Zbogom, buntovniče Tog 30. septembra 1955. u 17.45 24-godišnji Džejms Din poginuo je u Kaliforniji, kada je njegov porše na raskrsnici udario u ford. Vozač drugog automobi- la, 23-godišnji student Donald Turnapsid, bio je oša- mucen, ali uglavnom nepovređen. Dinov saputnik je teško povređen, ali je preživeo. U vreme kada se ova nesreća dogodila samo je Istočno od raja , jedan od tri Dinova filma, bio prikazan. Buntovnik bez ra- zloga i Div imali su premijere ubrzo nakon toga, ali je Džejms Din tada već bio na putu da postane super- zvezda. Sudar je od njega napravio legendu. Glumac je voleo trkačke automobile, a zapravo su on i njegov potpuno novi kabriolet porše spajder bi- li na putu za trku u Salinasu, 130 kilometara južno od San Franciska. Priča se da je Dinov automobil, koji je nazvao Malo kopile – proklet. Nakon nesre- ce automobil se otkotrljao sa kamiona i zgnječio no- ge mehaničaru koji je stajao u blizini. Kasnije, nakon što je trgovac polovnim automobilima prodao delo- ve kupcima širom zemlje, čudni incidenti su se do- gađali baš svima: motor, menjač i gume automo- bila ugrađeni su u kola koja su kasnije učestvovala u smrtonosnim sudarima. I kamion koji je prevozio spajdera na izložbu skliznuo je sa puta, ubivši voza- ča. Ostaci poršea su nestali sa mesta te nesrece i od tada do danas više nikada nisu viđeni. FAREWELL, REBEL At 5:45pm on 30 th September 1955, 24-year-old actor James Dean was killed in Cholame, California, when the Porsche he was driving hit a Ford Tudor se- dan at an intersection. The driver of the other car, 23-year-old California Polytechnic State Universi- ty student Donald Turnupseed, was dazed but mostly uninjured, while Dean’s passenger was badly injured, but survived. Only one of Dean’s movies, East of Eden, had been released at the time of his death (Rebel Wi- thout a Cause and Giant opened shortly afterwards), but he was already on his way to superstardom – and the fatal crash sent him into legend. James Dean loved racing cars, and he and his brand- new Porsche Spyder convertible were actually on their way to a race in Salinas, 90 miles south of San Francisco. Rumour has it that Dean’s car, which he’d nicknamed the Little Bastard, was cursed. After the accident, the car rolled off the back of a truck and crushed the legs of a mechanic standing nearby. La- ter, after a used-car dealer sold its parts to buyers all over the country, the strange incidents multiplied: the car’s engine, gearbox and tyres were all transplan- ted into cars that were subsequently involved in dead- ly crashes, and a truck carrying the Spyder’s chassis to a highway-safety exhibition skidded off the road, killing its driver. The remains of the car vanished from the scene of that accident never to be seen again. 30. SEPTEMBAR / SEPTEMBER 1955.
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs
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