F rames viewed from the per- spective of a falcon flying over the spruce forest and horn of the River Morava, with the tones that awaken our national be- ing and remind us of how beautiful Serbia, compelling us to stop us and ask ourselves how much we care about it remaining as such. The answer ap- pears in the final frame - mts protects your world. Here we discuss this pro- ject and other innovations at Telekom Srbija with Jana Ljubičić, Executive Di- rector of the Directorate for Residen- tial Customers. You pleasantly surprised the pub- lic with your new post-paid cam- paign. What makes it unique?
Primenili ste potpuno nov mar- ketinški pristup i način obraća- nja korisnicima. Zašto? – Želeli smo da pomerimo fokus na čoveka i životnu sredinu. Naime, ov- de u fokusu nije isključivo sama uslu- ga, već nešto životno i bitno za sve buduće generacije. Poruka je veoma snažna. Govori o potrebi da kao naci- ja, svi, bez izuzetka, vodimo računa o svojoj zemlji. Na našim zvaničnim ka- nalima na društvenim mrežama uve- rili smo se da su i reakcije mladih vr- lo pozitivne. Inače, podaci govore da čak 90 odsto mladih smatra da druš- tveno odgovorne aktivnosti treba da budu deo poslovanja svakog ozbilj- nog brenda. Prvi ste operator u Srbiji koji je predstavio mogućnosti 5G tehnolo- gije, koja donosi mobilnu Cloud robo- tiku, internet znanja i 5G brzine. Da li ste ovim zakoračili u budućnost? – Svakako. U to su se uverili i pri- sutni tokom prezentacije 5G mreže na Beogradskom sajmu, kada su posti- gnute brzine prenosa podataka od 24 do 27 Gbit/s, bez kašnjenja (latencije), što je posebno važno za industriju i po- slovnu primenu 5G tehnologije. Kada ova revolucionarna tehnologija zaživi na našim prostorima, doneće moguć- nost razvijanja novih privrednih delat- nosti i mnogostruku korist za postoje- će industrije, kao i značajan pomak u digitalnim komunikacijama. Koju ulogu Telekom Srbija ima u procesu digitalne transfor- macije? – Razvili smo strategije za inter- nu i eksternu digitalnu transformaci- ju. Takođe, dovođenjem optičke mreže direktno do privatnih i poslovnih ko- risnika, korisnicima pružamo najbolje rešenje za tehničke izazove sadašnji- ce i za buduće izazove. Jedan od njih je svakako i digitalna transformacija. Pomenuli ste optiku. Koliko je za vašu kompaniju značajan pro- jekat uvođenja direktne optič- ke mreže? – Od ključnog je značaja. Najnovija tehnologija povezivanja optičkim kablo- vima omogućiće korišćenje najnapred- nijih dostupnih servisa, obezbeđujući ultrabrzu i pouzdanu komunikaciju. Ve- lika propusna moć nove mts pristupne optičke mreže omogućiće istovreme- no povezivanje laptopa, telefona, table- ta, „game” konzole, „home security” si- stema i drugih naprednih uređaja na internet. Planiramo da optičku „kapi- larnu mrežu“ spustimo do svake kom- panije i kuće širom zemlje.
ly, the focus here is not only on servic- es themselves, rather on something vital to life and important to all fu- ture generations. The message is very strong. It talks about the need for us as a nation, everyone, without excep- tion, to take care of our country. Our official channels on social networks have also convinced us that the reac- tions among young people have been very positive. Otherwise, data show that as many as 90 per cent of young people think that socially responsible activities should be part of the opera- tions of every serious brand. You are the first operator in Serbia to introduce the capabilities of 5G technology, which brings mobile Cloud robotics, Internet knowl- edge and 5G speed. Have you stepped into the future with this? Certainly. Those who were pres- ent during the presentation of the 5G network at the Belgrade Fair were also convinced of this, when they achieved data transfer rates of 24 to 27 Gbit/s without delays (latency), which is par- ticularly important for industrial and commercial applications of 5G tech- nology. When this revolutionary tech- nology comes to life in our area, it will provide an opportunity to develop new business activities and multiple benefits for existing industries, as well as a significant shift in digital com- munications. What role does Telekom Srbija play in the digital transforma- tion process? We have developed strategies for internal and external digital transfor- mation. Moreover, by bringing optical networks directly to private and busi- ness users, we offer users the best solu- tion for today’s technical challenges and for future challenges. Digital trans- formation is certainly one of them. You mentioned optics. How im- portant is the project to intro- duce a direct optic network to your company? It’s crucially important. The latest technology for connecting optic ca- bles will enable the use of the most advanced services available, ensuring ultra-fast and reliable communication. The high bandwidth of the new mts ac- cessible optic network will enable si- multaneous internet connections of laptops, telephones, tablets, game con- soles, home security systems and other advanced devices. We plan to connect the optic “capillary network” to every company and home nationwide.
The high bandwidth of the new mts accessible optic network will enable simultaneous internet connections of laptops, telephones, tablets, game consoles, home security systems and other advanced devices povezivanje laptopa, telefona, tableta, „game” konzole, „home security” sistema i drugih naprednih uređaja na internet Velika propusna moć nove mts pristupne optičke mreže omogućiće istovremeno
The latest mts post-paid tariffs – Soko, Omorika and Morava – are primar- ily unique due to the fact that we will allocate one dinar from each monthly bill for the preservation of Serbia’s na- ture. All tariffs are of a national char- acter, which testifies to our responsi- ble attitude towards make the world a better place for future generations, and to the prioritising of the protec- tion of the environment and endan- gered species. The Soko (Falcon) tariff is named after the steppe (Banat) fal- con, which only inhabits Southeast Eu- rope and part of central Europe, Omori- ka (Spruce) is actually Pančić’s spruce, a conifer species endemic to Western Serbia, while the Morava tariff person- ifies our wealth of water. You have implemented a com- pletely new marketing approach and means of addressing your users. Why? We wanted to shift the focus to man and the environment. Specifical-
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