Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

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K raljevo owes its name to the kings of its glorious histo- ry - seven of them were crowned at Žiča Monas- tery, and traces of their rule over these lands are still visible to this day. The very scenery of this place seems to have leapt from the pages of a novel about knights, princesses and terrible dragons – just 180 kilo- metres from Belgrade, in the heart of Serbia, visitors pass through the lilac valley, above which rises the mys- terious medieval citadel of Maglič. Anyone who has seen the Kraljevo coat of arms knows that there are seven crowns on it, which symbolise the seven coronations, and legend has it that a new door was opened at Žiča Monastery for every ruler, through which only he passed, af- ter which it would be immediate- ly bricked up. Whether this is true or not, today the monastery still has seven closed doorways that lure visitors to come and hear the story of this place. The city adorns the banks of three large rivers - West Mora- va, Ibar and Gruža. Other, small- er tributaries are so numerous they’re no longer counted. And if they ever get tired of their riv- ers or just want some different scenery, Kraljevo folk head to the beautiful nearby mountains - Goč, Stolove, Troglav, Radoče- lo… Guests seeking healing wa- ters and spa treatments can easi- ly reach three spas from Kraljevo - Vrnjačka, Mataruška and Bo- gutovačka, where they are, of course, awaited by the royal treat- ment.

. grad je, na zahtev građana, dobio ime Kraljevo prilikom posete kralja Milana Obrenovića city received its nal name Kraljevo at the request of citizens, commemorating a visit of King Milan Obrenović

 reke teku kroz Kraljevo: Zapadna Morava, Ibar i Gruža

rivers ow through Kraljevo: West Morava, Ibar and Gruža

 kilometra jugozapadno od Kraljeva na vrhu strmog brda nalazi se srednjovekovni grad Maglič kilometres southwest of Kraljevo, at the top of a steep hill, sits the medieval citadel of Maglič

 kilometara jugoistočno od Kraljeva i 202 kilometra od Beograda nalazi se planina Goč

kilometres southeast of Kraljevo and 202 kilometres

from Belgrade is the mountain area of Goč

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