Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


Madrid 200 years of Prado Museum

Madrid 200 godina muzeja Prado Madridski Prado, muzej s jednom od najvrednijih umetničkih kolekcija na svetu, obeležio je nedavno dva veka postojanja. Muzej je nastao od Kraljevskog muzeja slika i skulptura u kom su se nalazili najbolji i najznačajniji radovi, a prvo delo pripadalo je Ticijanu Večeliju, uticajnom italijanskom slikaru. U Pradu danas možete da pogledate dela Goje, Botičelija, Valaskeza, Boša i mnogih drugih velikana i za ljubitelje umetnosti predstavlja raj na zemlji, koji treba posetiti bar jednom u životu.

Madrid’s Museo Nacional del Prado, a museum with one of the world’s most valuable art collections, recently com- memorated the bicentenary of its exist- ence. This museum was initially called the Royal Museum of Paintings and Sculpture and housed the best and most signicant works, with the rst ever work there belonging to inuen- tial Italian painter Tiziano Vecellio, aka Titian. At the Prado today you can see works by Goya, Botticelli, Velázquez, Bosch and many other greats. It repre- sents a paradise on earth for art lovers that everyone should visit at least once during their lifetime. Istanbul World’s No.1 for earnings from tourism According to the contribution of the tourism industry to GDP, Istanbul ranks rst on the list of 73 world cities surveyed. The World Travel and Tourism Council has released data according to which the travel and tourism sector directly generates 15.7 per cent of the GDP of Istanbul. Ranked second on this list is Antalya, followed by Moscow in third. Interestingly, the increasing number of tourists in Istanbul is noticeable, with the city having been visited by 5.42 million people in the rst ve months of last year alone. Athens Christmas Light Festival Festivals of lighting installations, which shift the entire view of a city, are be- coming increasingly popular year on year. One such event is being held in Athens’ Stavros Niarchos Park until 6 th January and will enable visitors to en- joy interactive installations. Danc- es of light and sound, art and nature, in the Mediterranean Garden and on the large lawn, provide a unique ex- perience and an opportunity to shoot the most original seles. Stavros Niar- chos Park is otherwise a green oasis and the beating heart of Athens, which is known as the European city with the least greenery per capita.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Madrid

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Madrid

Istanbul Prvi u svetu po zaradi od turizma

Prema doprinosu turizma bruto domaćem proizvodu Istanbul zauzima prvo mesto na listi od 73 svetska grada. Svetsko veće za putovanja i turizam objavilo je podatke prema kojima u Istanbulu sektor putovanja i turizma direktno generiše 15,7 odsto BDP-a. Drugo mesto na ovoj listi pripalo je Antaliji, a treće Moskvi. Inače, u Istanbulu je primetan porast broja turista, pa je grad samo u prvih pet meseci prošle godine posetilo 5,42 miliona ljudi. Atina Praznični festival svetla Festivali svetlosnih instalacija iz godine u godinu u svetu su sve popularniji i obezbeđuju potpuno nov pogled na grad. Jedan takav održava se u Atini do 6. januara u parku Stavros Niarchos , u kom posetioci mogu da uživaju u interaktivnim instalacijama. Igre svetla i zvuka, umetnosti i prirode u Sredozemnom vrtu i na velikom travnjaku pružaju jedinstven doživljaj pored kog možete da napravite i najoriginalniji selfi. Inače, park Stavros Niarchos je zelena oaza i dah života Atine, koja je poznata kao grad sa najmanje zelene površine po glavi stanovnika u Evropi.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Istanbul

Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to Istanbul

Er Srbija leti 8 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Atinu

Air Serbia flies 8 times a week from Belgrade to Athens

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