Elevate September 2021 | Air Serbia


Pilota Marka Markovića Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

Pilot Marko Marković

Koliko sati dnevno pilot može da prove- de na letu? – Radno vreme pilota definisano je operativnim priručnikom kompanije usaglašenim sa Zakonom o vazdušnoj plovidbi i ono zavisi od mnogih činilaca. Kao na primer, u koje doba dana je pilot stupio na dužnost i koliko poletanja ima tog dana. Svako stu-

How many hours a day can a pilot spend on a flight? “A pilot’s working hours are defined by the airline’s operational manual, which is harmonised with the Law on Aviation Navigation and depends on many factors. For example, the time of day at which the pilot came on duty and how many departures he has that day. Every

panje na dužnost, recimo u večernjim časovima i sa više poletanja i sletanja, značajno skraćuje radno vreme.

time you come on du- ty, for example in the evening hours and with multiple take-offs and landings, shortens the working hours signifi- cantly.” Are large planes saf- er than small ones? “When it comes to aircraft safety, I must say that every aircraft that has a navigation permit is equally safe, whether it is a small or large vessel. That isn’t even dependent on the number of engines. So, there are no concerns; every plane is total- ly safe.” Do you have time to see the cities to

Da li su ve- liki avioni bezbedniji od malih? – Što se tiče

bezbednosti vazdu- hoplova, moram da kažem da svaki koji ima plovidbenu do- zvolu jeste bezbe- dan, bilo da je ma- le ili velike mase. To ne zavisi čak ni od broja motora. Da- kle, nema brige, svaki avion je pot- puno bezbedan. Imate li vremena da vidite gradove u ko- je letite? – Gradove smo u prilici da vidimo sa zemlje samo ako imamo noćenje i, naravno, ako imamo dovoljno vremena da se odmorimo za sledeći let. Uglavnom imamo par sati da ih obiđemo u slučaju da noćimo, inače imamo samo do sat vremena pauze da putni- ci napuste avion, dopunimo gorivo i primimo nove putnike, a onda da im se divimo kroz prozore pilot- ske kabine iz vazduha.

which you fly? “We only get an opportunity to see the cities from the ground if we have an overnight stay and, of course, if we have enough time to rest for the next flight. We usually have a couple of hours to tour them in the case that we’re staying the night, otherwise we only have up to an hour’s break for passengers to disembark from the plane and for us to refuel and receive new passen- gers, and then we admire them from the air through the cockpit’s windows.” Retko imamo priliku da obilazimo gradove sa zemlje, zato im se divimo iz vazduha We rarely get an opportunity to tour cities from the ground, which is why we admire them from the air

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