Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

OTKUP SREDNJOVEKOVNOG NOVCA ZA NARODNI MUZEJ N umizmatičko odeljenje Narodnog muzeja u Be- ogradu bogatije je za izuzetnu kolekciju srpskog srednjovekovnog novca. Kolekcionarskom stra- šću vođen, donedavni vlasnik je pažljivo i zna- i evropskog srednjovekovnog novca u Narodnom muzeju, uz neskrivenu radost kaže da do sada nismo bili u prilici da imamo otkup sa neprekinutim nizom koji prati kovanje srp- skih vladara od sredine 13. do sredine 15. veka i pruža uvid u razvoj novčanog sistema srednjovekovne Srbije. Posetioci Narodnog muzeja će od sredine januara REPURCHASE OF MEDIEVAL COINS FOR THE NATIONAL MUSEUM

lački tokom pet decenija skupljao srednjovekovni srebr- ni novac sa jasnom željom da celina od 251 primerka svoje trajno utočište nađe u centralnom i najstarijem muzeju Sr- bije – Narodnom muzeju. Komisija stručnjaka iz nekoliko eminentnih ustano- va je nakon detaljnog pregleda kovanica i hemijskih anali- za legure bila uverena da je reč o dragocenoj celini. Ne žele- ći da se ovakva mogućnost otkupa propusti, Narodni muzej je preko Ministarstva kulture i informisanja dobio bezrezer- vnu podršku i vanrednu finansijsku pomoć. Muzejski savet- nik dr Vesna Radić, kustoskinja zbirke vizantijskog, srpskog

moći da vide ovu jedinstvenu numizmatičku celinu izlo- ženu u atrijumu Narodnog muzeja. Počev od najranijih iz- danja srpskih kraljeva i careva, poput traheja kralja Ra- doslava sa Bogorodicom (1228–1234), preko Dušanove monete sa carskom titulom, sve do emisije srpskih des- pota Stefana Lazarevića (1389–1427) i Lazara Brankovi- ća (1456–1458), prvi put će biti izloženi unikatni primerci dinara – sa likom kralja Marka na konju, odnosno Đurđa Balšića sa šlemom i vučjom glavom.

Dinar kralja Marka 1371–1395. King Marko’s dinar 1371 -1395

Dinar Đurđa Balšića, 1370– Đurđa Balšića’s dinar, 1370-1378


T he Numismatic Department of the National Museum in Belgrade has been enriched with an exceptional col- lection of Serbian medieval coins. Driven by a collec- tor’s passion, the former owner collected medieval silver coins, carefully and expertly, over the course of ve decades, with the clear desire for the entire collection, comprising 251 examples, to ultimately nd a permanent haven in Serbia’s central and oldest museum – the National Museum. Following a thorough examination of the coins and chemical analyses of the alloys, the commission of experts from several em- inent institutions was convinced that this is a valuable collection. Not wanting to miss out on such a procurement opportunity, the National Museum, via the Ministry of Culture and Information, re- ceived unreserved support and exceptional nancial assistance. Museum Advisor Dr. Vesna Radić, curator of the Collection of Byz-

antine, Serbian and European Medieval Coins at the National Mu- seum, says with obvious delight that we’d never previously had an opportunity to repurchase a continuous series that follows the forging of coins by Serbian rulers from the mid-13 th to mid-15 th centuries, and which provides insight into the development of the monetary system of medieval Serbia. Visitors to the National Museum will be able to see this unique numismatic collection exhibited in the Atrium of the National Mu- seum from mid-January. Beginning with the earliest minting of Serbian kings and emperors, such as the coin of King Radoslav with the Virgin (1228-1234), via Dušan’s coin with his imperial ti- tle, all the way to the issuance of Serbian despots: Stefan Lazarević (1389-1427) Lazar Branković (1456-1458), unique specimens of the dinar will be on display for the rst time - featuring King Marko on horseback, or Đurađ Balšić with a helmet and wolf’s head.

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