Timski duh je najjači adut naše reprezentacije
Team spirit is the strongest
asset of our national team
lica se smeje.
nama ne može da zabrani da sanja- mo. Ali to sve mora da bude kontro- lisano. Biće nam teško, ali imamo iskustva sa prethodnih takmičenja. Dosta znači to što smo dobri prija- telji, što smo uvek tu jedni za druge i što se podržavamo. Svima nama je velika čast da igramo za Srbiju i naj- bolje se osećamo u dresu reprezen- tacije. Drago nam je i što je ovoliko interesovanje za nas, ali moramo da držimo euforiju pod kontrolom. Si- guran sam da imamo kvalitet da po- bedimo Amerikance. Ali polako... Ko- rak po korak.
– Sjajna atmosfera i timski duh. Meni je drago što se stvorila ta po- zitivna atmosfera, a mi moramo da razmišljamo samo o sebi i kako da budemo što bolji. Ako je Bjelica Saletov čovek za specijalne zadatke, onda je Miloš Te- odosić najveći kreativac ovog tima. Taj čovek je u stanju da izmisli asi- stenciju ili koš. Nažalost, povredio se i neće zaigrati, ali kaže: – Mislim da je ovde na najvećim mukama selektor Đorđević. On mo- ra da nađe način da sve nas, koji smo zaista kreativni, na terenu dovede u red. Ali mislim da to Saletu neće bi- ti teško. To su slatke muke. Prema Teovom mišljenju, model igre kojem bi Srbija trebalo da teži vi- đen je u polufinalu Olimpijskih iga- ra protiv Australije 2016. – Mislim da je to naša najbolje odigrana utakmica. Naravno, ne mo- žeš svaku da odigraš na isti način, ali to bi trebalo da bude utakmica za uzor kako bi trebalo da igramo. Sa Teom se najbolje dopunjava Miroslav Raduljica. Osim toga što će pomoći Srbiji na terenu, kaže da mu je velika čast što će drugovima mo- ći da pomogne i van njega. On igra u Kini i poznaje tamošnji život. Sve- stan je činjenice da ne sme da se po- leti jer bi svaki uzlet mogao da bude kažnjen žestokim padom. – Radimo i spremamo se. Niko
He’s unfortunately injured and won’t play, but he says: “I think that coach Đorđević is in the biggest trouble here. He needs to nd a way to get all of us, who are re- ally creative, into order on the court. But I don’t think that will be be dicult for Sale. Those are sweet troubles.” In Teodosić’s opinion, the model of play that Serbia should aspire to was last seen in the semi-nal of the 2016 Olympic Games against Australia.“I think that’s the best game we’ve played. Of course, you can’t play every match in the same way, but that match should representanexampleofhowweshouldplay.” In tandem with Teo, the best addition is that of Miroslav Raduljica. Apart from helping Serbia on the court, he says it’s a great hon- our for him to be able to help his friends o the court. He plays in China and is familiar with life there. He’s that they mustn’t y too high, because every ascent could be pun- ished with a severe fall. “We’re working and preparing ourselves. No one can ban us from dreaming. But all of that must be controlled. It will be tough for us, but we have experience from previous competitions. It means a lot that we’re good friends, that we’re always there for one an- other and that we support each other. It is a great honour for all of us to play for Serbia and we feel best in the shirt of the national team. We are also happy that there’s so much interest in us, but we have to keep the eu- phoria under control. I’m sure we have the quality to beat the Americans. But slowly... Step by step.”
“The model of play that Serbia should aspire to was seen in the semi- nal of the Olympic Games against Australia in 2016. I think that was the best game we’ve played” ~ Miloš Teodosić polufinalu Olimpijskih igara protiv Australije 2016. Mislim da je to naša najbolje odigrana utakmica“, Miloš Teodosić „Model igre kojem bi Srbija trebalo da teži viđen je u
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