It was a lovely day lled with smiles and joy, and we also used this occasion to switch an important custom from the area. Namely, instead of guests giving tips to musicians, which is customary at every celebration organised in Serbia, this time it was the musicians who chose to treat passers-by at random with return tickets for our 12 new destinations. Together with you, we look forward to new challenges, new horizons, new destinations around the globe, taming new clouds and setting new records. To make ying even more fun, in front of you is the latest issue of Elevate , which aims to entertain and relax you with interesting stories, announcements of new fashion trends and exciting cultural and sporting events. We are always here for you and try always to be at your service to ensure you enjoy the ight. Enjoy your ight and have a nice trip,
Yours sincerely, Air Serbia
Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija
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