Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

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SMERNICE ZA PRIJAVLJIVANJE I UKRCAVANJE PUTNIKA E r Srbija poziva sve svoje goste da dođu dovoljno rano na aerodrom kako bi mogli da završe prijave za let na vreme. Prijavljivanje počinje najmanje dva sata pre vremena odlaska, međutim: • Prijavljivanje na let zaključuje se 45 minuta pre poletanja • Izlaz za ukrcavanje zatvara se 20 minuta pre poletanja Navedena informacija odštampana je i na karti. Za više informacija, molimo kontak- tirajte sa pozivnim kontakt centrom Er Srbije na broj 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi sa fiksne i mobilne telefonije u Srbiji), +381 11 311 21 23 za pozive iz inostranstva, posetite zvanični veb-sajt Er Srbije www.airserbia.com, ili bilo koju od poslovnica ovlašćenih turističkih agencija. Er Srbije ili

e CHECK-IN AND BOARDING GUIDELINES A ir Serbia advises all its guests to arrive at the airport in good time in order to be able to complete the check-in process. Please be advised: • Check-in opens at least two hours before time of departure • Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to flight departure • The boarding gate closes 20 minutes prior to flight departure The information above can also be found on your ticket. For further information, please con- tact Air Serbia’s Contact Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or visit Air Serbia’s cial website www.airserbia.comor any of Air ces or authorised travel agents.

Kao što se praktikuje u avio- kompanijama širom sveta, svaki predati prtljag koji prelazi dozvo- ljenu težinu, broj i dimenzije odre- đene novim uslovima biće poseb- no naplaćivan. Detaljnije informacija dostupne su na sajtu Er Srbije (www.airser- bia.com) i svim prodajnim mestima u zemlji i inostranstvu. sedišta iza kojeg sedite i koji ne prelazi određenu težinu (svi detalji na sajtu). PREDATI PRTLJAG Sve što želite da ponesete na putovanje, a ne može da stane u vaš ručni prtljag, spakujte i predajte na aerodromu. Dozvoljena težina pred- atog prtljaga zavisi od toga kuda pu- tujete, klase i tarife kojom letite, kao i vašeg članstva u Etihad gest pro- gramu. Sve detalje potražite na sajtu airserbia.com/informacije/prtljag HAND LUGGAGE Pack everything you need for a short trip in your hand luggage or pack all the things for which there was no room in the suitcase and bring them along into the passenger cabin. You e BAGGAGE can bring in a hand luggage item free of charge, whether it is a back- pack, a small bag or a suitcase. It is important that it does not exceed the allowed weight and size (all de- tails on website).  Additional hand luggage You can also bring another addi- tional small luggage item or an ob- ject which may be placed under the seat in front of you, but it should not exceed the weight specied on the website. CHECKED BAGGAGE You may pack and check at the air- port all things that you wish to In line with the practice of ot- her airlines worldwide, all bagga- ge exceeding the permitted we- ight or number of pieces, will be subject to a fee. Detailed information on the- se regulations can be found by vi- siting Air Serbia’s website www. airserbia.com or by contacting Air Serbia’s offices in Serbia or abroad. Guest programme membership. All details on www.airserbia.com/ en/information/baggage bring along, but for which there is no room in your hand luggage. The checked baggage weight allow- ance depends on your destination, class, fare basis code and your Etihad RUČNI PRTLJAG Spakujte u svoj ručni prtljag sve što vam je potrebno za kratko putovan- je ili sve stvari koje nisu uspele da stanu u kofer i unesite ih u putnič- ku kabinu. U avion možete potpuno besplatno da unesete jedan komad ručnog prtljaga, bilo da je to ranac, mala torba ili kofer. Važno je samo da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i di- menzije (svi detalji na sajtu).  Dodatni ručni prtljag Na let možete da unesete još jedan dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili pred- met koji može da se smesti ispod

Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja.

These simple exercises will help to relieve the tiredness and stiffness associated with flying.



• Postavite jastuk iza leđa. • Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje kičme. • Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Ume- sto toga, pokušajte da sedite sa rav- nomerno raspoređenom težinom.

• Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. • Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. • Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight evenly balanced.


• Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu. • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom unazad spustite. • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižući ramena prema ušima i spu- štajući ih u početni položaj.

• Sit up straight and move forward in the seat. • Bring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle back downwards. • Repeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards the ears before lowering in the opposite direction back to the starting position.


• Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, iznad kolena. • Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite podignutim stopalom pazeći da vam pri tom cela noga bude što mirnija.

• Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the thigh, just above the knee. • Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular motion, keeping the leg as still as possible.


• Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu. • Nežno i polako kružite vratom na jednu stranu, zatim ga vratite na drugu stranu. • Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo.

• Sit back in the seat and flatten the headrest. • Gently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back through the centre towards the other side. • Try to keep the back of the neck fully extended.

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