Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


Kopenhagen Najveća modna revija severne Evrope

Copenhagen Northern Europe’s biggest fashion show Since its rst appearance on the fash- ion scene in 1993, the Copenhagen In- ternational Fashion Show, CIFF, has quickly positioned itself and today represents the largest fashion show in Northern Europe. And again this year, from 29 th to 31 st January, fashion con- noisseurs from all over the world will come together at the city’s Bella Cen- tre to present their selected collec- tions divided into several segments: CIFF Youth, CIFF Paris and CIFF Run- way. Workshops will be organised dur- ing the event, at which innovations and trends in the fashion industry will be discussed.

Od kada je prvi put održan 1993, Međunarodni sajam

mode u Kopenhagenu brzo se pozicionirao i danas predstavlja najveću modnu reviju severne Evrope. Tako će i ove godine od 29. do 31. januara u Bela centru okupiti modne znalce iz celog sveta, koji će predstaviti svoje odabrane kolekcije podeljene u više segmenata: CIFF Youth, CIFF Paris i CIFF Runway. Tokom sajma biće organizovane i radionice na kojima će biti reči o novitetima i trendovima u modnoj industriji.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Copenhagen

Zagreb Prvi muzej mamurluka u svetu

Zagreb World’s first museum of hangovers

Proteklu godinu obeležio je trend otvaranja specifičnih muzeja širom sveta, pa je tako Zagreb dobio Muzej mamurluka posvećen misterioznim pričama o „danu posle“. Muzej ima četiri prostorije, oslikane zidove i zanimljive priče koje, osim što će vas nasmejati, podsetiće vas i da budete umereniji kad konzumirate alkohol. Iza ovog inovativnog projekta stoji dvoje studenata, a koncept je takav da sve izgleda kao put – od trenutka kad izađete iz kluba na ulicu do trenutka kad se budite u sobi.

The last year has been marked by the trend of opening specic museums around the world, and thus Zagreb gained the rst Museum of Hangovers, dedicated to the mysterious stories of the“the day after the night before”. The museum has four rooms, decorated walls and interesting stories, which – apart from making you laugh – will remind you to consume alcohol with greater moderation. Behind this innovative project are two students, with the concept created in such a way that everything looks like a road – from the moment you hit the street after leaving a nightclub to the mo- ment you wake up in your bedroom.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Zagreb

Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Zagreb

Štutgart Sajam antikvarskih knjiga Za ljubitelje pisane reči, kolekcionare i izdavače Sajam antikvarskih knjiga u Štutgartu je događaj koji se ne propušta. To je najstariji sajam u Nemačkoj i oslikava istoriju i tradiciju zemlje u štamparstvu i izdavaštvu, a ove godine održaće se od 24. do 26. januara. Više od 50 izlagača imaće priliku da prikaže i razmeni najstarije zbirke autentičnih knjiga, spisa i rukopisa, a sajam se inače održava još od 1962.

Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair

For lovers of the written word, book collectors and publishers, the Stutt- gart Antiquarian Book Fair is an un- missable event. The oldest trade fair in Germany, it reects the country’s history and tradition of printing and publishing and will this year be held from 24 th to 26 th January. More than 50 exhibitors will have an opportuni- ty to display and exchange the oldest collections of authentic books, writ- ings and manuscripts. This fair has been held annually since 1962.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Štutgart

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Stuttgart

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