Elevate January 2020 | Air Serbia


Sa Cime de Carona imaćete besprekoran pogled na najviši evropski vrh Mon Blan From Cime de Caron you can have unhindered view of Europe’s highest peak, Mont Blanc

metres and covers a length of 760 metres, and it oers a driving experience that you certainly won’t forget. CIME DE CARON: BEST VIEWS OF THE ALPS Whether you’re a skier or not, you will love Cime de Caron! Board one of the panoramic cable car cabins and allow the most beautiful views of the Alps to gradually emerge in front of your eyes. You will have an unhindered view of Europe’s highest peak, Mont Blanc, as well as more than a thousand other peaks of the French, Italian and Swiss Alps. LES MENUIRES In recent years, the older buildings in this valley have been re- modelled into much cosier log cabin styles. Families mainly come here, who have a tendency to rent the same apartments year af- ter year and to concentrate their fun during the daytime, without the nocturnal temptations of Val Thorens. Les Menuires is an ex- cellent base for kids or those seeking to explore this huge ski ar- ea on a limited budget. The cable lifts and gondolas that lead to the other valleys and peaks are fast and ecient, while the local ski runs are excellent by any standards. Many of the slopes here face southwards, which ensures that they melt quickly in the spring sun, although the re- sort stays open until late April. But close by is also Val Thorens,

učine dnevnom, bez noćnih izazova Val Torensa. Le Me- nir je odlična baza za klince ili one koji žele da istražuju džinovski skijaški kraj s ograničenim budžetom. Žičare i gondole koje vode do ostalih dolina i vrho- va su brze i efikasne, a lokalne staze odlične za sve stan- darde. Ovde su mnoge padine okrenute prema jugu, pa se brzo tope na prolećnom suncu, iako letovalište ostaje otvoreno skoro do kraja aprila. Ali tu je Val Torens, sa ga- rantovanim snežnim pokrivačem od novembra do maja, pa se lako možete smestiti u Le Meniru i skijati do kasnog proleća u komšijskoj dolini.

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