Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

Deo organizacionog tima: Gordana Jelić i Marta Stijepović Members of the organisational team: Gordana Jelić and Marta Stijepović

T he Serbian Philanthropic Gala Evening, organised in cooperation with the Ana & Vlade Divac Foun- dation, was held at the prestigious Tribeca 360° Rooftop venue, with 350 guests in attendance – mostly from New York, but also from oth- er parts of America, Canada and Eu- rope. The evening saw total donations of $54,000 for high school scholarships in Serbia, while Air Serbia, as the coun- try’s national airline, also took part in this noble event. As the main corporate partner, Air Serbia increased the value of sponsorship tables by donating ight tickets, thereby helping to ensure larger donations were raised during the evening. The airline al- so took on commitments regarding the transporting of materials and oered pro- motional ticket prices for all guests of the evening. This example was followed by Eti- had, which also participated in the donat- ing of ight tickets. “Air Serbia strives to always partici- pate in events that relate to our diaspora in America. That implies everything from sporting events and traditional gatherings, to events that promote our culture and, of course, philanthropic events like the Serbi- an Philanthropic Gala. I consider Air Serbia as one of our country’s best brands, and we strive to represent a link between our peo- ple, helping wherever possible. Of course, that’s why we also strive to go out of our way to participate in humanitarian cam- paigns. Just the opportunity to simultane- ously be part of one of the most beautiful and elite events and part of a system that

will help the best students in our country was more than ample reason for us to re- spond positively and participate directly,” says Air Serbia Regional Director for North and South America George Petković. This scholarship programme was de- veloped with the desire to help high school pupils who are growing up under aggra- vated circumstances but who still manage to achieve remarkable success at school on a daily basis and who help others through volunteering activities. Thanks to donors, the Divac Foundation has awarded a to- tal of 276 scholarships over the past three years, while funds raised during this char- ity evening will enable the awarding of an additional 54 scholarships. The idea for the Philanthropic Gala Evening in New York, which was attended by Vlade and Ana Di- vac, was the brainchild of Petar Marković, who organised a team of 17 professionals from various industries – nance, consult- ing, marketing, management, fashion, en- trepreneurship and the arts. The programme was led by famous act- ing stars Katarina Radivojević and Radivo- je“Raša”Bukvić, while jazz-soul artist Alek- sandra Denda was in charge of the event’s art and music programme. Part of the mu- sic programme included the performance of Jana Šušteršič, while a special surprise was provided with the performance of chil- dren’s folk group Opančići. Awards were also presented, with the recipients including Anka Erne – for phil- anthropic contributions from the Diaspo- ra, Milorad Jurković (Carpenter Mile) – for contributions to philanthropy in Serbia, and Zorka Milić – for her long-standing contri- butions to the Serbian community.

Glumac Radivoje Bukvic (u sredini) i deo organizacionog tima (sleva nadesno): Đorđe Petković, Marija Tomić, Mark Jovanović i Stevan Mraović Actor Radivoje Bukvic (centre) and members of the organisational team, from left-to-right: George Petković, Marija Tomić, Mark Jovanović and Stevan Mraović

sistema koji će pomoći najboljim studentima u našoj zemlji bila je više nego dovoljan razlog da se odazovemo i direktno učestvu- jemo – kaže Đorđe Petković, re- gionalni direktor za Severnu i Južnu Ameriku. Ovaj program za stipendiste razvijen je sa željom da se pomo- gne srednjoškolcima koji imaju ote- žane okolnosti odrastanja, ali pokazuju svakodnevan izvanredan uspeh u ško- li i pomažu drugima kroz volonterske aktivnosti. Zahvaljujući donatorima, tokom poslednje tri godine Fondacija Divac dodelila je ukupno 276 stipen- dija, a tokom ove humanitarne večeri skupljena su sredstva za dodatnih 54. Ideju za Filantropsko gala veče u Nju- jorku, kom su prisustvovali Vlade i Ana Divac, dao je Petar Marković, koji je or- ganizovao tim od 17 profesionalaca iz različitih branši – finansija, konsaltin- ga, marketinga, menadžmenta, modne industrije, preduzetništva i umetnosti. Poznati glumci Katarina Radivo- jević i Radivoje Raša Bukvić vodili su program, dok je Aleksandra Denda, džez-soul kantautorka, bila zadužena za umetničko-muzički program. Deo muzičkog programa izvela je i Jana Šušteršič, a posebno iznenađenje bio je nastup dečje folklorne grupe Opančići . Deljene su i nagrade koje su dobi- li Anka Erne za filantropski doprinos iz dijaspore, Milorad Jurković (Stolar Mile) za doprinos filantropiji u Srbiji i Zorka Milić za dugogodišnji doprinos srpskoj zajednici.

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