Kultura Culture ELEGIJA Film koji je Savinu i Frana vratio na veliko platno / The film that brought Savina and Frano back to the big screen
The Elegy of Laurel, the debut feature film of young Montenegrin director Dušan Kasalica, had its world premiere as part of the Main Competition Programme of this year’s Sarajevo Film Festival, while the public will soon have an opportunity to watch it in cinemas FILIP, A SOPHISTICATED UNIVERSITY PRO- FESSOR, GOES ON HOLIDAY with his wife Kata- rina. After spending a few days in the pleasant, monotonous ambience of their spa hotel, their seemingly ideal marriage suddenly comes to an end. Their lives appear to be falling apart. However, armed with self-confidence, they accept every new situation that arises in life with extraordinary ease. Filip is played by Frano Lasić and the role of Katari- na belongs to Savina Geršak…
Elegija lovora , debitantski igrani film mladog crnogorskog reditelja Dušana Kasalice, svetsku premijeru imao je u glavnom takmičarskom programu ovogodišnjeg izdanja Sarajevo film festivala , a publika će uskoro imati priliku da ga vidi i u bioskopima UGLAĐENI UNIVERZITETSKI PROFE- SOR FILIP ODLAZI SA SUPRUGOM KATARI- NOM na odmor. Nakon nekoliko dana provede- nih u prijatnom, monotonom ambijentu hotelske banje njihov naizgled idealan brak se završava. Čini se da njihovi životi propadaju, ali okovani samopouzdanjem, oni svaku novu situaciju u ži- votu prihvataju sa neobičnom lakoćom. Filip je Frano Lasić, a Katarina Savina Geršak…
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