Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


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Posetite najveću baštu južnog Jadrana Znate li ko je admiral Fon Šternek? Veliki gradski park, ili zelena oaza, kako se ovo mesto drugačije zove, ima najveću botaničku baštu na južnom Jadranu, koja se prostire na čak četiri hektara P ark je nastao na zemljištu poznatih tivatskih plemićkih porodica Radali i Luković, a poznatiji je kao Mornarički park zahvaljujući komandantu ratne mornarice Austrougarske monarhije. Admiral Maksimilijan Daubleski fon Šternek došao je na ideju da cvećem oplemeni okolinu tadašnjeg vojnog brodogradilišta i ratne flote. Te 1892. godine Fon Šternek izdaje naredbu kojom je obavezao sve kapetane austrougarske mornarice da sa svojih dalekih putovanja u Tivat donesu primerke raznog bilja i rastinja. Nakon krstarenja po dalekim morima u Tivat su zaista počeli da stižu primerci raznog egzotičnog bilja, koji se i danas nalaze u tivatskoj botaničkoj bašti.

T he park emerged on land owned by well-known noble families of Tivat Radali and Luković, while it is better known as the Navy Park thanks to the Naval Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Admiral Maximilian Daublebsky Freiherr von Sterneck came up with the idea of using flowers to enrich the environment of the then naval shipyard and military fleet. It was in 1892 that von Sterneck issued an order obliging all captains of the Austro-Hungarian Navy to bring specimens of various plants and seedlings from their long voyages back to Tivat. After cruising distant seas, specimens of various exotic plants began arriving in Tivat, and can still be found in the Tivat Botanical Garden today.

Visit the Southern Adriatic’s largest garden Do you know who Admiral Von Sterneck was? The large city park, or green oasis, as it is otherwise called, has the largest botanical garden in the Southern Adriatic, spanning an area as large as four hectares

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The sea is always a good choice, even

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