Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


Air Serbia inflight magazine




Dear passengers, . JANUAR JANUARY A new decade is ahead of us; ten new opportunities for the best year ev- er, precisely 3,653 days and more than ve million minutes for new successes, journeys and memories. We at Air Serbia look forward to new beginnings and are eagerly spreading our wings to meet the adventures ahead.

Dragi putnici, Nova dekada je pred nama. Deset novih prilika za najbolju godinu svih vremena, tačno 3.653 dana i više od pet miliona mi- nuta za nove uspehe, putovanja i uspomene. Mi u Er Srbiji radu- jemo se novim počecima i nestrpljivo širimo krila u susret avan- turama. Januar je i mesec u kojem se, prema julijanskom kalenda- ru, proslavlja Božić – praznik koji se tradicionalno provodi u kru- gu najbližih. Prema srpskim običajima, u kuću se unosi badnjak, priprema se česnica, a porodica se okuplja oko praznične trpeze da bi uživala u trenucima mira i zajedništva. Neretko se porodi- ca okuplja sa svih strana sveta, a tu stupamo na scenu mi prevo- zeći na hiljade onih koji bi da se nađu u zagrljaju svojih najmilijih. Spajajući porodice, naročito tokom posebnih trenutaka kao što su

January is also the month during which we, according to the Julian cal- endar, celebrate Christmas – a holiday traditionally spent in the circle of our dearest loved ones. According to Serbian customs, the Christmas ‘Badnjak’ oak sapling is brought into the house, special česnica bread is prepared, and the family gathers around the festive table to enjoy moments of peace and togetherness. It is often the case that family members come from all over the world to gather, and that’s where we come onto the scene, transporting by the thousand those who would like to nd themselves in the embrace of their loved ones. It is by bringing families together, especially during special mo-

praznici, postajemo potpuno svesni koliko je važan posao koji obavljamo. Januar je i omiljeni me- sec svih zaljubljenika u zim- ske sportove. Baš tada je najbo- lje vreme za odlazak na skijanje i uživanje u snegu. Zbog toga smo pripremili brojna iznenađe- nja i popuste, a sve u cilju lak- šeg planiranja zimskog odmora. Da biste što bolje ispla-

ments like the holidays, that we become fully aware of the great importance of the work that we do. January is also the favourite month of all lovers of winter sports. It is the best month to go skiing and to enjoy the snow, which is why we’ve prepared numerous surprises and discounts, all with the aim of easing the planning of winter breaks. In order to help you plan your holi- day in the best possible way, we will al- so try to help you by suggesting numer-

Spajajući porodice, naročito tokom posebnih trenutaka kao što su praznici, postajemo potpuno svesni koliko je važan posao koji obavljamo

It is by bringing families together, especially during special moments like the holidays, that we become fully aware of the great importance of the work that we do

nirali svoj odmor, pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo i predlozima za odlazak na brojne zimske destinacije. Zato su pred vama zimske priče iz Austrije, Francuske, Crne Gore, sa Jahorine i iz Švajcarske. Zbog vas smo otputovali i u Istanbul, ali i zavirili u istorijske spise sa početka prošlog veka. U ovom Elevejtu saznaćete zbog čega je ja- nuar poseban mesec, kao i kakve ga zanimljivosti i verovanja prate. Raduje nas što novu godinu i novu deceniju započinjemo za- jedno. Hvala na ukazanom poverenju, trudićemo se da ga oprav- damo, kao i do sada.

ous winter destinations. That’s why you have in front of you winter stories from Austria, France, Montenegro, Mt. Jahorina and Switzerland. It is also be- cause of you that we travelled to Istanbul, but also delved into historical writ- ings from the beginning of the last century. In this issue of Elevate you will al- so nd out why January is a special month, as well as what kind of curiosities and beliefs accompany it. We are delighted to be starting the new year and the new decade to- gether. Thanks for showing us your trust, we will endeavour to justify it, as we have done to date.

Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

Enjoy your ight and happy travels, Sincerely yours, Air Serbia

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Francuska: Tri doline za nezaboravne visine France: Three valleys for unforgettable heights

Sadržaj /Inside

Er Srbija Air Serbia

Ljudi People

Zimovanje Winter holidays


22 Er Srbija poletela iz Kraljeva

32 Dejan Cukić:

Austrija: Brza Mura i srebrni Krajšberg Austria: The fast-owing Mur and the silvery Kreischberg

Maštao sam da sviram sa Džonom i Polom I fantasised about playing with John and Paul

Air Serbia operates ights from Kraljevo

88 Slatke božićne kraljice / Sweet Christmas queens


24 Najviše ocene


Dora Mar: Svi moji portreti koje je Pikaso naslikao su laž Dora Maar: All the portraits of me that Picasso painted are a lie

Crna Gora: Stvarno nestvarni Durmitor Montenegrow: Really unreal Durmitor

u regionu za Er Srbiju Highest ratings in the region for Air Serbia


Er Srbija poletela za Istanbul Air Serbia relaunches ights to Istanbul

86 BiH: Zimska idila na Jahorini B&H: Winter idyll on Jahorina

Moda Fashion


Air Serbia inflight magazine



Kako se srpska građanska klasa oblačila u 19. veku

How Serbia’s urban class dressed in the 19 th century


Naslovna strana/Cover photo: iStock / CasarsaGuru

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Sadržaj /Inside Putujte pametno Travel smart

64 Rim: Španske stepenice nisu stvarno španske Rome: The Spanish steps aren’t really Spanish

67 Sankt Peterburg:

Najlepša panorama Saint Petersburg: The most beautiful panoramic view


Tivat: Znate li ko je admiral fon Sternek? Tivat: Do you know who Admiral Von Sterneck was?

68 Njujork: Klizanje u

centru praznične čarolije NY: Ice skating at the centre of the festive magic

66 Bukurešt: Ovde jedu Mik i Kit Bucharest: Mick

and Keith eat here

Pola veka od Bitke na Neretvi: Preko vode do slobode Half a century since the Battle of the Neretva: Via water to freedom 40

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up Er Srbija nagradila 400.000. putnika na niškom aerodromu Air Serbia awards 400,000 th passenger at Niš airport Pomoć Er Srbije deci sa smetnjama u razvoju Air Serbia supports children living with disabilities Er Srbija u projektu zdravstvenog turizma Air Serbia included in medical tourism project Dobri rezultati dodatnih usluga Good ancillary results 3 pitanja za Milana Bakića, mlađeg kopilota u floti ATR-a Three questions for Milan Bakić, junior copilot of Air Serbia’s ATR eet 110 ― 129

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee

Nikola Vukomanović, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotograje / Photography Vesna Lalić, Oliver Bunić, Vladimir Živojinović, Miloš Cvetković, Nebojša Babić, Sneža Krstić, Goran Srdanov, Milan Ilić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

Neka vaše proleće počne ranije uz sveže ubrani buket lala! Nacionalni dan tulipana se tradicionalno proslavlja u Amsterdamu treće subote u januaru, kada se na Trgu Dam postavlja bašta sa više od 200.000 lala koje posetioci sami beru praveći buket poželji i meri. May your spring come early with a freshly picked bouquet of tulips! National Tulip Day is traditionally celebrated in Amsterdam on the third Saturday of January, when Dam Square is converted into a garden featuring over 200,000 tulips, which visitors pick themselves to make bouquets to their own desire and measure.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

Jelena Milašinović je sedam godina na poziciji PR menadžera Beogradske filharmonije i doprinela je da Filharmonija postane najdinamičnija institucija kulture koja ima svoju poziciju i na međunarodnoj sceni. Magistar je menadžmenta u kulturi i kulturne politike na Balkanu na Univerzitetu umetnosti. U ovom broju vodi nas kroz Štrausovu Alpsku simfoniju . Jelena Milašinović has held the position of Public Relations Manager of the Belgrade Philharmonic for seven years and has contributed to the Philharmonic becoming the most dynamic institute of culture, which also has its own position on the international scene. She holds a master’s degree in management in culture and cultural policy in the Balkans from the University of the Arts. For this issue she leads us through Strauss’s An Alpine Symphony.

Nebojša Atanacković je autor bloga Nestvarna mesta , gde kroz autorske tekstove i fotografije istražuje neiskvarene predele Balkanskog poluostrva. U pitanju je bogata kolekcija vikend- akcija koje po pravilu traju manje od 48 sati. Kako sam kaže, treba prvo istražiti naše dvorište, koje nudi toliko toga, pa nas je odveo na zavejani Durmitor. Nebojsa Atanackovic is the author of the blog “Unreal Places”, where he explores the unexplored parts of the Balkan Peninsula through his texts and photographs. It is a rich collection of weekend activities that typically last less than 48 hours. As he says, we should first explore our yard, which has so much to offer, so he took us to the blizzard-swept Durmitor.

Tamara Gligorijević je na najčitanijem lajfstajl portalu Žena.rs četiri godine brža od svetlosti. Njeno je pero britko, jezik provokativan, a tekstovi viralni. Teme kojima se bavi zadiru u najdublje društvene pore, ali i svedoče o pojavama kojima smo okruženi. Za Elevejt je ovom prilikom jednim starim stojadinom obišla monumentalne primere brutalizma na Novom Beogradu… Tamara Gligorijević has been working faster than light for Serbia’s most popular lifestyle portal, zena.rs, for four years. Her pen is razor sharp, her language provocative and her articles viral. The topics she deals with penetrate into the deepest pores of society, but also testify faithfully to the phenomena that surround us. For this issue of Elevate she visited monumental examples of brutalism in New Belgrade in an old Yugo- Zastava 101 car...

Miloš Cvetković Cvele je čuveni foto-reporter i u penziji je već 11 godina, ali i dalje radi punom parom kao da nije. U burnoj i bogatoj karijeri radio je za Borbu , Večernje novosti , Blic i druge najveće medijske kuće i aparatom beležio događaje koji su odredili vreme iza nas. U Elevejtu nam priča o jednom divnom hladnom danu u Sjenici. Miloš Cvetković, aka Cvele, is a renowned photojournalist who has been retired for 11 years, but who still works as though he’s not. During his turbulent and rich career, he worked for publications including Borba, Večernje Novosti and Blic, as well as other major media companies, while his camera recorded events that marked the times behind us. For this issue of Elevate he recounts for us one wonderful cold day in Sjenica…

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 313 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / CasarsaGuru

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Kopenhagen Najveća modna revija severne Evrope

Copenhagen Northern Europe’s biggest fashion show Since its rst appearance on the fash- ion scene in 1993, the Copenhagen In- ternational Fashion Show, CIFF, has quickly positioned itself and today represents the largest fashion show in Northern Europe. And again this year, from 29 th to 31 st January, fashion con- noisseurs from all over the world will come together at the city’s Bella Cen- tre to present their selected collec- tions divided into several segments: CIFF Youth, CIFF Paris and CIFF Run- way. Workshops will be organised dur- ing the event, at which innovations and trends in the fashion industry will be discussed.

Od kada je prvi put održan 1993, Međunarodni sajam

mode u Kopenhagenu brzo se pozicionirao i danas predstavlja najveću modnu reviju severne Evrope. Tako će i ove godine od 29. do 31. januara u Bela centru okupiti modne znalce iz celog sveta, koji će predstaviti svoje odabrane kolekcije podeljene u više segmenata: CIFF Youth, CIFF Paris i CIFF Runway. Tokom sajma biće organizovane i radionice na kojima će biti reči o novitetima i trendovima u modnoj industriji.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Copenhagen

Zagreb Prvi muzej mamurluka u svetu

Zagreb World’s first museum of hangovers

Proteklu godinu obeležio je trend otvaranja specifičnih muzeja širom sveta, pa je tako Zagreb dobio Muzej mamurluka posvećen misterioznim pričama o „danu posle“. Muzej ima četiri prostorije, oslikane zidove i zanimljive priče koje, osim što će vas nasmejati, podsetiće vas i da budete umereniji kad konzumirate alkohol. Iza ovog inovativnog projekta stoji dvoje studenata, a koncept je takav da sve izgleda kao put – od trenutka kad izađete iz kluba na ulicu do trenutka kad se budite u sobi.

The last year has been marked by the trend of opening specic museums around the world, and thus Zagreb gained the rst Museum of Hangovers, dedicated to the mysterious stories of the“the day after the night before”. The museum has four rooms, decorated walls and interesting stories, which – apart from making you laugh – will remind you to consume alcohol with greater moderation. Behind this innovative project are two students, with the concept created in such a way that everything looks like a road – from the moment you hit the street after leaving a nightclub to the mo- ment you wake up in your bedroom.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Zagreb

Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Zagreb

Štutgart Sajam antikvarskih knjiga Za ljubitelje pisane reči, kolekcionare i izdavače Sajam antikvarskih knjiga u Štutgartu je događaj koji se ne propušta. To je najstariji sajam u Nemačkoj i oslikava istoriju i tradiciju zemlje u štamparstvu i izdavaštvu, a ove godine održaće se od 24. do 26. januara. Više od 50 izlagača imaće priliku da prikaže i razmeni najstarije zbirke autentičnih knjiga, spisa i rukopisa, a sajam se inače održava još od 1962.

Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair

For lovers of the written word, book collectors and publishers, the Stutt- gart Antiquarian Book Fair is an un- missable event. The oldest trade fair in Germany, it reects the country’s history and tradition of printing and publishing and will this year be held from 24 th to 26 th January. More than 50 exhibitors will have an opportuni- ty to display and exchange the oldest collections of authentic books, writ- ings and manuscripts. This fair has been held annually since 1962.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Štutgart

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Stuttgart

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Madrid 200 years of Prado Museum

Madrid 200 godina muzeja Prado Madridski Prado, muzej s jednom od najvrednijih umetničkih kolekcija na svetu, obeležio je nedavno dva veka postojanja. Muzej je nastao od Kraljevskog muzeja slika i skulptura u kom su se nalazili najbolji i najznačajniji radovi, a prvo delo pripadalo je Ticijanu Večeliju, uticajnom italijanskom slikaru. U Pradu danas možete da pogledate dela Goje, Botičelija, Valaskeza, Boša i mnogih drugih velikana i za ljubitelje umetnosti predstavlja raj na zemlji, koji treba posetiti bar jednom u životu.

Madrid’s Museo Nacional del Prado, a museum with one of the world’s most valuable art collections, recently com- memorated the bicentenary of its exist- ence. This museum was initially called the Royal Museum of Paintings and Sculpture and housed the best and most signicant works, with the rst ever work there belonging to inuen- tial Italian painter Tiziano Vecellio, aka Titian. At the Prado today you can see works by Goya, Botticelli, Velázquez, Bosch and many other greats. It repre- sents a paradise on earth for art lovers that everyone should visit at least once during their lifetime. Istanbul World’s No.1 for earnings from tourism According to the contribution of the tourism industry to GDP, Istanbul ranks rst on the list of 73 world cities surveyed. The World Travel and Tourism Council has released data according to which the travel and tourism sector directly generates 15.7 per cent of the GDP of Istanbul. Ranked second on this list is Antalya, followed by Moscow in third. Interestingly, the increasing number of tourists in Istanbul is noticeable, with the city having been visited by 5.42 million people in the rst ve months of last year alone. Athens Christmas Light Festival Festivals of lighting installations, which shift the entire view of a city, are be- coming increasingly popular year on year. One such event is being held in Athens’ Stavros Niarchos Park until 6 th January and will enable visitors to en- joy interactive installations. Danc- es of light and sound, art and nature, in the Mediterranean Garden and on the large lawn, provide a unique ex- perience and an opportunity to shoot the most original seles. Stavros Niar- chos Park is otherwise a green oasis and the beating heart of Athens, which is known as the European city with the least greenery per capita.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Madrid

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Madrid

Istanbul Prvi u svetu po zaradi od turizma

Prema doprinosu turizma bruto domaćem proizvodu Istanbul zauzima prvo mesto na listi od 73 svetska grada. Svetsko veće za putovanja i turizam objavilo je podatke prema kojima u Istanbulu sektor putovanja i turizma direktno generiše 15,7 odsto BDP-a. Drugo mesto na ovoj listi pripalo je Antaliji, a treće Moskvi. Inače, u Istanbulu je primetan porast broja turista, pa je grad samo u prvih pet meseci prošle godine posetilo 5,42 miliona ljudi. Atina Praznični festival svetla Festivali svetlosnih instalacija iz godine u godinu u svetu su sve popularniji i obezbeđuju potpuno nov pogled na grad. Jedan takav održava se u Atini do 6. januara u parku Stavros Niarchos , u kom posetioci mogu da uživaju u interaktivnim instalacijama. Igre svetla i zvuka, umetnosti i prirode u Sredozemnom vrtu i na velikom travnjaku pružaju jedinstven doživljaj pored kog možete da napravite i najoriginalniji selfi. Inače, park Stavros Niarchos je zelena oaza i dah života Atine, koja je poznata kao grad sa najmanje zelene površine po glavi stanovnika u Evropi.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Istanbul

Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to Istanbul

Er Srbija leti 8 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Atinu

Air Serbia flies 8 times a week from Belgrade to Athens

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Scena / The scene

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SVA IDILA SRPSKOG SIBIRA Krajem jednog decembra čuo sam da je u Sjenici minus 24. Razmišljao sam da li da odem i uradim repor- tažu. Znao sam da me tamo čekaju sibirski uslovi, ali jači je bio profesi- onalni nagon. Surovi Pešter je iza- zov za foto-reportera. Krenuo sam sa kolegom. U gradu nezanimlji- vo, postoje sve službe i u poređe- nju sa selima lako se živi. Otišli smo desetak kilometara dalje, u Čitluk, da vidimo kako žive pravi gorštaci. Glavno zanimanje je stočarstvo, jer hrane na nepreglednim pašnjacima ima u izobilju, a jedini prevoz zimi su sanke koje vuku konji. Dok smo razgovarali sa meštanima, iz jednog dvorišta, uznemiren prisustvom ne- poznatih ljudi, pojurio je prekrasni at. Ulovih ga dok je preskakao žiča- nu ogradu i odjurio... ALL THE IDYLLS OF THE SERBIAN SIBERIA At the end of December one year I heard that it was minus 24 de- grees in Sjenica. I considered whether to go and do a feature re- port. I knew that Siberia-like con- ditions were awaiting me there, but my professional urge was stronger. The harsh Pešter is a challenge for photojournalists. I headed there with a colleague. The town wasn’t interesting, as it has all the services and, compared to the villages, is easy for living. We went ten kilometres further, to Čitluk, to see how true highland- ers live. The most common oc- cupation here is livestock farm- ing, as there is plentiful food on the vast pastures, while the only form of transport in the winter is a horse-drawn sleigh. As we con- versed with the locals, a beauti- ful horse rushed out of one yard, disturbed by the presence of strangers. I “caught” it as it leapt over a barbedwire fence and ed away...

Tekst i fotografije / Article and Photography: Miloš Cvetković

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Aerodrom Morava postaje treći matični aerodrom

Er Srbije Morava Airport

became third home airport of Air Serbia



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Er Srbija još u novembru premašila prošlogodišnji broj putnika

A ir Serbia has started operating ights from Kraljevo’s Morava Airport to the Austrian capital, with tickets for ights between Kraljevo and Vienna now being sold via agencies and the Air Serbia Contact Centre. According to Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith, “Air Serbia expands its oer with ights from Kralje- vo. Morava Airport became our third home airport in Serbia and is intended primarily for passengers from Western Serbia and the Šumadija region. Af- ter the launch of the Vienna ights, passengers can also expect the introduction of regular ights to Greece. All of those who wish to travel from Mora- va Airport can expect traditionally good service at aordable prices.” The national airline began operating ights from Kraljevo to Vienna and Thessaloniki following a public call for aviation services of public interest initiated by the Government of Serbia. Flights to Vienna will be available through- out the year, twice a week in the winter and three times a week during summer, while the Thessa- loniki ights will be seasonal, with two ights per week in summer. Air Serbia will operate ights to both destinations from Kraljevo using its regional ATR72 Turboprop aircraft. E r Srbija je poletela sa Aerodroma Morava ka austrijskoj prestonici 17. decembra prošle godine, a karte su puštene u prodaju preko agencija i kontakt-centra Er Srbije . – Letovima iz Kraljeva Er Srbija proši- ruje svoju ponudu. Aerodrom Morava po- staje naš treći matični aerodrom u Srbiji i namenjen je pre svega putnicima iz regi- ona zapadne Srbije i Šumadije. Posle po- kretanja linije za Beč putnici mogu da oče- kuju i uvođenje redovnih letova za Grčku. Ono što očekuje sve one koji se odluče da putuju sa Aerodroma Morava jeste tradi- cionalno dobra usluga po povoljnim cena- ma – zaključio je Dankan Nejsmit, general- ni direktor Er Srbije . Nacionalna avio-kompanija leteće iz Kraljeva ka Beču i Solunu na osnovu rezul- tata tendera za obavljanje usluga redovnog vazdušnog prevoza na linijama od javnog interesa koji je raspisala Vlada Srbije. Linija za Beč funkcionisaće tokom cele godine, dva puta nedeljno tokom zime i tri puta nedeljno tokom leta, dok će linija za Solun biti sezonska, sa dva leta nedeljno tokom leta. Er Srbija će ka obe destinaci- je iz Kraljeva leteti regionalnim ATR72 tur- boprop avionom.

Više od mesec dana pre isteka kalendarske godine Er Srbija je premašila uku- pan broj putnika iz 2018. godine prevezavši preko svog matičnog aerodroma u Beogradu 2.512.324 putnika. U taj broj nisu uključeni putnici koji su koristili us- luge srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika preko nove baze, Aerodroma Kon - stantin Veliki u Nišu, uspostavljene u julu ove godine. – Za ovaj izuzetan rezultat zaslužan je ceo tim Er Srbije . Napornim radom, za- laganjem, strateškim planiranjem i blagovremenim prepoznavanjem prilika na tržištu postavljamo nove rekorde. Prethodnu godinu obeležio je naš nikada ja- či rast i planiramo da istim tempom nastavimo i u budućnosti – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Er Srbija je sa izuzetnim operativnim rezultatima iz letnje sezone nastavila i tokom jeseni. U oktobru je prevezeno za 13,37 odsto više putnika u odnosu na oktobar prošle godine, čime je ostvaren najbolji rezultat za taj mesec od kada kompanija posluje pod imenom Er Srbija . Trend rasta nastavljen je i u novem- bru, kada je prevezeno za 25 odsto više putnika u odnosu na isti period 2018. godine. Nacionalni avio-prevoznik je 2019. uveo direktne letove ka čak deset novih destinacija iz Beograda, uključujući i liniju za Istanbul, koja je uspostav- ljena u decembru. Uz uvođenje 12 novih linija iz Niša u julu i avgustu Er Srbija je u protekloj godini ostvarila najsnažniju ekspanziju od osnivanja kompanije. AIR SERBIA SURPASSED 2018 PASSENGER NUMBERS AS EARLY AS NOVEMBER Air Serbia surpassed the total number of passengers from 2018 more than a month before the end of the year, having carried 2,512,324 passengers from its home airport in Belgrade by the end of November. This total does not inc- lude passengers who utilised the Serbian national airline’s services from its new Constantine the Great Airport hub in Niš, from which services were laun- ched in July 2019. “The entire Air Serbia team is responsible for this exceptional result. With hard work, dedication, strategic planning and timely recognition of opportunities on the market, we are setting new records. The last year was marked by growth that has never been stronger and we are planning to continue this tempo in the future as well,” said Jiří Marek, Air Serbia’s GM Commercial and Strategy. The autumn season saw Air Serbia continue its excellent operating results from the summer season. In October 2019, 13.37% more passengers were carried than in the same month of 2018, representing the best result for that period since the company started operating under the Air Serbia name. The growth trend also continued in November, when 25 per cent more passengers were carried compared to the previous November. Serbia’s national airline introduced direct flights to as many as ten new desti- nations from Belgrade during 2019, including flights to Istanbul that were la- unched in December. Along with the introduction of 12 new flight routes from Niš in July and August, Air Serbia had its strongest year of expansion since the founding of the company. .

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E r Srbija ponovo je potvrdila lidersku poziciju u regionu osvojivši najbolje oce- ne među kompanijama jugoistočne Evrope u kategorijama bezbednosti i pro- izvoda. Prema analizi portala za rejting u oblasti civilne avijacije AirlineRatin- gs.com, srpski nacionalni avio-prevoznik ocenjen je sa maksimalnih sedam zvezdica za bezbednost i uvršćen je među najbezbednije avio-kompanije, dok su kom- pletan proizvod i usluga ocenjeni sa pet zvezdica, što je najbolji rezultat u regionu ju- goistočne Evrope. – To što smo sačuvali lidersku poziciju u oštroj konkurenciji i drugu godinu za- redom dobili najbolje kombinovane ocene pokazuje da idemo u dobrom smeru i da spadamo u red najboljih kompanija u ovom delu sveta. Iako smo zadovoljni, nastav- ljamo da unapređujemo ponudu jer samo tako možemo da ispratimo povećanu tra- žnju, koja u poslednjem kvartalu prevazilazi sve rekorde od kada poslujemo. Uveren sam da će sve ono što pripremamo u narednom periodu rezultirati još boljim ocena- ma stručne javnosti, ali i još većim zadovoljstvom putnika – izjavio je Dankan Nej- smit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . NAJVIŠE OCENE U REGIONU ZA ER SRBIJU HIGHEST RATINGS IN THE REGION FOR AIR SERBIA

Air Serbia has once again conrmed its leading position in the region, recording the best ratings among airlines in Southeast Europe in the categories of safety and products „Er Srbija“ je ponovo potvrdila lidersku poziciju u regionu osvojivši najbolje ocene među kompanijama jugoistočne Evrope u kategorijama bezbednosti i proizvoda

A ir Serbia has once again conrmed its leading position in the region, recording the best ratings among airlines in Southeast Europe in the categories of safety and prod- ucts. According to the analysis of civil aviation ratings portal AirlineRatings.com, the Serbian national airline was awarded the maximum seven stars for safety and is among the safest airlines, while its total product and services were rated with ve stars, which is the best result in the region of Southeast Europe. “The fact that we have preserved our leading position despite very serious competition, and earned the best ratings for the second year in a row, shows that we are moving in a good direction and that we are among the best companies in this part of the world. Even though we are satised, we will continue to improve our oer, because that is the only way we can respond to increased demand, which has, in Q4, been exceeding all records since the beginning of our operations. I am convinced that everything we are preparing for the coming period will result in even better ratings from the experts, but also in higher satisfaction among our passengers,” said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith.

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Nacionalna avio-kompanija Srbije donela je odluku da nakon pauze od dve i po go- dine ponovo uspostavi direktne letove iz- među Beograda i Istanbula. Prvi avion do grada na Bosforu poleteo je 11. decembra 2019, a Er Srbija će leteti tri puta nedeljno i polaziće iz Beograda ponedeljkom, sre- dom i petkom. Nakon početnog perioda srpski avio-prevoznik će razmotriti even- tualno povećanje frekvencije na sedam le- tova nedeljno, a avioni Er Srbije sletaće na novi međunarodni aerodrom Istanbul, koji je otvoren 2018. – Raduje nas što ponovo uspostavljamo li- niju do Istanbula, destinacije do koje je na- ša kompanija letela decenijama. Brzom re- akcijom i specijalnim cenama avio-karata želeli smo da izađemo u susret onima čije je putovanje ugroženo zbog privremenog prestanka rada avio-kompanije Atlas glo - bal – izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za ko- mercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije .

Serbia’s national airline has decided to re-establish direct flights between Belgra- de and Istanbul after a break of two and a half years. The first plane to the city on the Bosphorus departed on 11 th Decem- ber 2019, and Air Serbia will operate flights three times a week, departing from Bel- grade on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days. Following the initial period, the Serbian carrier will consider possibly increasing the frequency to seven flights a week, while Air Serbia’s planes will land at the new Istanbul International Airport, opened in 2018. “We are delighted to be re-establishing our route to Istanbul, a destination that our com- pany has flown to for decades. With a qu- ick response and special airfare prices, we wanted to meet the needs of those who- se travels have been threatened following the temporary suspension of the operations of AtlasGlobal,“ said Jiří Marek, Air Serbia’s Commercial and Strategy Director.

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Umetnica Jana Šušteršič, glumac Radivoje Bukvić i deo organizacionog tima: Aleksandra Denda,

Gordana Jelić, Petar Marković, Katarina Radivojević, Miloš

Čitaković, Igor Mladenović, Andrea Pavlović, Božidar Jovićević i Marija Tomić, Vlade Divac, Ana Koeshall, Ana Divac i Đorđe Petković (sleva nadesno) (From left-to-right) artist Jana Šušteršič , actor Radivoje Bukvić and organisational team members Aleksandra Denda, Gordana Jelić, Petar Marković, Katarina Radivojević, Miloš Čitaković, Igor Mladenović, Andrea Pavlović, Božidar Jovićević and Marija Tomić, with Vlade Divac, Divac Foundation Director Ana Koeshall, Ana Divac and George Petković

S rpska filantropska gala-večera, u saradnji s Fondacijom Ana i Vlade Divac , održana je u pre- stižnom Tribeca 360 Roofto- pu u prisustvu 350 gostiju, većinom iz Njujorka, ali iz drugih krajeva Ame- rike, Kanade i Evrope. Te večeri doni- rali su ukupno 54.000 dolara za sred- njoškolske stipendije u Srbiji, a u ovom plemenitom događaju učestvovao je i nacionalni avio-prevoznik Er Srbija . Kao glavni korporativni partner, Er Srbija je uvećala vrednost sponzorskih stolova doniranim avio-kartama i sa- mim tim pomogla da se skupe veće do- nacije tokom večeri. Takođe je preuzela obaveze u vezi s prevozom materijala i ponudila promotivne cene karata za sve goste večeri. Taj primer je sledio je i Etihad , koji je takođe učestvovao do- nacijom karata. – Er Srbija se trudi da uvek bude deo dešavanja koja se tiču naše dijas- pore u Americi. To podrazumeva sve, od sportskih događaja i tradicionalnih okupljanja do dešavanja koja promovi- šu našu kulturu i, naravno, filantropska dešavanja poput Serbian Philantropic Gale . Smatram da je Er Srbija jedan o najboljih brendova naše države i teži- mo da budemo spona između naših ljudi, te pomognemo svuda gde je to moguće. Naravno, zato težimo da iza- đemo u susret i učestvujemo u huma- nitarnim akcijama. Sama mogućnost da u isto vreme budemo deo jednog od najlepših i elitnih događaja i deo


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Deo organizacionog tima: Gordana Jelić i Marta Stijepović Members of the organisational team: Gordana Jelić and Marta Stijepović

T he Serbian Philanthropic Gala Evening, organised in cooperation with the Ana & Vlade Divac Foun- dation, was held at the prestigious Tribeca 360° Rooftop venue, with 350 guests in attendance – mostly from New York, but also from oth- er parts of America, Canada and Eu- rope. The evening saw total donations of $54,000 for high school scholarships in Serbia, while Air Serbia, as the coun- try’s national airline, also took part in this noble event. As the main corporate partner, Air Serbia increased the value of sponsorship tables by donating ight tickets, thereby helping to ensure larger donations were raised during the evening. The airline al- so took on commitments regarding the transporting of materials and oered pro- motional ticket prices for all guests of the evening. This example was followed by Eti- had, which also participated in the donat- ing of ight tickets. “Air Serbia strives to always partici- pate in events that relate to our diaspora in America. That implies everything from sporting events and traditional gatherings, to events that promote our culture and, of course, philanthropic events like the Serbi- an Philanthropic Gala. I consider Air Serbia as one of our country’s best brands, and we strive to represent a link between our peo- ple, helping wherever possible. Of course, that’s why we also strive to go out of our way to participate in humanitarian cam- paigns. Just the opportunity to simultane- ously be part of one of the most beautiful and elite events and part of a system that

will help the best students in our country was more than ample reason for us to re- spond positively and participate directly,” says Air Serbia Regional Director for North and South America George Petković. This scholarship programme was de- veloped with the desire to help high school pupils who are growing up under aggra- vated circumstances but who still manage to achieve remarkable success at school on a daily basis and who help others through volunteering activities. Thanks to donors, the Divac Foundation has awarded a to- tal of 276 scholarships over the past three years, while funds raised during this char- ity evening will enable the awarding of an additional 54 scholarships. The idea for the Philanthropic Gala Evening in New York, which was attended by Vlade and Ana Di- vac, was the brainchild of Petar Marković, who organised a team of 17 professionals from various industries – nance, consult- ing, marketing, management, fashion, en- trepreneurship and the arts. The programme was led by famous act- ing stars Katarina Radivojević and Radivo- je“Raša”Bukvić, while jazz-soul artist Alek- sandra Denda was in charge of the event’s art and music programme. Part of the mu- sic programme included the performance of Jana Šušteršič, while a special surprise was provided with the performance of chil- dren’s folk group Opančići. Awards were also presented, with the recipients including Anka Erne – for phil- anthropic contributions from the Diaspo- ra, Milorad Jurković (Carpenter Mile) – for contributions to philanthropy in Serbia, and Zorka Milić – for her long-standing contri- butions to the Serbian community.

Glumac Radivoje Bukvic (u sredini) i deo organizacionog tima (sleva nadesno): Đorđe Petković, Marija Tomić, Mark Jovanović i Stevan Mraović Actor Radivoje Bukvic (centre) and members of the organisational team, from left-to-right: George Petković, Marija Tomić, Mark Jovanović and Stevan Mraović

sistema koji će pomoći najboljim studentima u našoj zemlji bila je više nego dovoljan razlog da se odazovemo i direktno učestvu- jemo – kaže Đorđe Petković, re- gionalni direktor za Severnu i Južnu Ameriku. Ovaj program za stipendiste razvijen je sa željom da se pomo- gne srednjoškolcima koji imaju ote- žane okolnosti odrastanja, ali pokazuju svakodnevan izvanredan uspeh u ško- li i pomažu drugima kroz volonterske aktivnosti. Zahvaljujući donatorima, tokom poslednje tri godine Fondacija Divac dodelila je ukupno 276 stipen- dija, a tokom ove humanitarne večeri skupljena su sredstva za dodatnih 54. Ideju za Filantropsko gala veče u Nju- jorku, kom su prisustvovali Vlade i Ana Divac, dao je Petar Marković, koji je or- ganizovao tim od 17 profesionalaca iz različitih branši – finansija, konsaltin- ga, marketinga, menadžmenta, modne industrije, preduzetništva i umetnosti. Poznati glumci Katarina Radivo- jević i Radivoje Raša Bukvić vodili su program, dok je Aleksandra Denda, džez-soul kantautorka, bila zadužena za umetničko-muzički program. Deo muzičkog programa izvela je i Jana Šušteršič, a posebno iznenađenje bio je nastup dečje folklorne grupe Opančići . Deljene su i nagrade koje su dobi- li Anka Erne za filantropski doprinos iz dijaspore, Milorad Jurković (Stolar Mile) za doprinos filantropiji u Srbiji i Zorka Milić za dugogodišnji doprinos srpskoj zajednici.

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K raljevo svoje ime duguje kraljevi- ma iz svoje slavne istorije – njih sedam krunisano je u manastiru Žiči, a tragovi njihove vladavine ovim prostorima vidljivi su i danas. I sam krajolik kao da je iskočio iz nekog romana o vitezovima, princezama i strašnim aždaja- ma – na samo 180 kilometara od Beograda, u srcu Srbije, putnici namernici idu Dolinom jorgovana, iznad koje se uzdiže misteriozni srednjovekovni grad Maglič. Svako ko je video grb Kraljeva zna da se na njemu nalazi sedam kruna koje sim- bolizuju sedam krunisanja, a legenda ka- že da su u Žiči za svakog vladara otvarana nova vrata kroz koja je samo on prolazio, pa bi bila odmah zazidana. Bila to istina ili ne, tek na Žiči i danas stoji sedam zatvore- nih vratnica koje mame posetioce da dođu i čuju priču o ovom mestu. Grad se šepuri na tri velike reke – Za- padnoj Moravi, Ibru i Gruži. Ostale, manje pritoke više niko i ne broji. Ako se ikada umore od reka ili samo požele drugačiji krajolik, Kraljevčani odlaze na prelepe obli- žnje planine – Goč, Stolove, Troglav, Ra- dočelo… Gosti željni mineralnih voda i spa tretmana iz Kraljeva lako dolaze do tri ba- nje – Vrnjačke, Mataruške i Bogutovač- ke, a tamo ih, naravno, čeka kraljevski tre- tman. vek obeležio je Stefan Prvovenčani podizanjem zadužbine, manastira Žiče, u kom je i krunisan kao prvi srpski kralj . The 13 th century was marked by Stefan the First- Crowned, who built his endowment, Monastery Žiča, where he was also crowned the rst Serbian king

Kraljevo je grad u kom je krunisano sedam srednjovekovnih vladara, grad na tri reke u blizini pet planina i dve banje, grad poznat i kao srce Šumadije SEDAM KRALJEVA Kraljevo is a city in which seven medieval rulers were crowned, a city on three rivers, close to ve mountains and two spas, and a city that’s also known as “the Heart of Šumadija”

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,    / ,     

K raljevo owes its name to the kings of its glorious histo- ry - seven of them were crowned at Žiča Monas- tery, and traces of their rule over these lands are still visible to this day. The very scenery of this place seems to have leapt from the pages of a novel about knights, princesses and terrible dragons – just 180 kilo- metres from Belgrade, in the heart of Serbia, visitors pass through the lilac valley, above which rises the mys- terious medieval citadel of Maglič. Anyone who has seen the Kraljevo coat of arms knows that there are seven crowns on it, which symbolise the seven coronations, and legend has it that a new door was opened at Žiča Monastery for every ruler, through which only he passed, af- ter which it would be immediate- ly bricked up. Whether this is true or not, today the monastery still has seven closed doorways that lure visitors to come and hear the story of this place. The city adorns the banks of three large rivers - West Mora- va, Ibar and Gruža. Other, small- er tributaries are so numerous they’re no longer counted. And if they ever get tired of their riv- ers or just want some different scenery, Kraljevo folk head to the beautiful nearby mountains - Goč, Stolove, Troglav, Radoče- lo… Guests seeking healing wa- ters and spa treatments can easi- ly reach three spas from Kraljevo - Vrnjačka, Mataruška and Bo- gutovačka, where they are, of course, awaited by the royal treat- ment.

. grad je, na zahtev građana, dobio ime Kraljevo prilikom posete kralja Milana Obrenovića city received its nal name Kraljevo at the request of citizens, commemorating a visit of King Milan Obrenović

 reke teku kroz Kraljevo: Zapadna Morava, Ibar i Gruža

rivers ow through Kraljevo: West Morava, Ibar and Gruža

 kilometra jugozapadno od Kraljeva na vrhu strmog brda nalazi se srednjovekovni grad Maglič kilometres southwest of Kraljevo, at the top of a steep hill, sits the medieval citadel of Maglič

 kilometara jugoistočno od Kraljeva i 202 kilometra od Beograda nalazi se planina Goč

kilometres southeast of Kraljevo and 202 kilometres

from Belgrade is the mountain area of Goč

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Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Nebojša Babić

K ao tinejdžer je maštao da postane jedan od članova legendarnih Bitlsa . U mla- dalačkim danima bio je u grupama Dizel , Tilt , Bulevar i Baja- ga i Instruktori . Od 1987. je frontmen rok grupe Spori ritam bend . Autor je mnogih tekstova i publikacija koje su obavezna literatura za ljubitelje rokenrola. Posle decenije diskograf- ske pauze Dejan Cukić je 2019. sa bendom objavio CD Ulice bez bro- jeva , a novi album otvara pesma Prvi let , koju je napisao u avionu… – Od poslednjeg albuma sa no- vim pesmama prošlo je više od de- set godina, ali nisam bio na muzičkoj pauzi. Pre nekoliko godina objavili smo kompilaciju najvećih hitova, sa dve nove pesme. I sa nastupima ni- smo prestajali. Spori ritam je uvek važio za izvrstan koncertni bend, pa nam pozivi za svirke nisu nedostaja- li. Ja sam radio i veliki broj solistič- kih akustičnih nastupa. To je tako- đe vrlo zabavno i pomoglo mi je da se kroz klupske nastupe u najdirek- tnijem mogućem kontaktu približim novoj generaciji slušalaca. Po čemu pamtite rok scenu kad ste bili početnik? – Sve je tada bilo drugačije, zato pokušavam da se ne sećam previše. Najvažnije pravilo, koje više ne po- stoji, bilo je da je bavljenje rokenro- lom moguća karijera i životni put, a ne samo prolazni hobi. Da li vam je rok uvek bio jedi- ni izbor ili ste imali rezervnu profesiju? – Ništa ozbiljno. Kad sam bio sa- svim mali klinac, govorio sam da ću kad porastem biti jedan od Bitlsa . (smeh) Verovatno je novinarstvo bi- lo nekakva rezervna profesija, ali je vremenom pisanje o muzici posta- lo više paralelna profesija. Ipak, ostvarili ste se i kao no- vinar, prevodilac, pisac… – Zvanično sam slobodni umet- nik. Ostvarujem svoja prava preko Udruženja kompozitora i muzičkih pisaca, čiji pun naziv već dovoljno opravdava takvu odluku. Član sam i Udruženja muzičara džeza, zabav- ne i rok muzike i Udruženja novina- ra Srbije… Možda bih mogao da se učlanim i u Udruženje prevodilaca, valjda bi me primili posle 15 preve- denih knjiga. (smeh) Kako ste odoleli izazovima umetničkog života i kao zreo

s a teenager he fantasised about be- coming a member of the legendary Beatles. In his youth he was in the bands Diesel, Tilt, Bulevar and Baja-

roker dočekali prvih 60 leta? – U knjizi britanskog pisca Toni- ja Parsonsa pronašao sam rečenicu: „Nepristojno je drogirati se posle 28 godine.“ Valjda ovi koji prežive tih kritičnih 27 kasnije imaju više šan- si. Šalu na stranu, mislim da je ko- risno iživeti neka ludila kad im je vreme. Uživam u stabilnom braku i mirnom porodičnom životu, a svo- je pozitivno ludilo ostavljam za sce- nu, što znaju oni koji dolaze na mo- je nastupe. Kako vam deluje današnja srp- ska rok scena? – Dopadaju mi se mnogi mladi bendovi čije pesme mi povremeno pušta moj sin. Nedostaje im svest da muzika može biti životni put, čak i ako sviraš šta voliš. To je danas, za razliku od našeg vremena, veo- ma teško. Sa kojim inostranim muziča- rima ste imali posebno drage susrete? – Bilo je lepo upoznati Stinga, grupu Dajer strejts , Tinu Tarner… Legendarnu Džoan Baez sam učio da peva pesmu Tajna veza na srp- skom… Najkomičniji mi je bio nedav- ni susret sa Bilijem Ajdolom. On ni sa kim nije kontaktirao prilikom bo- ravka u Srbiji zbog nastupa na Zaje- čarskoj gitarijadi . Zbog problema sa grlom čuvao je glas. Ali pošto sam ja preveo njegovu autobiografiju za naše tržište, zahvaljujući gitaristi Sti- vu Stivensu i ljubaznom Bilijevom ličnom menadžeru, našli smo se na- samo i komunicirali pantomimom. (smeh) Rekao sam mu: „Ne brini, i ja sam pevač, savršeno te razumem.“ Koga biste još rado upoznali? – Kao večiti obožavalac Bitlsa , voleo bih da upoznam Pola Makar-

ga & The Instructors, and since 1987 has been the frontman of rock group Spori Ritam (Slow Rhythm) Band. He is the author of many arti- cles and publications that are obligatory read- ing for lovers of rock‘n’roll. After a decade-long break in releasing a record, in 2019 Dejan Cukić and his band released the CD Ulice bez broje- va (Streets without numbers), and this new al- bum opens with the song Prvi Let (First Flight), which he wrote aboard a plane… “It’s been over ten years since the last album with new songs, but I haven’t been having a break musically. We released a compilation of great- est hits, with two new songs, several years ago. And we didn’t stop performing. Slow Rhythm was always considered a great concert band, so we weren’t short of invitations for gigs. I also did a lot of solo, acoustic performances. That’s also lots of fun and helped me approach a new gen- eration of listeners through club performances in the most direct possible contact.” How do you recall the rock scene from the time when it was new to you? “Everything was completely dierent back then, which is why I try not to remember it too much. The most important rule, which no longer exists, was that dealing with rock ‘n’ roll was a possible career and life path, and not just a pass- ing hobby.” Was rock always your only choice, or did you have a backup profession? “Nothing serious. When I was a very young kid, I used to say that when I grew up I would be one of the Beatles [laughs]. Journalism was probably some kind of“backup”profession, but writing about music gradually became more of a “parallel” profession.” Butyoustillbecameself-realisedasajour- nalist, translator, writer of books… “I’m ocially a free artist. I realise my rights through the Association of Composers and Mu- sic Writers, the full name of which already su- ciently justies such a decision. I’m also a mem-

Legendarnu Džoan Baez učio je da peva pesmu „Tajna veza“ na srpskom… Sa Bilijem Ajdolom je pričao, ali pantomimom. Želi da upozna Pola Makartnija ili Ringa Stara, a voli i „Stonse“, mada kaže da tu nema žurbe, jer će Kit Ričards još dugo biti sa nama… He taught the legendary Joan Baez to sing the song Tajna Veza (Secret Relationship) in Serbian... He spoke with Billy Idol, but in mime. He wants to meet Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr, and also likes the Stones, though he says there’s no rush in meeting them, because Keith Richards will be with us for a long time to come…

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