SAN POL DE VANS Ako skoknete do Vansa da vidite Matisovu ka- pelu, zaustavite se i u San Pol de Vansu, provan- salskom selu u kojem je Šagal sa ženom Vavom proveo poslednjih 20 godina života. Umro je u 97. godini, a sahranjen 1985. na seoskom gro- blju. Prepoznaćete grob odmah po kamenčići- ma koji poštovaoci ostavljaju na nadgrobnoj ploči (poreklom je bio beloruski Jevrejin). Ru- čavao bi u legendarnom obližnjem restoranu Colombe d’Or (Zlatna golubica), a u među- vremenu bi radio. U selu postoji tura Šagalo- vim stopama sa profesionalnim vodičem ko- ju ne bi trebalo propustiti. SAINTPAULDEVENCE If you head to Vence to see Matisse’s Chapel, stop by at Saint-Paul-de-Vence, a Provence com- mune where Chagall and his wife Vava spent the last 20 years of his life. He died at the age of 97 and was buried in 1985 in the village cemetery you will recognise his grave immediately thanks to the pebbles left on the tombstone by admir- ers (he was of Belarusian Jewish origin). He would dine at the legendary nearby Colombe d ‘Or (Gold- en Dove) Restaurant, working in the meantime. The commune oers a tour, “in Chagall’s footsteps”, that is led by a professional guide and shouldn’t be missed if you’re visiting. come to house the largest public collection of his works. It was built in 1972 in order to present his Biblical Message Cycle of paintings, repre- senting a collection of 17 huge works inspired by the Old Testament. The “Biblical Message” Mark Chagall National Museum, which is the full and ocial name of this Nice museum that preserves his works, has a permanent exhibi- tion comprising 17 Bible-themed works and ve more illustrating the “Song of Songs”. In addition to paintings, sketches and illustra-
nu postavku koju čini 17 dela s biblijskom tematikom i još pet koja ilustruju Pesmu nad pesmama . Osim slika, skica i ilustracija, sve je u muzeju Šagalo- vo delo. Na fasadi muzeja je njegov mozaik, nastao 1970. Od mozaika na spoljnjem zidu muzeja još je lepši, kao slika u ogledalu, odraz na površini vode bazena koji se nalazi tik ispred zida. Tu su i vitraži, na kojima dominira njegova omiljena plava boja. Dvadesettrogodišnji Šagal je prvi put dospeo u Fran- cusku daleke 1910. i tada je, kako u pismima kaže, našao „neobičnu svetlost slobode koju drugde nikad nije video.“ Vraća se 1914. u Rusiju, u kojoj službenici revolucije ne- maju razumevanja za njegove razigrane neorealističke sli- ke. Na ceni su revolucionarni motivi, pa Šagal definitivno napušta Rusiju želeći da bude slobodan kao oni violinisti koje tako neobuzdano slika u krošnjama ili mladenci koji lebde iznad zemlje, nevezan i nesputan. Sa ostalim ruskim izbeglicama stiže 1923. u Provansu, u kojoj nalazi sve žive boje i zauvek ostaje na Azurnoj obali.
U Nici je Šagal opisao neobičnu svetlost slobode koju drugde nikad nije video Chagall described in Nice “an unusual light of freedom never seen anywhere else”
tions, everything else in the museum is also Chagall’s work. On the museum’s facade is his mosaic, created in 1970. From the mosaic itself on the exterior wall of the museum, its reection on the surface of the water of the small pool located immedi- ately in front of the wall is even more beautiful, like a paint- ing in a mirror. There are also stained glass windows that are dominated by his favourite shade of blue. The 23-year-old Chagall rst arrived in France in 1910, where – according to his letters – he found “an unusual light of free- dom never seen elsewhere”. He returned to Russia in 1914, where the servants of the revolution had no understanding for his neo-realist paintings. Revolutionary motives were in demand the most, so Chagall departed Russia once and for all, wanting to be as free as those violinists that he painted so unrestrainedly in the treetops, or newlyweds levitating above the ground, unbound and unfettered. In the company of oth- er Russian refugees, he arrived in Provence in 1923, where he found everything in vivid colours and decided to remain for- ever on the Cote d’Azur.
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