Elevate June 2018 | Air Serbia

GOSPODAR KANJONA UVCA Kanjon Uvca nalazi se između Sjenice i Nove Varoši, između planina Javor i Zlatar. Poznat je po svojim meandrima, koje je reka usekla u kreč- njačku stenu. Lepota, divljina, priroda, sve je tu, a tu je i beloglavi sup, impozantni čuvar ovog pre- dela, koji se gnezdi baš u ovom kanjonu. Na uvač- kim jezerima ih je pre dve decenije bilo tek neko- liko, a onda je 1994. osnovano udruženje sa ciljem da se spreči izumiranje ove ptice u Srbiji. Danas u kanjonu Uvca živi oko tri stotine jedinki, što pred- stavlja najveću koloniju beloglavih supova na Balkanu i jednu od značajnijih u Evropi. Fotografija je delo Ljubiše Simovića i jedna je od 100 najlepših slika Srbije izabranih na konkur- su internet-platforme Slike Srbije . Slike Srbije su pionirski projekat koji je pokrenula grupa entuzi- jasta i zaljubljenika u fotografiju i pejzaže Srbije. Posetite sajt www.slikesrbije.rs i pogledajte foto- grafije koje oduzimaju dah.


Uvac Canyon is located between Sjenica and No- va Varoš, between Javor and Zlatar mountains. It is known for the meanders that the river has cut through the limestone rock. Beauty, wildlife, nature, every- thing is there, while also there is the guardian of this region: the majestic griffon vulture, with its imposing dimensions, nests in this very canyon. Until a few de- cades ago, there were just a few of them on the lakes of Uvac. Then, in 1994, an association was established with the aim of preventing this bird’s extinction in Ser- bia. The Uvac Canyon is today home to around three hundred individual birds, representing the largest grif- fon vulture colony in the Balkans and one of the most important in Europe. This photograph, the work of Ljubiša Simović was selected as one of the 100 most beautiful pictures of Serbia as part of the competition of internet platform Slike Srbije. The pioneering Pictures of Serbia proj- ect was launched by a group of enthusiasts and lov- ers of photography and Serbian landscapes. Visit www. slikesrbije.rs and check out images that will take your breath away.

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