Elevate June 2018 | Air Serbia


BAICOLI Kada je Venecija bila veli- ka pomorska sila, mornari- ma je bila potrebna hrana koja dugo traje, a tu je glav- nu ulogu imao ovaj, kako su ga zvali, brodski biskvit. Ia- ko izgleda obično, priprema nije nimalo jednostavna, pošto zahteva dva diza- nja testa i dvostruko peče- nje. Venecijanska aristokra- tija ga je obično umakala u krem ili desertna vina, dok se danas najčešće služi sa kafom ili zabajoneom – još jednom čuvenom italijan- skom delicijom, kremom od žumanaca i vina When Venice was a great naval power, sailors need- ed food that would last for a long time, and the main role in this belonged to this, as the sailors called it, ship’s biscuit. Although it resem- bles a regular biscuit, prepa- ration is not simple at all, as it requires the dough to be raised twice and double bak- ing. The Venetian aristocracy usually dipped it in cream or dessert wines, while it is to- day usually served with cof- fee or Zabaione – anoth- er famous Italian delicacy of cream made from egg yolks and sweet wine.

BACCALA MANTECATO Ovo je još jedno predjelo na bazi ribe – ali ne bilo koje ribe. To je fini mus od suše- nog bakalara začinjen maslinovim uljem, solju i biberom, ponekad belim lukom i peršunom. Služi se uz komade svežeg hleba ili s grilovanom palentom, još jed- nim tipičnim jelom regiona Veneto. This is another appetiser based on fish – but not just any fish. This is a finely whipped mousse made of salted cod, flavoured with olive oil, salt and pepper, and sometimes also garlic and parsley. It is served with chunks of fresh bread or grilled polenta – another typical dish of the Venice region.

RISI E BISI Gastronomski vodič kroz Vene- ciju ne bi bio to što jeste bez ri- zi-bizija. Dok ga mi u Srbiji nipo- daštavamo, u Veneciji ovo jelo na bazi pirinča i graška ima kul- tni status. Svakog 25. aprila, na dan Svetog Marka, zaštitni- ka grada, tradicionalno se služilo duždu, vladaru. Nije baš ni rižoto, a ni supa, u njega idu pančeta, luk, puter, peršun, a ako na pija- ci na Rijaltu spazite tezge pune graška, budite sigurni da je pra- vo vreme da rizi-bizi naručite u nekoj od lokalnih tratorija.

The gastronomic guide through Venice wouldn’t be what it is with- out risi e bisi. And while we in Ser- bia don’t respect it much, in Venice this rice and pea-based dish has a cult status. Every 25 th April, on the holiday of St. Mark, the city’s pa- tron saint, it is traditionally served to the Doge, the chief magistrate. This is not quite risotto and not quite a soup, and it includes panc- etta, onion, butter, parsley, and if you see stalls full of peas on Rial- to Market, you can be sure that it’s the right time to order Risi e Bisa in one of the local trattorias.

SARDE IN SAOR Način pripreme ovih delikatnih sardela na grilu, u slatko-kiselom sosu, ma- riniranih u luku i suvom grožđu, potiče iz srednjeg veka, kada su ih mornari i ribolovci tako prezervirali. Danas to više nije potrebno, ali Venecijanci taj ukus toliko vole, da su ga svih ovih vekova zadržali, pa su sardele opstale do dana današnjeg i u ovo moderno doba služe se kao antipasto. The preparation method for these delicious grilled sardines in a sweet- sour sauce, marinated in onion and raisins, originates from the Middle Ag- es, when sailors and fishermen preserved them in this way. That is no longer necessary today, but the Venetians like the taste so much that they have stuck to this method throughout all these centuries, so these sardines have survived to this day and serve in this fashionable age as antipasto.

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