Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

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PITANJA ZA MILANA BAKIĆA, MLAĐEG KOPILOTA U ATR FLOTI THREE QUESTIONS FOR MILAN BAKIĆ, JUNIOR COPILOT OF AIR SERBIA’S ATR FLEET 3 U kakvom sećanju vam je ostao prvi let? – To je bilo ostvarenje sna jer sam oduvek želeo da budem pilot na- še nacionalne avio-kompanije. Prvi put u uniformi Er Srbije na letu do Beča uvek ću pamtiti, a posebno zadovoljstvo predstavljalo mi je to što sam leteo sa svojim instruktorom koji me je obučavao na simulatoru. Koji je najveći kompliment za jednog pilota? – Letenje je zahtevna veština u čijoj analizi postoji mnoštvo kompli- menata koji bi se mogli dati jednom pilotu. Jedan od najvećih za me- ne je „liznuti pistu“. To je sletanje kada se ne oseti da glavni stajni trap aviona dodiruje pistu, već se to uvidi tek nakon spuštanja nosnog točka. Zbog čega ste odabrali pilotski poziv? – Rođen sam u Vršcu i otkada znam za sebe, deda me je vodio na aero-


Er Srbija se uključila u projekat Zdravstveni tu- rizam Srbije Ministarstva zdravlja, koji će pružiti posebne pogodnosti klijentima ordinacija i klinika u Srbiji, kao i putnicima Er Srbije. Korisnici usluga zdravstvenih ustanova koje su učesnice projek- ta moći će da koriste promotivne cene avio-ka- rata Er Srbije, dok će oni koji putuju Er Srbijom moći da ostvare dodatne popuste za zdravstve- ne usluge u ordinacijama i klinikama. To praktič- no znači da će Er Srbija strancima koji dolaze na popravku zuba ili na korekciju nekog dela tela u Srbiju davati popuste na avio-karte, ali i lekari- ma čije su ordinacije uključene u program. Tako- đe, pacijenti koji u zdravstvenu ustanovu dođu sa kartom Er Srbije imaće popust na usluge. Za pa- cijente koji rezervišu karte na ovaj način obezbe- đene su najpovoljnije cene, a baner Er Srbije ko- ji će biti postavljen na sajtu svake sertifikovane klinike učesnice projekta za razvoj zdravstvenog turizma vodiće direktno na veb-stranicu Er Srbije i rezervacioni formular sa posebnim tarifama.

drom, gde sam posma- trao svog oca kako po- leće i sleće. Gledajući njega u uniformi naše nacionalne avio-kom- panije, video sam se- be. Pre upisa pilotske akademije u Vršcu na sportskom aerodromu u Zrenjaninu doživeo sam prvi let na kom sam držao komande aviona. To je bila po- tvrda da je ono što sam oduvek želeo da radim prava stvar za mene.


How do you recall your rst ight? - That was the realising

Air Serbia has joined the Serbian Ministry of Health’s Medical Tourism Development project, which will provide special benets to visiting clients of Serbian clinics and Air Serbia passengers. The beneciaries of the services of the health institutions participating in the project will be able to use the promotional prices of Air Serbia’s tickets, while those travelling with Air Serbia will be able to earn additional discounts for health services provided by clinics. In practical terms, this means that Air Serbia will provide foreigners coming to Serbia for dental or medical work with discounts on air tickets, but also doctors whose institutions are included in the programme. Moreover, patients arriving at a participating healthcare facility with an Air Serbia air ticket will receive a discount on medical services. The best possible airfare prices are provided for those booking tickets in this way. Meanwhile, the Air Serbia banner – which will be posted on the websites of every certied clinic participating in the Health Tourism Development Project – will lead users directly to the Air Serbia website and a booking form for special fares.

of a dream, because I’d al- ways wanted to be a pilot of our national airline. I will always remember my rst time in an Air Serbia uni- form, on a ight to Vienna, and what was particularly pleasing was that I ew together with my instructor, who had taught me in the simulator. What is the greatest compliment a pilot can receive? - Flying is a demanding skill, in the analysis of which exist a large number of compliments that could be given to a pilot. One of the biggest for me is to “lick” the runway. That’s a landing when you don’t feel the aircraft’s main landing gear touch- ing the runway, rather that’s only recognised once the nose wheel hits the tarmac. Why did you opt to pursue a pilot’s calling? - I was born in Vršac, and from as far back as I can remember my grandfather would often take me to the airport, where I would watch my father ying and land- ing. When seeing him in the uniform of our national airline, I saw myself. Prior to en- rolling in the aviation academy in Vršac, I experienced the rst ight during which I took command of an aircraft, at the sports airport in Zrenjanin. That was conrma- tion that what I’d always wanted to do was the right thing for me.

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