Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in achieving six million passengers. It is our privilege that the milestone passenger chose to y with Air Serbia. This is yet further conrmation that we are the rst carrier of choice with the high- est number of destinations from Belgrade and connections via Belgrade. We will con- tinue to develop our network in order to in- crease our customers’choice.We are commit- ted not only to passengers departing from Belgrade, but also to attracting passengers to come and visit this beautiful country. As a token of our gratitude, we would like to pres- ent the winner with two business class tick- ets for our agship state-of-the art service from Belgrade to New York, the only direct route from the Balkans to North America”. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, which has been operated for almost a year by BELGRADE AIRPORT, under a concession agreement, re- corded almost 4.75 million passengers in the rst three quarters of this year, represent- ing an increase of 7.8 per cent compared to the same period of last year. During the third quarter alone, the number of passen- gers traversing the Airport increased by 9.3 per cent compared to the same period of last year.

B Mrs Janković was greeted as the six-millionth passenger at the airport’s Terminal 2 by BEL- GRADE AIRPORT Chief Executive Ocer Francois Berisot and Air Serbia Gen- eral Manager for Commercial and Strat- egy Jiří Marek, who awarded this record passenger with the valuable gift of two business class return tickets to New York. “We have achieved the mark of six million passengers, our best result so far, largely as a result of the opening of as many as ten new routes by Air Serbia, new ights of airlines Air France and ASL to Paris, new Wizz Air ights to Lyon and a very successful charter season. Congratu- lations to Mrs Danijela Janković, as I hope she will remember this moment and have no doubt that she will enjoy the overseas trip,” said Mr Berisot. According to Air Serbia Commercial and Strategy GM Marek: “Air Serbia this year contributed strongly to the success

Air Serbia this year contributed strongly to the success of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport in achieving six million passengers Er Srbija je ove godine umnogome doprinela uspešnom poslovanju Aerodroma Nikola Tesla i dostignutom broju od 6.000.000 putnika koje je Aerodrom uslužio

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