Elevate September 2019 | Air Serbia



glašavajući značaj projekata koje po- državaju. Neki od najznačajnijih su dualno obrazovanje, reforma poreza na imovinu, podrška Timu za soci- jalno uključivanje i smanjenje siro- maštva, kao i Naučnotehnološkom parku Beograd ... Švajcarska podrška Srbiji od devedesetih do danas izno- si više od 400 miliona evra. – Na primer, pokušavamo da osnažimo građane da učestvuju u procesu donošenja odluka u vezi sa opštinskim budžetima. Želimo da ovamo prenesemo tradiciju re- ferenduma, koja u Švajcarskoj po- stoji već 150 godina, jer mislimo da je važno da građani budu uključe- ni u donošenje odluka koje se tiču direktno njihovog mesta stanova- nja. Srbi su inovativni ljudi i ume- li bi da prepoznaju takvu priliku – objašnjava poslovnu stranu svog života u Srbiji. Kada govori o našem glavnom gradu, na licu joj se pojavljuju iskre- ni osmeh i radost. – Pokazalo se da me nije prevario osećaj kada sam poželela da radim u Beogradu. Kao tinejdžerka sam bi- la na proputovanju i taj prvi utisak se potvrdio kada sam se doselila sa sinom i suprugom. Oduševljava me što uvek i svuda, danju i noću, ima mnogo ljudi na ulicama. Što su par- kovi i trgovi puni, što ljudi koriste sve otvorene prostore grada. Ljudi su lepota Beograda. Beograd ima i mnogo lepih zgrada, mnoge fasade se rekonstruišu i to je divno. Nedo- staje malo više organizovanosti u tom poslu, ali važno je da se ta le- pota očuva. Voli raznolikost ovdašnjih pija- ca, kafana i restorana, a osim ljudi koje je upoznala, zavolela je i onaj beogradski običaj da se računi ne dele napola, već ih, kako kaže, spon- tano i ležerno naizmenično plaćaju. – Svuda je lepa hrana, a dobra kafa se podrazumeva. Zaljubila sam se u ajvar, koji sam zahvaljujući pri- jateljima naučila da pravim sama. To nije puko kuvanje, već pre svega druženje bez žurbe. Od Beograđa- na treba učiti kako se druži. Na pitanje ima li sličnosti izme- đu Beograda i Berna, Ursula odmah pominje reke. – Osim što su glavni gradovi naših država, sličnost je u tome što Bern ima reku Ar, a Beograd čak dve, Dunav i Savu – s ljubavlju go- vori i o svom rodnom gradu i o gra- du koji je zavolela.

DORĆOL I to onaj njegov donji deo,

jer je autentičan. CETINJSKA Ulica sa divnim skrivenim baštama.  . MAJ Interesantno građevinsko zdanje Sportskog centra i bazeni pored reke. BLOKOVI Naročito 22. i 23. na Novom Beogradu kao primer urbanog planiranja. RESTORANI Divni mali restorani, kojih ima toliko da ne mogu da odaberem onaj jedan omiljeni. DORĆOL But its lower part, because it’s authentic. CETINJSKA STREET With its beautiful hidden gardens.  TH MAY SPORTS CENTRE The interesting structure of the building of the 25th May Sports Centre NEW BELGRADE’S BLOCKS 22 and 23, as an example of urban planning. RESTAURANTS Wonderful little restaurants, of which there are so many that I can’t choose one as my favourite. the people she’s met, she’s also come to love the Belgrade custom of not splitting bills, but rather – as she says – paying them alternately, spontaneously and casually. “Beautiful food is everywhere, and good coee is implied. I fell in love with ajvar [bell pepper chutney], which I learned to make myself thanks to my friends. That isn’t mere cooking, but rather primarily so- cialising without rushing. People should learn to socialise from Belgraders.” Asked if there are similarities between Belgrade and Berne, Ursula immediately mentions the rivers. “Apart from being the capital cities of our countries, the similarity is in the fact that Berne has the River Aare and Belgrade even has two rivers, the Danube and Sa- va,”she says, speaking with love about her hometown and the city she has come to love.

fessional side of her life in Serbia.

When she talks about our capital city, a sincere smile and joy appear on her face. “It turned out that I wasn’t tricked by the feeling that I wanted to work in Bel- grade. I was here on a trip as a teenager, and that kind of rst impression was also conrmed when I moved here with my son and husband. I am thrilled by the fact that there are lots of people on the streets, al- ways and everywhere, day and night; that the parks and squares are packed, that peo- ple use all the open spaces of the city. Peo- ple are the beauty of Belgrade. Belgrade also has many beautiful buildings, many facades are being reconstructed, and that’s wonderful. A little more organisation is lacking in that job, but it’s important that this beauty is preserved.” She loves the diversity of local mar- kets, bars and restaurants, and alongside

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