V oleli ili ne voleli Dena Brauna i njegove knji- ge prepune misterioznih društava i urota, ne- ma dileme da ovaj pisac zna kako da nas na- tera da se zaljubimo u neki grad. Učinio je to sa Parizom u knjizi Da Vinčijev kod, sa Vašingtonom u Izgubljenom simbolu, ali možda sa najviše ljubavi i de- talja u Anđelima i demonima, u kojima nas vodi kroz Rim, Vatikan i njihove tajne. Glavni junaci otkrivaju stazu prosvetljenja misteri- oznih iluminata prateći tragove velikog umetnika Đo- vanija Lorenca Berninija (1598–1680) kroz najlepše tr- gove i crkve Rima. Bernini je kao vajar i arhitekta bio centralna umetnička ličnost Rima i najpoznatiji umet- nik Evrope, koga su tražili engleski kraljevi i francuski kardinali. Den Braun malo mašta o zapletu, ali su mesta
W hether or not you like Dan Brown and his books filled with mysterious societies and conspiracies, there is no doubt that this writer knows how to compel us to fall in love with a city. He did it with Paris in the book The Da Vinci Code, he did it with Washington in The Lost Symbol, but it is perhaps with the most love and detail that he leads us, in the novel Angels & Demons, through Rome, the Vatican and their secrets. The main characters discover the “path of enlightenment”, the secrets of the Illuminati, and follow in the tracks of the great artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), through Rome’s most beautiful piazzas and churches. Bernini, as a sculptor and archi- tect, was Rome’s central artistic personality, but also Europe’s most famous artist, sought by English kings and French cardi- nals... Dan Brown engages his imagination a little for the plot, but
koja opisuje u knjizi uglav- nom stvarna. Ako otputu- jete u Večni grad, možda će vas zanimati baš polud- nevna Braunova tura Anđe- li i demoni (Half-Day Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons book tour). Ako pak više volite da tragovima junaka Roberta Langdona prođe- te sami, evo malog vodiča za mesta koja se pominju u ovoj uzbudljivoj knjizi. PANTEON Kao što znate, neko je oteo kardinale i ubija ih jednog po jednog. Upravo
the places described in the book are mostly real. If you travel to the eternal city you may be interested the Half- Day Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons book tour. If, how- ever, you prefer to follow in the footsteps of hero Robert Langdon on your own, here we provide you with a mi- ni guide to the places men- tioned in this exciting book.
As you know, some- one kidnapped the cardi- nals and killed them one by one. It was at the Pan-
Panteon je verovatno najstarije zdanje u koje ćete ikada kročiti The Pantheon is probably the oldest building you will ever enter
je Panteon, nekadašnji rimski hram pretvoren u bazili- ku, bio mesto na kojem je profesor Langdon potražio pr- vu žrtvu, verujući da je ključ u Rafaelovoj grobnici. Po- smrtni ostaci čuvenog slikara renesanse danas zaista jesu u Panteonu, ali su tamo preneti mnogo nakon nje- gove smrti, što će i junaci Anđela i demona brzo shva- titi. Inače, Panteon je verovatno najstarije zdanje u koje ćete ikada kročiti i jedina u celosti preživela građevina iz antičkog doba, sagrađena u vreme cara Hadrijana, u 1. veku nove ere. Postao je crkva u 7. veku i poneo ime Sveta Marija i svi mučenici, ali ga i dalje zovu hramom svih bogova, odnosno Panteonom.
theon, a former Roman temple converted into a basilica, where Professor Langdon sought the first victim, believing that the key was in the tomb of Raphael. The remains of this renowned Re- naissance painter are indeed at the Pantheon today, but they were transferred there long after his death, as the heroes of Angels & Demons quickly realise. Interestingly, the Pantheon is probably the oldest building you will ever enter and is the on- ly building from ancient times to have survived in its entirety. It was built during the time of Emperor Hadrian in the first cen- tury AD. It became a church in the seventh century, dedicated to St. Mary and all martyrs, but is still referred to as the Temple of All Gods, or the Pantheon.
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