Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

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I f you are planning an active break this winter and want to carry skis, a snowboard or other sports equip- ment, Air Serbia provides you with the possibility to do so on its ights. When booking a ticket, be sure to conrm the type, weight and dimensions of your sports equipment, given that certain restrictions exist regarding the num- ber, size and type of equipment. On the basis of length and weight, equip- ment is divided into‘small’(maximum length of up to 140cm and weight of up to 15kg), ‘medium’ (maximum length of up to 180cm and weight of up to 32kg) and ‘large’ (maximum length of up to 277cm and weight of up to 45kg), while vaulting poles are cate- gorised separately. The transporting of small and medium-sized sports equip- ment is permitted on Air Serbia ights, while special permission is required for large equipment, but also sport- ing arms and bicycles. For addition- al information on conditions for the transportation of sports equipment, visit www.airserbia.com. POKLONVAUČER GIFT VOUCHER† Ova dodatna usluga podrazume- va deponovanje sredstava na poklon-vaučer u iznosu od 25, 50, 100 i 200 evra, kao i u dinar- skoj protivvrednosti. Dostupna je u odabranim Er Srbija poslovnica- ma u Beogradu, kao i putem kon-

Er Srbija, vodeća avio-kompanija u regionu Air Serbia, the leading airline in the region


E r Srbija je lider u avio-saobraćaju još od osnivanja kompanije 1927. godine. Sada, uz novo ime i sa novim identitetom, širom naše rastuće mreže linija možemo da ponudimo nov koncept udobnosti tokom leta. Er Srbija u 2020. godini leti do 61 destinaci- je u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Bliskom istoku, u Se- vernoj Americi, kao i Africi, kako u putničkom, tako i u teretnom saobraćaju. Posredstvom Etihad ervejza i naših dru- gih partnerskih avio-kompanija u prilici smo i da vam ponudimo letove do međunarod- nih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Africi. Er Srbija je od 1961. godine član Među- narodne asocijacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Rešeni smo da strateškim promenama ko- je su u toku nastavimo da igramo ključnu ulo- gu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbije. Prioritet Er Srbije je pružanje usluge izuzet- nog kvaliteta za naše putnike. Cilj nam je da ko- risnicima usluga naše kompanije pružimo mak- simalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete. Radujemo se što smo u prilici da vam po- želimo dobrodošlicu na našem letu.

S ince the establishment of the compa- ny in 1927, Air Serbia has been a lead- er in air travel. Now, with our new name and new identity, we are redening the concept of comfort in the air across our growing net- work. In 2020, we y to 61 passenger and car- go destinations in Europe, the Mediterrane- an, the Middle East, North America, as well as in Africa. We also oer ights to internation- al destinations in Asia, Australia, North Ameri- ca and Africa, through our airline partners, in- cluding our partner Etihad Airways. Air Serbia has been a member of the In- ternational Air Transport Association (IATA) since 1961. Through strategic change, we are com- mitted to continue playing an integral role in the development of Serbia’s aviation, travel and tourism industries. At Air Serbia, delivering exceptional ser- vice is our number one priority. We are com- mitted to ensuring our guests experience the most comfortable journey possible, no mat- ter which class they y. It is our pleasure to welcome you aboard.

takt-centra. Korisnik po- klon-vaučera sredstva može iskoristiti is- ključivo za kupo- vinu karte na ne- kom od letova Er Srbije . GIFT VOUCHER This additional service im-

plies the depositing of funds on a gift voucher in the amount of 25, 50, 100 and 200 euros, as well as in RSD equivalent. It is avai- lable at select Air Serbia bran- ch oces in Belgrade, as well as via the Air Serbia Contact Cen- tre. The recipient of a gift vouc- her can use the funds exclusively for the purchase of tickets for Air Serbia ights.

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