T here’s a high probabili- ty that you were at the airport today and that, while checking in for the flight during which you would read this article, you passed a guy in a hurry carrying a small week- end bag. And it’s very possible that that guy was me – after having de- cided to flee Belgrade to spend just three days in Rome. “Why such a short stay?” You would ask me de- spite not even knowing me. Because I like short trips to nearby metrop- olises the most. Everyone dreams of a luxurious holiday lasting a full two weeks that will enable you to explore your desti- nation, relax and fully recharge your batteries. However, then comes that bitter dose of reality: the return to a packed inbox and an insurmount- able pile of obligations to catch up on. The solution is a “city break” trip. Although this idea is noth- ing new - The New York Times has been publishing travelogues under the heading “36 Hours in...” for years, in which it shows readers how to nav- igate the world’s most charismatic destinations like a local – the pop- ularity of “short break” tourism is growing at an unstoppable pace. This is partly due to increasing numbers of flights and the huge popularity of accommodation booking platforms that have outdone traditional hotel reservations, and partly due to the fact that studies have shown that just such a sweet weekend getaway pro- vides the same (if not more) health benefits as longer breaks.
ka kaže da im se raspoloženje zna- čajno popravilo nakon kratkog od- mora, 66 odsto je reklo da su se sa takvog odmora vratili puni ener- gije, a 57 odsto je potvrdilo da je tad bilo manje pod stresom. Veru- jem da bi, nakon svih meseci to- kom kojih usled kovid protokola nismo ni imali priliku da putuje- mo, ovakvo istraživanje još više iš- lo u prilog teze – i kratak odmor je bolji od nikakvog. Međutim, ne samo što je bo- lji od toga već je drastično druga- čiji od tradicionalnog. Činjenica da imam toliko malo vremena da udahnem vazduh novog grada kao iskusni lokalac je izazov kojem ne mogu da odolim. A i kad bih mo- gao, zašto bih? Onda ne bih znao kako je spavati na plaži, i to svega dva sata između dve žurke u Barse- loneti, projuriti niz londonski So- ho brže nego njihov ikonični crni taksi, kakva je radost pojesti kro- asan u Parizu kod Galerije Lafajet , a samo nekoliko sati kasnije biti kod kuće u Beogradu i raspakiva- ti šoping ulov. Zato, kad mi neko postavi pi- tanje: „Kako to da nisi ostao duže od tri dana?“, odgovaram: „Baš to mi je trebalo!“
According to data gleaned by Project Time Off, people who take short trips are happier, calmer and more energised than those who rare- ly go on holiday. Psychologists gath- ered within the American Psychology Association are in agreement: in one survey conducted prior to the pan- demic, 68% of respondents said that their mood improved significantly after a short break, 66% said that they returned from such a break filled with energy, while 57% confirmed that they felt under less stress. I be- lieve that, after all the months dur- ing which COVID protocols meant that we didn’t even have the oppor- tunity to travel, this kind of research would be even more supportive of the thesis that “a short break is bet- ter than no break”. It isn’t only better than that, but it also differs drastically from a tra- ditional holiday. The fact that I have so little time to breathe the air of a new city like an experienced local is a challenge that I can’t resist. And why would I? Then I wouldn’t know what it’s like to sleep on the beach for just two hours between two parties in Barcelona, to rush through Lon- don’s Soho faster than their iconic black cabs, the joy it is to finish off a croissant at Galeries Lafayette in Paris and be back home in Belgrade just a few hours later, unpacking my shopping catch. So, when someone asks me “how come you didn’t stay for longer than three days?” I reply, “That was just what I needed!”
NYTimes već godinama objavljuje svoje
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pod nazivom 36 Hours in... The New York Times has been publishing travelogues under the heading “36 Hours in...” for years
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: iStock
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