Počinje Mundijal / The FIFA World Cup kicks off
JEKATERINBURG Grad u centralnoj Rusiji, smešten u istočnoj oblasti planinskog lanca Urala. Dugo je tokom 20. veka bio poznat kao Sverdlovsk, prema boljševičkom lideru Jakovu Sverdlovu. Smatra se spoj- nicom Evrope i Azije, vrlo je bogat rudama. Inače, u Jekaterin- burgu je stadion neobičan zbog dograđivanja tribina kako bi se ispunio zahtevani kapacitet prema merilima FIFA za Mundijal. Stadion je dograđen i imaće 35.000 sedišta, što je ujedno i naj- manji kapacitet nekog stadiona koji će biti domaćin na turniru. YEKATERINBURG This central Russian city is located to the east of the Ural Mountains. Known during the 20th century under the name Sverdlovsk, after Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov, it is con- sidered a gateway between Europe and Asia, and is also very rich in mineral ores. The Yekaterinburg stadium is un- usual due to the extended terraces that were added to en- sure it satisfied the capacity requirements of the FIFA World Cup. The reconstructed stadium will have 35,000 seats for the tournament, making it the smallest stadium to host matches in this world cup.
SAMARA Šesti najveći grad u Rusiji sme- šten je na rekama Volgi i Sama- ri. Nekada zatvoreni grad sad je veliki centar, a u središtu pa- žnje se našao pre deset godina, kada je ugostio samit Evropska unija – Rusija, u maju 2007. Sa- mara je osnovana 1586. godine i tokom Drugog svetskog rata je bila rezervna prestonica So- vjetskog Saveza. Klima je slična našoj, sa vrelim letima i hlad- nim zimama. Za potrebe Mun- dijala napravljen je savremeni stadion kapaciteta 44.918 gle- dalaca, koji je koštao 320 mili- ona dolara. Na njemu će Srbi- ja odigrati prvi meč, 17. juna, sa Kostarikom. SAMARA This sixth largest city in Russia is located in the country’s south- east, on the rivers Volga and Sa- mara. A former closed city that’s now a major urban hub, it was thrust into the centre of world attention in May 2007, when it hosted the Summit of the Eu- ropean Union and Russia. Sa- mara was founded in 1586 and was the substitute capital of the Soviet Union during World War II. With a climate similar to Ser- bia’s, characterised by hot sum- mers and frigid winters. A modern stadium has been erected specifically for the needs of this summer’s World Cup, costing $320 million and with a capacity of 44,918 spec- tators. Serbia will play its first match there against Costa Rica on 17 th June.
KALININGRAD Kaliningrad is located in the Rus- sian exclave of the same name that is situated on the Baltic Sea between Poland and Lithuania. It is home to an old Prussian fort, which is reminiscent of former knights and the name of Königs- berg, which was changed when this city became Russian in 1945. Its most important museums are the artillery museum, the mu- seum of art history, the muse- um of world oceans and the mu- seum of fortifications, while the preserved fragments of its Vallen- rodt Library are also particularly important. At the stadium named after the city, built on Oktyabrsky Island specifically for the needs of the World Cup, Serbia’s footballers will play their 2nd round Group E match against Switzerland on 22 nd June. KALINJINGRAD Kalinjingrad je smešten u ruskoj enklavi između Poljske u Litvani- je, na Baltičkom moru. U njemu se nalazi stara pruska tvrđava, da se- ti na nekadašnje vitezove i naziv Kenigzberg, koji je izbrisan i pro- menjen 1945. godine, kada je ovaj grad postao ruski. Najznačajniji su muzeji ćilibara, istorije umetnosti, svetskog okeana, muzej utvrđe- nja, a posebno su važni sačuvani fragmenti Valenrodske biblioteke. Na stadionu koji nosi ime grada, izgrađenom na Oktobarskom ostr- vu upravo za potrebe Svetskog pr- venstva, fudbaleri Srbije igraće u 2. kolu E grupe sa Švajcarskom, 22. juna.
KAZANJ Prestonica Tatarstana nalazi se na istoku Rusije, na ušću re- ke Kazanjke u Volgu. Kazanj je centar islama u Rusiji. Postoji vi- še varijanti kako je grad dobio ime. Jedna je da je nazvan po posudi za kuvanje, kazanu, što je reč koju i danas koristimo u srpskom jeziku. Druga opcija je da je ime dobio zbog svoje lo- kacije, jer grad stoji u maloj kotlini oblika slova U i sličan je ka- zanjskom panju. Takođe, prema jednoj od legendi, naziv je do- bio po volškom Bugarinu Hasanu (Hasan-Hazanj-Kazanj), jer su upravo volški Bugari osnovali grad između 11. i 13. veka. KAZAN The capital of Tatarstan is located in eastern Russia, at the con- fluence of the rivers Kazanka and Volga. Kazan is the main cen- tre of Islam in Russia. There are several legends regarding the city’s etymology. According to one, it is derived from a word meaning bowl or cauldron, which is what the word ‘kazan’ means in Serbian today. Another legend claims that the name was derived from the local geography, because the city is nes- tled in a small U-shaped valley similar to an upturned caul- dron. According to yet another legend, the city was named af- ter Volga Bulgar Hasan (Hasan-Hazan-Kazan), because the city was actually founded by Volga Bulgars between the 11 th and 13 th centuries.
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