Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


I f you’ve listened to Strauss’s An Alpine Symphony (be sure to read the previous article), I don’t need to waste words describing the beauty of those peaks and valleys. He took you to Germany, to the area around the famous Garmisch, in the most beautiful way possible, with wonderful melodies and notes. I’m leading you to the fast-owing River Mur, its picturesque hamlets and the bliz- zard-swept Austrian Kreischberg, and then to the world’s largest ski resort, the unsurpassed Three Valleys, Les Trois Vallées, in France, representing the winter dream of all lovers of snow We initially got lost in the magic of Austria’s landscapes, be- side the River Mur, which ows green and clear through the state

da smo iz unutrašnjeg bazena mogli da isplivamo u spoljašnji, gde smo se kupali u vrućoj vodi okru- ženi snegom. Pa onda saune i ostala blaženstva… Ipak, ništa nije moglo da se meri sa odlaskom na Krajšberg, jedno od najmodernijih i najpozna- tijih skijališta u zemlji. Žičara nas je dugo vozi- la kroz zavejane četinare, uspinjući nas na gotovo 2.000 metara, gde nas je čekao jedan divni Hans, instruktor skijanja pored kog bi zaista svaka nezna- lica brzo proskijala. Pa tako i ja! Dakle, nemojte da vas ubeđuju da pod stare dane ne možete da stane-

te na skije. Naprotiv! Lako je i toliko uzbudljivo da više nikada zimi neću poželeti da odem na more. Konačno sam otkrila o čemu to stalno priča- ju skijaši i zašto tako čežnjivo govo- re o planinama stalno im se radosno vraćajući. Neopisivo je to kad se nala- ziš na vrhu sveta, na mestu koje obič- no gledaš iz aviona, ono kad prele- ću snežne vrhove i čini ti se da tamo samo orlovi caruju. Kiseonik napaja svaku ćeliju, srce lupa od treme i uz- buđenja, dok škripi sneg pod skijama i čini se da baš ništa na svetu ne mo- že biti lepše od toga. Ovo poznato skijaško područje nudi ukupno 14 žičara i uspinjača sa 42 kilometra nagrađenih, uređenih, širokih staza, vrhunske škole skijanja

of Styria, surrounded by small villages that we imagined as being from some ancient stories that we read when we were little. The ancient town of Murau, located at the start of the valley, and the blizzard-swept Kreischberg above it, appeared to me – bathed as they were in the December sun – as though they’d escaped from some painting preserved in a museum. Still, without the won- derful people who were there to host and lead us, noth- ing would have been quite so perfect. We were accommodated in the Hotel Alpenblick in the centre of St. Lorenzen, just 300 metres from the ski slopes. We were greeted by Isabella, who immediate- ly made us feel welcome in this warm, family-run ho- tel that doesn’t waste a penny on formalities. The only thing that’s important here is that the guests are com- fortable and have everything they need when they re- turn from a day at the ski resort. We only included a ski programme for ourselves as of the second day, so we used that rst afternoon to relax in the hotel’s wellness

This ski area oers a total of 14 gondola cable and chair lifts, with 42 kilometres of award-winning, well- maintained, wide-ranging ski runs, a state-of-the-art school of skiing and snowboarding, as well as snow- making machines Ovo skijalište nudi 14 žičara i uspinjača sa 42 kilometra nagrađenih, uređenih, širokih staza, vrhunske škole skijanja i snouborda, kao i mašine za pravljenje snega

i snouborda, kao i mašine za pravljenje snega za sa- vršeno bele piste u svako doba. Deca naročito vo- le Krajšberg jer ima lift za bebe i magični tepih, a odrasli jer na ovako sjajnom mestu ne morate mno- go da čekate u redovima, nema gužve, a staze su sjajne.

centre, where we were, of course, most delighted by the fact that we could swim directly from the indoor pool to the one outside, where we bathed in hot water surrounded by snow. Then came the saunas and other forms of bliss… Nevertheless, nothing could be compared to heading to Kreis- chberg, which is one of the country’s most modern and famous

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