Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia

Dear passengers, . JANUAR JANUARY A new decade is ahead of us; ten new opportunities for the best year ev- er, precisely 3,653 days and more than ve million minutes for new successes, journeys and memories. We at Air Serbia look forward to new beginnings and are eagerly spreading our wings to meet the adventures ahead.

Dragi putnici, Nova dekada je pred nama. Deset novih prilika za najbolju godinu svih vremena, tačno 3.653 dana i više od pet miliona mi- nuta za nove uspehe, putovanja i uspomene. Mi u Er Srbiji radu- jemo se novim počecima i nestrpljivo širimo krila u susret avan- turama. Januar je i mesec u kojem se, prema julijanskom kalenda- ru, proslavlja Božić – praznik koji se tradicionalno provodi u kru- gu najbližih. Prema srpskim običajima, u kuću se unosi badnjak, priprema se česnica, a porodica se okuplja oko praznične trpeze da bi uživala u trenucima mira i zajedništva. Neretko se porodi- ca okuplja sa svih strana sveta, a tu stupamo na scenu mi prevo- zeći na hiljade onih koji bi da se nađu u zagrljaju svojih najmilijih. Spajajući porodice, naročito tokom posebnih trenutaka kao što su

January is also the month during which we, according to the Julian cal- endar, celebrate Christmas – a holiday traditionally spent in the circle of our dearest loved ones. According to Serbian customs, the Christmas ‘Badnjak’ oak sapling is brought into the house, special česnica bread is prepared, and the family gathers around the festive table to enjoy moments of peace and togetherness. It is often the case that family members come from all over the world to gather, and that’s where we come onto the scene, transporting by the thousand those who would like to nd themselves in the embrace of their loved ones. It is by bringing families together, especially during special mo-

praznici, postajemo potpuno svesni koliko je važan posao koji obavljamo. Januar je i omiljeni me- sec svih zaljubljenika u zim- ske sportove. Baš tada je najbo- lje vreme za odlazak na skijanje i uživanje u snegu. Zbog toga smo pripremili brojna iznenađe- nja i popuste, a sve u cilju lak- šeg planiranja zimskog odmora. Da biste što bolje ispla-

ments like the holidays, that we become fully aware of the great importance of the work that we do. January is also the favourite month of all lovers of winter sports. It is the best month to go skiing and to enjoy the snow, which is why we’ve prepared numerous surprises and discounts, all with the aim of easing the planning of winter breaks. In order to help you plan your holi- day in the best possible way, we will al- so try to help you by suggesting numer-

Spajajući porodice, naročito tokom posebnih trenutaka kao što su praznici, postajemo potpuno svesni koliko je važan posao koji obavljamo

It is by bringing families together, especially during special moments like the holidays, that we become fully aware of the great importance of the work that we do

nirali svoj odmor, pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo i predlozima za odlazak na brojne zimske destinacije. Zato su pred vama zimske priče iz Austrije, Francuske, Crne Gore, sa Jahorine i iz Švajcarske. Zbog vas smo otputovali i u Istanbul, ali i zavirili u istorijske spise sa početka prošlog veka. U ovom Elevejtu saznaćete zbog čega je ja- nuar poseban mesec, kao i kakve ga zanimljivosti i verovanja prate. Raduje nas što novu godinu i novu deceniju započinjemo za- jedno. Hvala na ukazanom poverenju, trudićemo se da ga oprav- damo, kao i do sada.

ous winter destinations. That’s why you have in front of you winter stories from Austria, France, Montenegro, Mt. Jahorina and Switzerland. It is also be- cause of you that we travelled to Istanbul, but also delved into historical writ- ings from the beginning of the last century. In this issue of Elevate you will al- so nd out why January is a special month, as well as what kind of curiosities and beliefs accompany it. We are delighted to be starting the new year and the new decade to- gether. Thanks for showing us your trust, we will endeavour to justify it, as we have done to date.

Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija

Enjoy your ight and happy travels, Sincerely yours, Air Serbia

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